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Case Study on Early Adulthood

Early Adulthood Case Study:

Early adulthood is the period of the human life from the age of 18 to 30. Women enter the period of the young adulthood earlier, so that from the age of 18, while makes enter it at the age of 20 or 21 as both genders are known to have differences in the physiological and psychological development.

From the point of view of physiology early adulthood is characterized with the increase of the muscle mass (in males) and accumulation of the body fat (especially in females). The human body stops to grow and all the processes connected with growing and adaptation of the child’s organism to adulthood are practically over. Early adulthood is one of the best periods of the human life, because the organism is young, the psychics is stable, the person is full of energy, ambitions and does not have any health problems. Continue reading

Case Study on Citizen Journalism

Citizen Journalism Case Study:

Citizen journalism is the type of journalism which gained its popularity due to the development of the Internet and new technologies. With the help of a camera, mobile phone or another device which has the function of video recording the ‘citizen journalists’ shoot the interesting and important for the society moments and hurry up to upload these photos into the Internet in their blogs, social networks, etc. Very often the audience of such blogs is equal to the number of the audience of the regular printed mass media.

Citizen journalism appeared in 2000-s with the development of the Internet and high technologies. For more than ten years citizen journalists collect and demonstrate such information, which has never been presented in the official mass media. It is obvious that a personal blog or the account in a social network is the ‘closer’ type of mass media than the official newspapers or TV channels, because a blog has a quality of an informal and friendly source of information. Continue reading

Educational Leadership Case Study Example

Case Study on Educational Leadership:

Educational leadership is the complex of efforts taken to improve the quality of education and management of an educational institution. The necessity of the creation of a school leader appeared in the beginning of the 20th century which the development of science and human rights. The educational process had to be improved seriously and the position of an educational or school leader appeared. First of all the principle of a school was called a school leader, because it is natural that the principal managed the school, suggested school subjects and employed the appropriate teachers into the teaching staff.

Unfortunately, it is not quite easy to manage a school for a single person. In addition, a principle is not aware about the problems of the educational institution, the reforms and changes which have to be carried out. Continue reading

Case Study on Economic Value Added

Economic Value Added Case Study:

Economic value added in corporate finance is one of the methods of the evaluation of the profit of the company.

EVA is the registered trademark of the consulting company Stern Stewart & Co, named after the founders of the model Stern and Stewart. The term EVA was first mentioned in 1989 but got its popularity and wide use after the publication in the magazine Fortune. The article presented the methodology of the model and the criteria of its calculations. In addition, the magazine contained the interviews with Stern and Stewart who presented the model in detail and explained its use on the basis of the leading American companies whose fortune was evaluated with the help of EVA. Since that time the method of EVA has become popular all over the world and such prosperous companies like The Coca Cola Company started to use it actively. Of course, the methodology of EVA can not be called the ideal one, so it has been improving constantly. Continue reading

Case Study on Garbage Disposal

Garbage Disposal Case Study:

Garbage disposal is the device which is used to grind and chop the food wastes into the small pieces. The garbage disposal unit is mainly placed on the kitchen below the sink and it is used to grind the wastes and bring good to the natural environment.

Evidently, food wastes occupy more than 20% of the wastes produced at home and something must be done to neutralize them. The wastes which are not chopped can be quite dangerous for the natural environment. The wastes are generally stored in landfills and with the run of time the products of the food wastes’ disintegration produce the carbon dioxide which increases the danger of the greenhouse effect. In order to solve this problem effectively the garbage disposal was invented in the first half of the 20th century in the US. Continue reading

Case Study on Banking and Insurance

Banking and Insurance Case Study:

Banking is the complex of the financial services provided for the people who want to operate their money safely and effectively. Banking touches upon every sphere of human activity and nearly everyone has his own account in a bank where he stores money, borrows money and takes advantage of the additional services like paying taxes, etc. It is obvious that banking is quite a useful sphere, because with its help one can be calm about his money.

For example, it is not safe to store money at home as a thief can easily steal everything. Banks have a strong system of protection and can protect the money form the risk of stealth. Banking and insurance are interconnected terms, because banks have to provide insurance for its clients if it wants to attract new and new ones. Continue reading

Case Study on Bank Marketing

Bank Marketing Case Study:

Bank marketing is the complex of actions and decisions aimed at the improvement of the bank’s services and attraction of new clients for the growth of the capital of the bank. The role of banks has been constantly increasing and it is important for the banks to broaden and improve their services all the time in order to be able to compete with other banks and satisfy clients constantly.

While choosing the bank people generally pay attention to the quality and quantity of the services offered by the bank. It is obvious that it is safer to devote money to the large banks which have won credit and respect. Moreover, large banks have the wider option of services, which can make the bank more useful and effective for everyone. There are several major marketing approaches which increase the bank’s chance to attract clients. Continue reading

Basic Financial Accounting Case Study

Case Study on Basic Financial Accounting:

Basic financial accounting is the branch of accounting which is aimed at the control and improvement of the firm’s finance system. Every firm has its duty to earn money and receive profit, but without the constant assistance of accounting it is impossible to keep the situation under control.

Basic financial accounting is supposed to help the executives of the company with decision making and solution of the relevant problems. This branch of accounting evaluates the financial situation of the company, analyzes the current functioning of the firm and makes sure the capital works in the appropriate way in the right sectors of the firm. It is of vital importance for the company to control the financial condition of the firm and react to its changes rapidly, otherwise it will be difficult to save it from bankrupting, crisis and other negative phenomena. Continue reading

Case Study on Bad Leadership

Bad Leadership Case Study:

Bad leadership is the phenomenon of the unskilful and negative impact of the leader on his organization and poor management of his staff and the whole activity of the firm. Bad leadership is quite a widespread phenomenon which depends on many reasons. First of all if the leader who started to manage the company does not have knowledge and experience of control, his work will be only for the worse. In addition, if the novice leader does not evaluate his firm objectively and makes controversial and destructive decisions, the situation of the firm can become worse. Naturally, bad leadership can be applied on purpose. For example, if the rival company wants to defeat the firm, it can probably bribe the leader of the firm or introduce their own leader into the firm and he would make destructive decisions. There are many forms of bad leadership which generally depend on the personality of the leader and his psychological condition and worldview. For example, the leader can be extremely strict towards his employees and make their life in the company unbearable. Continue reading

Case Study on Agribusiness

Agribusiness Case Study:

Agribusiness is the business which is closely connected with agriculture and the peculiarities of its work. Naturally, agriculture is one of the most important spheres of the human activity, because without good one can not survive. Moreover, agriculture is the oldest activity which provides the human civilization with food.

Of course, due to the long time of its existence, agriculture has numerous forms, types and methods and every region on the planet is unique in this case, as in different countries grow different crops, vegetables and fruit. The agribusiness is the branch of economics which maintains the appropriate activity of agriculture, makes it function well, etc. But the main functions and aims of agribusiness is not just to grow various vegetables and fruit, but to farm it on time, seed the new plants on time in order to provide people with food in the following seasons. Continue reading