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Case Study on Violation of Human Rights

Case Study on Violation of Human Rights:

Violation of human rights is the complex of actions which break the norms and laws which protect and guarantee a human being from the illegal actions and abuse. In the times immemorial the human life did not cost anything and no one respected it, that is why such problems as wars, conflicts, capital punishment, etc were extremely frequent. Furthermore, numerous methods of torture and capital punishment, different types of weapon were invented for various purposes just because of the disrespect to the human life. The situation was the same till the beginning of the 20th century, when the general public started to think about the value of life and the unique traits of character of an individual. The last factor which provoked to the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 was the World War 2 and the Holocaust or the destruction of the Jews on purpose. Continue reading

Case Study on Vertical Integration

Case Study on Vertical Integration:

Vertical integration is connected with microeconomics and means the level of ownership of a holding, infrastructure, business processes, technologies, etc in the chain of processes required for the production of goods and services. The vertically integrated holdings are controlled by the single owner and it is the main difference between the vertically and horizontally integrated companies. Generally, a company of a holding produces a single particular product for the sake of the whole holding. For example, in the modern agriculture exists such a chain: collection of crops, processing of the product, its transformation, sorting, packing, storage, transportation and sell to the consumer. The firm which controls all the processes or links of such a chain is called vertically integrated. Continue reading

Case Study on Verbal Communication

Case Study on Verbal Communication:

Verbal communication is the type of communication which requires the use of sounds and language tools for the delivering of information and information exchange between several people. Verbal communication is the most important way of communication which enables to fill the process of communication with meaning and complete understanding. Of course there are methods of non-verbal communication and the use of gestures in the process of the delivery of information, but they are not so effective and seldom reach the desired aim. Verbal communication is the essential thing for the existence of the human society, because without communication people can not live and groups and coexist for the dingle purpose, that is why such process as education can be called a successful one only with the help of verbal communication. Continue reading

Urban Outfitters Case Study

Urban Outfitters Case Study:

Urban Outfitters is the American company which produces clothes and own more than 400 stores in the world. Urban Outfitters is the brand with the name and its production is popular among the definite sub cultures, which associate themselves with underground culture opposing to the standards of the world fashion. The company was founded in 1972 and produced clothes which was treated ironically but then became popular in funk culture. The company is also famous for its vintage, hipster and retro clothes, which becomes popular nowadays. The success of the company is connected with its attention to the customers and following their advice and demand. Urban Outfitters follows the latest trends popular among the underground youth and produces clothes which can emphasize the personality of young people, who always strive to be different from the others. Continue reading

Case Study on Tax Planning

Tax Planning Case Study:

Tax planning is the process of financial management which is aimed to organize the individual or the company’s budget in such a way to be able to pay all the taxes on time. It is obvious that paying taxes is fairly inevitable, because the human civilization is based on it. Taxes have been existing since the time immemorial, when the first countries appeared. Taxing can be called an important phenomenon, which maintains the proper development of the country and the local areas. People pay taxes for various purposes. First of all an individual wants to have the constant access to such resources as water, gas, electricity, etc. The apartment is supplied with these resources regularly if an individual pays the required sum of money to the local budget, or the public organizations which are responsible for these services. Then, everyone wants to live in peace and security. Continue reading

United Airlines Case Study

United Airlines Case Study:

United Airlines is the largest airline in the USA and one of the biggest airlines in the world. After the merge with the company Continental Airlines, which finished in 2010, United Airlines became the largest air carrier company in the world. The airline was founded in 1926 under the name of Boeing Air Transport. United Airlines is supposed to be one of the founders of the standards of flights and was the first company which provided its passengers with meal during the flights and the company is known to be the first one which introduced the profession of a stewardess. Ellen Church is known to be the first stewardess and after the successful introduction of this profession it became widespread all over the world. United Airlines was also the first company which became the victim of terroristic act. In 1933 the company’s plane exploded in the air because of the bomb, which was in the luggage compartment. Continue reading

Case Study on Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand Case Study:

Uttarakhand is the state in the northern part of India, which is mostly situated in Himalayas. The largest city in Uttarakhand is Dehragun. The state is located in the mountains and boarders on China in the North and Nepal is the South-East. On the territory of the sate have their beginnings the largest rivers of India: the Ganges and the Yamuna. Due to its location Uttarakhand is supposed to be one of the most picturesque places in India; no wonder the region attracts tourists and mountain climbers from all over the world. The greater part of the mountains is covered with forests; that is why flora and fauna of the area makes the state far more beautiful. Unfortunately, with the development of the human civilization, the greater part of the wonderful forests was cut down and the problem of deforestation is becoming more and more relevant in Uttarakhand. Continue reading

Case Study on Situational Leadership

Situational Leadership Case Study:

Situational leadership is the term, which describes the fact that leadership is a complicated problem, which does not have the single solution, because there are many situations, which require different approaches and methods of leadership. Leadership is the important quality, which makes the world go round, because only due to the activity and ideas of the leaders the human civilization exists and develops.

Leadership is required in all spheres of human life starting from the government of the whole country and finishing with a small firm which counts no more than 3 people in its staff. Furthermore, leadership is important in the family life; because there is always the one makes decisions, solves problems and controls the family budget, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis Case Study:

Gap analysis is the method of the strategic analysis, with the help of which it is possible to find the appropriate way to reach the desired aim. The method of gap analysis is extremely important for the development of business of any kind, because helps to calculate the potential of the company and its real condition and the quality of its work and define the actual loss of the potential on its certain stages. If the businessman receives the information about the lost potential of the company and manages to improve the quality of his business, the result of the gap analysis will be excellent.

The order of gap analysis is quite simple. First of all one should analyze the current condition and the quality of work of the company. It is important to collect enough information about the activity of the business, find out about any problems and weak sides in production, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines Case Study:

Singapore Airlines is the national airline of Singapore, which was founded in 1947. The first name of the company was Malayan Airways. The company is considered to be one of the most effective and successful and the quality of its service is evaluated with five stars by the consulting company Skytrax.

The airline organizes flights into more than 40 countries of the world and 90 airports, which makes it a serious company which is able to compete on the market of flights in the one row with other giants of this sector. The hub of the company is the Changi airport – the main airport of Singapore and the majority of its flights the company organizes from this place. The fleet of the company consists of more than 100 planes (Airbus ?340-500, ?380 among them) which are used for different purposes. Continue reading