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Case Study on Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular Dystrophy Case Study:

Muscular dystrophy is the disease which causes harm to the muscle and skeletal systems and affects the human health negatively. The disease is characterized with the alterations and destruction of the muscle and skeletal tissues, weakness and gradual reduction of the ability to walk and even move.

The disease was described in the 19th century by the French neurologist Guillaume Duchenne.

The doctor observed the condition and progress of the disease in little boys who were losing their capability of walking gradually. At first they just experienced muscular weakness and pain in bones but very soon they lost their ability to walk and died. The danger of the disease is the risk of the complete disability and even death. The patient does not only feels problems with moving, but also has troubles with balancing, atrophy, has respiratory troubles and problems with heart. Continue reading

Case Study on Queuing Theory

Queuing Theory Case Study:

Queuing theory is the branch of probability theory, which is aimed to research the rational choice of the structure and system of service on the basis of the streams of demands for service, the type and the length of a queue. In queuing theory the methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics are applied. The first attempts to research the problems of queues and their management were carried out in Denmark in the beginning of the 20th century.

Queuing theory appeared during the research of the telecommunication systems and the manner of their work. The telephone operators connected the people who tried to ring someone up one by one.

People had to wait in a queue in order to make a call. Of course, the queues were different and on the basis of the types of the queues various systems of management appeared. Later on queuing theory was applied in other spheres of the human life: business, office, store, plant, factory, cafe, hospital, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Job Analysis

Job Analysis Case Study:

Job analysis is the complex procedure which is aimed to measure the requirements and resources required for the appropriate fulfilment of the particular job. It is obvious that there are many various kinds of work and every type has its own demands and standards. The analysis consists of the range of the definite aspects and questions, so if one wants to conduct a successful job analysis, he should remember the major points which indicate the type and requirements of the job.

Recruiting an employee the employer is supposed to define what kind of worker he needs. So, job analysis is the essential part of the recruitment and selection process which is based on the finding of the right applicant. First of all one should think about the type of the job and create its general image. Continue reading

Case Study on Natural Selection

Natural Selection Case Study:

Natural selection is the major evolutionary process, which is characterized with the increase of the number of the individuals of the certain species which are supposed to be strong and prepared for the changes of the natural environment, so that they have the higher chance to survive. In the modern point of view natural selection is the main factor which develops the organism’s adaptation to the changes of the natural environment and improvement of the health and physical characteristics of the organisms. The natural selection is the single reasonable reason of adaptation but not the single reason of evolution. The latter is also caused by the genes’ alterations and mutations. The term ‘natural selection’ was introduced by Charles Darwin, who compared the natural selection to the artificial selection of species. He just defined that both processes are aimed at the change of the characteristics of species, but natural selection gives the chance for the strongest organisms to survive, making them better and less vulnerable and as a result closer to perfection. The artificial selection practised by the human being is not connected with the category of perfection, because people select the species with the very categories and characteristics they require for their household, food industry, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease Case Study:

Lyme disease is the inflectional transmission disease which is caused by the special types of bacteria (directly three types) Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto. This bacterium is active mainly in North America and the types Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii are active in Europe.

Lyme disease is the most common disease which transmitted by ticks of the so called genus Ixodes in Northern Hemisphere. The bacteria are transmitted to the human organism with the contact of the infected tick which bites the human skin. The bacteria get to the human body through the wound and the disease starts to progress. The first symptoms of Lyme disease are fever, fatigue, headaches and the special so called chronic migrating redness on the skin. In the certain cases if the patient is genetically vulnerable towards the disease, the area of the infection’s activity can spread to joints, tissues, nervous system and even heart. Continue reading

Case Study on Job Evaluation

Job Evaluation Case Study:

Job evaluation is a scrupulous and detailed analysis of a job and its comparison to other jobs within the organization or several organizations. The aim of job evaluation is to define the major aspects of the job and compare it to the other jobs in order to set payment for it and see its effectiveness. Job evaluation is easily confused with job analysis but the latter simply provides people with the general facts about the job without any comparison to the other jobs.

