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Case Study on Accounting Theory

Accounting Theory Case Study:

Accounting theory is the set of documents, methods, techniques, etc used for the appropriate functioning of the important branch of finance – accounting. Accounting is known to be the old discipline and sphere of economics, because people of the 15th century already spoke about it.

Accounting is applied for the regular work of every private and public firm controlling the information about the profit and expenditures, success and failure of the firm and with the help of the methods of statistics illustrates the objective picture of the financial condition of the firm. Accounting as a separate discipline appeared approximately in the 17th century when the trade and financial activity became the prominent activity of a successful country. Every firm wants to regulate its capital and keep the situation under control, so the tools and methods of accounting have been worked out to reach this control. It is obvious that accounting theory helps every company navigate and exist on the market successfully. Continue reading

Case Study on IBM Company

IBM Case Study:

International Business Machines (IBM) is the transnational corporation, which is one of the largest manufacturers and providers of the computer hardware and software and also provides IT and consulting services. The company was founded in 1911 and was called Computing Tabulating Recording. The company was one of the leading manufacturers of the home electric appliances: scales, metering devices working time machines, perforating machines, etc. With the decision of the further development the company was reorganized in 1914 in order to produce the perspective tabulating machines. When the company entered the Canadian market, it was renamed into IBM.

The widespread nickname of the corporation is ‘Big Blue’, which came from the product of the corporation – mainframe computer which was extremely big (occupied the whole room) was painted in blue. The middle of the 20th century is known to be the beginning of the era of computers and IBM joined this sector of the market successfully in 1943. Continue reading

Case Study on Adidas and Reebok Merger

Adidas and Reebok Merger Case Study:

Adidas and Reebok are the world leading multinational companies producing sportswear and sports equipment. Reebok is considered to be the oldest company of this type, because it produces sportswear since the end of the 19th century. Adidas on its turn is a quite younger company and it appeared in 1920 and started producing sports shoes.

Both companies have been developing gradually and very soon conquered the market of the whole world winning attention and respect of new and new customers. In 2000-s both companies reached the top of their development and the companies did not only produce sportswear but also played the role of sponsors of numerous football, basketball teams, etc. Of course, in the modern world of strict competition on the market both companies strived to win the leading positions in the world. The financial position of Reebok was quite unfavourable and Adidas suggested merging both companies into the single unity. Continue reading

ICT Case Study

Case Study on ICT:

Information and communications technology (ICT) is the set of the information systems, networks and channels of data transmission, means of communication and management of the information flows. It does not worth mentioning that information is the most valuable resource nowadays due to the development of the information technologies, computer technologies, ways of communication, etc. The humanity spends more and more money on information and communications technology every year and today it is considered to be the most expensive but profitable investment. The sphere of ICT is quite young as it was recognized as a worthy participant on the market in the second half of the 20th century. The universities started to provide courses of ICT only in the end of the 1980-s so the sphere is still perspective and requires new fresh minds. ICT covers a great number of issues and nearly every sphere of the human activity depends on the quality of the IT. Continue reading

Case Study on Occupational Stress

Occupational Stress Case Study:

Occupational stress is the psycho-emotional condition of the organism which occurs during the process of work. It is obvious that occupational stress is one of the major problems of the modern human civilization, because the majority of time people spend at work.

Naturally, it is quite seldom that people find the job of their dream and receive pleasure while fulfilling it. More than 2/3 of employees are completely dissatisfied with the conditions of their work and their occupation. Nearly every person works in order to make money but not to improve its skills and knowledge and contribute into the development of the society. Of course, when there is such a poor attitude towards work, the issue of job satisfaction is not mentioned. When there is no the slightest job satisfaction, the employee faces stress and such a job influences his health negatively. The person who suffers from stress has problems with heart, nerves, sleep disorders, depression, etc. Continue reading

QWL Case Study

QWL Case Study:

Quality of working life is the criterion which is supposed to define the level of the employee’s qualification that helps him in his work. It is natural that quality of working life touches upon not only the employee’s success of the workplace, but also embraces a range of activities and skills which the person combines with her job. Speaking about quality of working life, the experts mean a set of the strong sides of an employee, which help him cope with the work successfully. To begin with, the level of education is very important for the definition of the QWL, because if the person is qualified and certified, she has more chances to cope with the duties effectively. In fact, education is not everything, because there are cases that an amateur who just likes the work and has natural will to it completes the work better than a top-certified academic. So, personal skills and talents are also counted. Furthermore, there should be a big interest towards the work, otherwise there will be no progress, innovations, critical thinking and desire to self-development. Continue reading

Case Study on Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease Case Study:

Parkinson’s disease is the slow progressing chronic nervous disease, which occurs among the elderly people. The disease is supposed to be one of the diseases of extrapyramidal system.

Parkinson’s disease is caused by the ruining and death of the neurons, producing neurotransmitter dopamine in the branches of the nervous system. The insufficient production of dopamine leads to the increased effect of basal ganglia on the human brains.

The major symptoms which are typical for Parkinson’s disease are muscular rigidity; hypokinesia; tremor and moving disorder. The modern medicine can not cure the disease or reduce its progressing, but there are remedies which can make the patient’s life easier and less troublesome. Speaking about the history of the description of the disease, the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease were found thousands of years ago in Ancient Egypt. Continue reading

Case Study on Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction Case Study:

Job satisfaction is the level of the employee’s satisfaction with the conditions of work, salary and the working atmosphere at the workplace. It is obvious that people work to make money and survive in the human society. In fact, the job must not only supply an individual with money, but also should be pleasant and useful for the self-development of the person improving her knowledge and mood.

Unfortunately, the issue of job satisfaction is quite controversial and complicated, because more than 2/3 of employees are completely dissatisfied with the conditions of their work and the type of their duties. When the employee is dissatisfied with the job, it affects him badly, because such a person is vulnerable towards stress, nervous breakdowns and requires more time to recover. In addition, job satisfaction affects the employer and the firm, because if the person is dissatisfied, she will not be able to work effectively and the quality of her work will be poor. Continue reading

Case Study on Personal Hygiene

Personal Hygiene Case Study:

Personal hygiene is the complex of actions aimed at the maintenance of the body’s health and beauty. Evidently, personal hygiene is one of the major factors which effect the human health and protect it from numerous diseases. It is known that the majority of the diseases are transferred into the human organism because of the low personal hygiene. If someone does not care about herself, there is a high chance to fall ill with numerous diseases, which could have been prevented with the simple washing of hands.

Personal hygiene includes basic activities like brushing one’s teeth, cutting of one’s nails, shaping body hair, washing, taking shower, cleaning ears, nose, etc. The basic actions of personal hygiene are taught to small children in order to make them follow the parents’ advice in future. It is obvious that it is impossible to live without the following of the rules of the personal hygiene. The issue touches upon not only of one’s body, but clothes, home, food products, etc. Continue reading

Micromax Case Study

Micromax Case Study:

Micromax is a large company in India which manufactures electronic devices and focuses of the production of the smart phones and mobile phones. Micromax is supposed to be one of the largest companies of this type in India and it continues conquering the market. In addition, the prestige of the company is so high, that it is supposed to be the eleventh largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world.

The company produces not only mobile phones but smart phones which can complete with the largest corporations in this sphere costing less and containing probably the same functions. The company also produces tablets and LED televisions, so that the choice of its production is quite high and continues increasing. The history of Micromax is quite short, because the company exists no more than fifteen years. With the intention to join the IT market and develop this sphere in India the company was founded and started to develop its own technologies. Continue reading