Case Study on PR Policies

PR Policies Case Study:

Public relations policies are the methods and techniques which are used for making the product, person or service popular to the target audience. Obviously, PR is applied in numerous spheres of public life with the aim of attracting attention of the masses towards the certain personality, product or event. The attitude towards PR policies can not be the single and objective one, because there are always two sides of the coin. The first one is the advertisement of the positive events and activities which can be useful for the cultural or educational development of the society, for example, museums, universities, places of interest. The negative side of PR policies is the use of advertising among broad masses for the personal enrichment of the individual or groups of people who serve as the owners of the certain company which applies PR technologies to make the product popular and sell it to the great number of consumers. Continue reading

Case Study on International Arbitration

International Arbitration Case Study:

International arbitration is the method of resolution of conflicts which occur between several countries by the third people who do not belong to any of the two sides of the conflict and the solution is considered to the objective one. International arbitration touches upon a great number of issues – financial, commercial and political problems and relations between countries. It is obvious, that it is impossible to survive for the country it does not have any connections with the surrounding world, but these contacts often carry numerous problems – political and economic ones. When there are certain problems between the countries on the highest political level, the conflict or misunderstanding is most often solved with the help of international arbitration, the staff of which is selected form the reputed representatives from different countries. Obviously, that international arbitration is more focused on the commercial issues, as countries carry out international trade and when there are conflicts between the firms or big corporations belonging to different states, the problem is resolved by international arbitration. Continue reading

Case Study on HRM Planning

HRM Planning Case Study:

Human resource management planning is the process of the scrupulous and responsible selection of employees for the improvement of the quality of work. Obviously, it is of vital importance to plan the process of employment, because the staff is the heart of the organization which influences the quality of production and the gradual growth of the firm. The employer should pay attention to the level of education and qualification of the novice employees before hiring them in order to be sure that the new worker will be enough effective for the wellbeing of the company. Naturally, the process of HRM planning touches upon a great number of issues like the maintenance of professionalism of the staff in order to increase the employee’s performance and support the level of his job satisfaction. In addition, due to the wise planning of the employment of the right people it will be better to improve the competitive advantage of the organization as the qualified staff is the best plus for every business. Continue reading

Case Study on Japanese Culture

Japanese Culture Case Study:

Japanese culture is the set of spiritual and material values which originated in Japan and identify the spiritual, traditional and social life of the Japanese people. Japan has always been associated with the authentic and original elements of culture which do not look like any other world culture. It has a great number of material and spiritual elements of cultural heritage which define the originality and value of Japan for the surrounding world. Among the greatest achievements of Japanese culture are the examples of visual arts, sculpture and architecture, poetry, prose and drama, gardening, etc. Alongside there are many examples of the valuable philosophic and religious ideas which also differentiate the country from other parts of the world. The development of Japanese culture is connected with the original geographic position of the country, because the country has always been isolated from the rest of the world being located on islands. In addition it is difficult to speak about the complete unification of the single Japanese culture, as different regions of the country had their own language and local traditions. Continue reading

Case Study on Gay Discrimination

Gay Discrimination Case Study:

Gay discrimination is the problem of negative attitude towards homosexuals which is visible in all spheres of their life. Gay discrimination is quite a broad term which embraces not just the social issues but physical and psychological problems which can occur because of the discrimination. The most obvious element of gay discrimination is the negative attitude towards homosexuals at the workplace, educational institution, hospital, the police, etc. According to the latest statistics nearly every gay person has experienced discrimination at least once in his or her life and very often the discrimination is connected with various forms of violence. Many homosexuals suffer from physical abuse and chasing and they are not able to find friends and are even not accepted in their own families. When there is a problem with health and a gay person wants to receive first aid, there are cases when the quality of the healthcare service is low just because the physicist is a homophobe and he denies providing quality assistance to the patient. Then, if a homosexual becomes the victim of a crime or abuse, he often fails to receive help at the police, because of the widespread problem of homophobia in that place. Continue reading

Case Study on Environmental Analysis

Environmental Analysis Case Study:

Environmental analysis is the analysis of the external factors which can affect the prosperity and development of the company. Environmental analysis is an integral part of business and every owner of a firm has to pay attention to the numerous external factors which can cause harm or on the contrary maintain the development and improvement of business.

Very often it is not enough the create a detailed business plan for one’s company, because there are too many other factors which can influence the prosperity of the firm alongside with the quality of the product, its price and marketing strategy. Environmental analysis dwells on the research of the factors which can seem to be invisible or unnoticed but they still influence the business success. Continue reading

Case Study on Financial Abuse

Financial Abuse Case Study:

Financial abuse is the action of limiting one’s access towards his banking accounts or taking control over his finance with the purpose of limiting his freedom of choice and wellbeing.

Financial abuse has always existed in the human civilization, because money is a very powerful means of manipulation. The human being will do nothing without money, so when one is limited in finance, he will not have the full life.

Years ago husbands could manipulate their wives with the help of money, for example, deprived her of the access towards money in order to make her stay at home, etc. Nowadays there are similar situations when women are not permitted to go to work as their husbands wants to make them stay at home. Continue reading

Case Study on Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Case Study:

Business ethics is closely connected with social responsibility, because the idea of every business is not just to make money, but to solve the social issues and meet the requirements of the consumers. Business ethics is a complicated issue which touches upon many related problems – the maintenance of the quality of production, improvement of the quality of goods and services, maintain the appropriate attitude towards employees and consumers, etc. It is important to avoid using business only for the prosperity of the owner of the company, because the business should also bring something good to the society. Moreover, it is no right to cheat consumers and sell poor quality products which can be harmful for the human health and life, though this practice still exists in spite of the international standards and norms of quality and healthy production.

Social responsibility of business has the broader meaning than business ethics, because it touches upon the more serious problems making the firm or a corporation closer to the society. Continue reading

Case Study on Communication Failure

Communication Failure Case Study:

Communication failure is the phenomenon of the reduction of the quality of communication or its complete interruption under the effect of the definite factors. The quality of communication does not just depend on the communicative skills and knowledge of the sender or the speaker but also on the receiver, who listens to the sender and reacts towards his words.

The quality communication occurs if there is complete harmony between the both sides of the conversation which understand each other and cooperate for the improvement of their communication.

Communication failure occurs when there is misunderstanding between the sides of the conversation and the disability of one side to listen to the second one. The primary communication failure is the poor knowledge of the second side about the topic of conversation. When one does not know about the certain issue the first side is speaking about, he will not be able to support the conversation and present his point of view about it. Continue reading

Case Study on Decision Making under Uncertainty

Decision Making under Uncertainty Case Study:

Decision making under uncertainty is quite a complicated problem for the analysis, because most often people appear in such situations when it is difficult to say ahead whether the decision is right or not. The certain clear understandable situations occur very seldom, so people have to learn to make decisions in the state of uncertainty. The very first rule of the decision making under uncertainty is the ability to solve the problem in the easiest way. When the problem is very difficult and it is impossible to predict the definite consequences and effects of the decision, one will have to make the easiest decision which does not require enormous efforts. The second rule is connected with the positive side of the human ignorance. When the problem is complicated, the solution can be very easy but one does not simply see it because of his rich experience and deep background knowledge which keeps the obvious answer in the shade. Continue reading