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Case Study on Technology in Education

Technology in Education Case Study:

Technology in education is the application of the scientific achievements and innovations in the sphere of technologies into the process of education. Education is a complicated activity which requires numerous alternative approaches, teaching skills, the favourable atmosphere and the useful equipment and appliances which would be helpful for studying. Nowadays due to the rapid development of the computer technologies the process of education can become more effective.

To begin with, technologies provide students with visual aid. Not every student is able to receive and remember information just through the listening to the teacher, because one can catch even more facts with the help of the eyes, which has always been a problem. Years ago one could not even imagine being able to demonstrate the images and movies about dinosaurs, various animals, historic events, etc but now computer technologies offer the wide choice of actions. Students can see what they are listening to and understand the material better. Continue reading

Social Science Case Study

Social Science Case Study:

Social science is a complex of disciplines which focus on the study of the human society from all possible sides trying to cover all the aspects of the human activity: anthropology, philosophy, psychology, economics, political science, etc. It is quite obvious that philosophy is the core discipline which influenced the development of social science, because all the existing studies originated from philosophy. So, the ancient philosophers started to think about the human society trying to understand the mechanism of its functioning and later on the research was conducted in the independent disciplines which study the direct sides of the human life: politics, social relations, employment, economic system, culture, religion, etc. Sociology is the discipline which studies an individual, groups of people and the human society in the global variant to understand the way of its existence. History is the special social science which studies the development of the human society from the point of view of history, from the past to the present. Continue reading

Case Study on Gifted and Talented Student

Gifted and Talented Student Case Study:

Gifted and talented student is the student which is supposed to possess the well-developed professional and writing skills which help him to organize the process of education well. It is obvious that the percentage of the gifted and talented students is quite low and the teaching staff should pay much attention to such students, because they can be called the ‘future’ of the society and the whole country. The work with the gifted and talented students is completely different from the work with the common students who require the standards of the regular educational process. Teachers and parents pay much attention to the organization of the educational process for the gifted students. When the student is talented, he can not waste time at the same classes working out the same material as the ‘ordinary’ students. He has to study the more difficult material improving his knowledge all the time. Continue reading

Gillette Case Study

Case Study on Gillette:

Gillette is the company which produces the personal care goods and appliances for shaving. The Gillette Company was founded in 1901 in the USA by King C. Gillette, an inventor of the safety razors. Since that time the company has been developing its appliances and production and offers a wide choice of products: safety razors, shaving systems, accessories for shaving and personal care products. Gillette produces also goods for women and the choice of the products is even higher than for the male series. In 2005 Gillette was absorbed with its relative companies (Oral-B, Braun, Duracell) by Procter & Gamble for 57 billion dollars and now Gillette is simply a part of the great corporation. Speaking about the products of Gillette it has a great choice of razor systems and every system has its own name which is protected with the copyright law. In spite of being the American company Gillette has its plants in Brazil, Mexico, China, Germany, Poland and Russia. Continue reading

Global Marketing Case Study

Case Study on Global Marketing:

Global marketing is the complex of actions and policies which are aimed at the maintenance of the international trade and promotion of the company’s production of the global market. It is obvious that nowadays we observe the effect of the process of globalization and the business can not be called a successful one if it functions only within its native country.

Modern successful business promotes its goods and services all over the world and broadens the circle of its clients enormously. Due to the evolution of economic processes business has new opportunities and ways of development conquering the international market. Naturally, it is not easy to promote the company all over the world and attract clients who belong to the different culture, have different values and worldview. So, first of all the businessman should brainstorm a really successful and useful product which would be interesting all over the world. Continue reading

Case Study on Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Case Study:

Generalized anxiety disorder is the psychological disorder which is characterised with the constant anxiety, which is not caused by the definite objects or situations. Very often the disorder is accompanied with trembling, muscle tension, sweating, palpitations, dizziness and discomfort in the area of ??the solar plexus. Quite a frequent symptom is the fear of a disease, an accident and other problems which can touch upon the patient and his family, friends and relatives; strong excitement and various forebodings.

Generalized anxiety disorder is more frequently met among women and is closely connected with constant stress. When the disorder is not treated for a long time, it can become chronic. Continue reading

Case Study on Red Cross Society

Red Cross Society Case Study:

Red Cross Society is the international organization which is aimed at the protection of the victims of the military conflicts, natural disasters, etc and supplying them the basic things which are demanded for the maintenance of the human life. The role of the Red Cross humanitarian society is really great, because the organization is always at hand in the corners of the planet which really require support. The organization was established in Switzerland in 1863 and its role was to help people who are deprived of the basic things necessary for life. Nowadays everybody knows about the existence of this organization and its great funds which always give hand to those who suffer from a certain natural disaster or a military conflict which touched upon the innocent people making them the part of the conflict depriving them of property and finance for existing.

Red Cross accumulates its funds due to the donations of the private individuals and public organizations which cooperate for the single humanitarian purpose. Continue reading

Social Justice Case Study

Social Justice Case Study:

Social justice is a broad term which is associated with the application of justice within the life of the human society on its all levels. It is characterised with the fair and lawful fulfilment of duties and tasks, the life according to the norms of the human society and the fair relations between the different social classes. For example, the social justice touches upon the issues of business, the relations of the employer and employee, the law, the relations between the crime and punishment, etc. In the economic sciences social justice means the equality of the people in the distribution of the limited resources. When there is no equality in these relations, they are treated like the unfair ones. In addition, social justice is one of the major parts of ethics and it is also characterised as honesty and kindness if we speak about the human traits of character.

The problem of social justice is extremely difficult and has numerous concepts in different philosophies and studies. The explanation of social justice in different branches of philosophy and religion are different, so it is impossible to define the single objective characteristics of the term. Continue reading

Case Study on Economic Crisis

Economic Crisis Case Study:

Economic crisis is the sudden reduction of the cost of the financial instruments. During the 19th and 20th century the majority of the economic crises were associated with banking crises and panic which occurred because of it. The most well-known financial crisis was the Great Depression, which struck the world in the first half of the 20th century. The term is also used concerning the situations on the stock markets, especially when economic bubbles crash. Speaking about the individual or personal impact of an economic crisis, it is reflected in the form of the reduction of the quality of life of an average citizen, especially the poor class. The most frequent causes of economic crises are not only the crisis of production, but leverage and the effect of crowd, which is associated with mass panic. In order to prevent or reduce the impact of the economic crises numerous international organizations (like International Monetary Fund) work hard to keep the financial situation under control. Continue reading

Case Study on Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education Case Study:

Early childhood education is the complex of techniques and methods applied for the child’s basic education. Early childhood education is associated with the work with the children who have not reached the age of eight. It is obvious that education is very important for children, but there are the opponents and supporters of this controversial problem, which have their own arguments.

Starting with the disadvantages of the early education it should be admitted that the child’s nature has not got used to obey and study for several hours a day. It is difficult for a five-year-old child to learn counting or reading, and many parents believe that the child should play all the time and do whatever he wants developing naturally. Moreover, many children can have problems with learning in such a young age, as there are cases that an infant can not even speak. On the other hand, the advantages of the early education are numerous. Continue reading