Job evaluation is conducted in the specific manner. The experts monitor the work, learn the detail information about the requirements of the work, the time and efforts required to fulfill it, so that they conduct the job analysis. On the basis of the job analysis the job is evaluated. The experts look through the results of the analysis and compare the manner of work, the terms, the use of materials, requirements of special skills and knowledge and finally they set the adequate payment for such a job. Continue reading

Case Study on Japan Tsunami

Japan Tsunami Case Study:

Japan tsunami is the name of the enormous natural disaster which occurred in Japan in 2011.

The country suffered from the earthquake which provoked powerful tsunami which caused even more harm than the earthquake itself. The earthquake with the power of more than 9 points occurred not far from the eastern shores of Japan and caused damaged of numerous buildings.

The earthquake is supposed to be strong even for Japan which got used to such natural phenomena during its long history. What is more, the earthquake is in the ten most ruining earthquakes the planet survived during its existence. The result of the earthquake is the shifting of Japan to the direction of North America in 2.4 cm. The earthquake caused strong tsunami with the huge waves, which reached more than 40 meters. It is obvious that the destructing power of such waves destroyed everything on its way. It is known that hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes and property, hundreds of buildings and automobiles were destroyed by tsunami. Continue reading

IKEA Case Study

IKEA Case Study:

IKEA is the Dutch company (it has the roots in Sweden) which is supposed to be one of the greatest owners of the retail stores selling furniture and home appliances. The full name of the company is IKEA International Group. It is known that the IKEA has Swedish roots and supports the reputation of the Swedish company in all the marketing communications. IKEA was founded in Sweden by Ingvar Kamprad, who was a perspective businessman since his childhood. At the age of five little Ingvar bought matches in Stockholm wholesome and sold them in his village for the more expensive price.

Ingvar continued this business further and soon increased the choice of his production and delivered the goods himself or by post. In 1948 he started to sell furniture and opened his first IKEA store. The chain of the stores began to develop very rapidly and in 1963 Ingvar Kamprad entered the international market starting from Norway. IKEA is the abbreviation ‘Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd’ which means the name of the founder and the place of his birth. Continue reading

Jeffrey Dahmer Case Study

Jeffrey Dahmer Case Study:

Jeffrey Dahmer is the American serial killer, who killed 17 men between 1978 and 1994 years. All the murders except of one were committed in Milwaukee, that is why the killer got a nickname Milwaukee Monster and Milwaukee Cannibal. Jeffery was extremely violent and his crimes astonished the police and the people around, because the murderer raped his victim, killed her and consumed the parts of the bodies. In general Dahmer was accused of murdering, rape, necrophilia and cannibalism and such a set of crimes has made him one of the severest killers in the history of law and crime. It is obvious that such a person could not be kept on freedom and he was sentenced to 15 life imprisonment terms. In 1994 Jeffery Dahmer was killed by his fellow inmate who struck him into his head. Jeffery Dahmer is the bright example of the serial killers and it is interesting to observe him from the psychological point of view, because it was obvious that such crimes can not be committed by an emotionally healthy person. Continue reading

Case Study on Jet Airways

Jet Airways Case Study:

Jet Airways is the airline, which is based in Mumbai, India. Jet Airways is supposed to be second largest international airline in India after Air India and the largest airline in the country which organizes inner flights. The airline’s planes make more than 400 flights every day in 64 airports all over the world. In 2008 Jet Airways was called to be the second largest airline which organizes long-term flies after Singapore Airlines.

According to the polls the company is the seventh most popular airline in the world. In addition, the company is supposed to have the most developed system of catering. Due to the fact that Jet Airways organized all kinds of flights about India (even the low-cost flies) the company is supposed to be the largest and most popular airline of India. Nevertheless, the company is in the harsh competition with other airlines of India: Kingfisher Airlines, SpiceJet and IndiGo Airlines. Continue reading