Case Study on US Economy

US Economy Case Study:

US economy is the complex of the all kinds of the economic activity of the country. The USA is the post industrial country with the leading economy and prominent military power. It is the third largest country in the world according to its area and population. The US has diverse and highly-developed industry, the most important branches of which are machine building, transportation, production of various mineral resources, food industry, etc.

The location of the country and its area enabled to become the second largest producer of natural gas in the world and the third largest producer of oil. These resources are the most expensive nowadays and the economic growth depends on them greatly. Of course, the US is not the resource economy but the post industrial one and it means that the country develops numerous branches of industry, agriculture and focuses on services and high-tech production.

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US economy is based on private capital, wealth and the desire of becoming rich. Industrial, insurance, stores, farms, banks and the majority of the businesses of the sphere of services belong to private investors. The US industry is focused on metallurgy, machine building, high-tech production, automobile and aviation industries. Today the majority of the countries use the US planes, because its aviation industry has managed to manufacture the affordable and quality aircraft. Speaking about the US armed forces, the country devotes more money than any other country in the world; no wonder the US army is supposed to be the best in the world. The success of the US economy depends on the independence from other countries and their energy and natural resources. In addition, the country managed to use the wealth of its resources and develop many other branches of industry which has made the US the leading economy in the world.

The topic about US economy is very interesting for the research, because the student learns many new facts about it and receives the opportunity to evaluate it objectively. The main purpose of a case study paper is to train the student to research the problem in the appropriate way. One is supposed to analyze the cause and the consequences of the condition of the US economy and probably find the adequate solutions to the existing problems. The student can complete a well-investigated paper on a narrow topic and win the highest mark.

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