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Case Study on EBay

EBay Case Study:

EBay is the American multinational corporation which offers the services of online auctions (the primary activity), internet stores, shopping, money transfer, etc. The corporation manages the well-known web site and its versions for different countries of the world and owns the company PayPal. EBay Corporation was founded in 1995 and has its headquarters in California in the city of San Jose. At first its founder created an online auction and made it a branch of his website. Vey soon the auction attracted many people and the idea was developed further. The main idea of eBay is to enable people sell and purchase any items: equipment, technologies, toys, furniture, vehicles, etc, but there is a special list of items which can not be sold through eBay. The corporation itself plays the role of an ordinary mediator between the seller and the customer organizing their buy. EBay does not take the active part in the shipping of the items, because the whole responsibility for this job lies on the seller. Continue reading

Case Study on Dabbawala

Dabbawala Case Study:

In India dabbawala is the name of the person, who collects empty boxes from the consumed food to the companies which own them. In India workers do not have time to cook for themselves at lunch, so they take advantage of the numerous companies which offer the food which resembles the one cooked at home and carried by a delivery man. Many families earn money cooking food at home and caring it to the suburbs in the work centers in the special boxes or container. Being a developing country India can not afford using lunch-boxes only once, so such a profession of a dabbawala appeared. A dabbawala is connected with the companies and small businessmen who produce food and collects the boxes and containers from the customers and carries them back to the companies which can use them again. Continue reading

Case Study on Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders Case Study:

Eating disorders are the psychologically based behavioral syndromes, which are connected with the problematic consumption of food. Among the great number of the eating disorders there are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa,  and binge eating disorder. Eating disorders are closely connected with psychological disorders and depend on the condition of the human psychics.

Generally, all types of eating disorders are the results of stress or depression. For example, speaking about anorexia nervosa (that the enormous decrease of the body weight, caused by poor consumption of food), the disorder is widespread among the young women who try to look slim and nice and have the image of an extremely thin girl in their heads as an idol. They try to reach the image of this model and stop eating regularly or reduce the quantity and quality of food products considerably. Continue reading

Case Study on Ecotourism

Ecotourism Case Study:

Ecotourism is the form of tourism which is characterized with the visiting of the undisturbed places free of the influence of the human activity. The term ‘ecotourism’ was introduced in the 1980-ies and the practice of this kind of tourism is becoming more and more popular among the people who are looking for new impressions. Ecotourism is the balance and harmony between recreation and ecology and presupposes the wise usage of the natural values. The main features of ecotourism are the rejection of comfort, mass communication, and the inventions of the human civilization.

Furthermore, ecotourism advertises other values: observation of nature and broadening of the outlook and spirit on the basis of the communication with nature. The main idea of ecotourism is the involvement of tourism into the process of the protection of the natural environment. Continue reading

Economics Case Study

Case Study on Economics:

Economics is the discipline which studies production, share and consumption of goods and services. The economical reality is the object of the economical sciences which are divided into the theoretical and practical ones. Theoretical branch is also called the economical theory and it studies the peculiarities of the process of share, exchange and the choice of usage of the limited resources. Practical economics studies the abilities of the usage of the laws and theories created by the theoretical economics on practice. As a separate science economics appeared in the 18th century and since that time a great number of theories have been created which influenced the development of the discipline. According to the scope of research and the research approach economics is divided into microeconomics (studies the activity of the separate firms, companies) and macroeconomics (studies the national economics in the whole). Continue reading

Case Study on Economic Growth

Economic Growth Case Study:

Economic growth is the increase of the production in the national economics during the certain period of time. Economic growth is one of the most important factors of the human well-being, because the modern human civilization exists due to the global financial system and money has the largest impact on the majority of the processes.

Economic grows of every country is generally reached with the help of the intensive and extensive factors. Intensive factors are determined with the improvement of the work, systems of management, technologies, innovations, modernization of production and the improvement of the quality of the work force. It is obvious that the basis of the modern economics is the top-qualified employees. Continue reading

Case Study on Bakery

Bakery Case Study:

Bakery is an establishment and a form of business which is specialized in the production of the flour-based food and confectionery. As a rule, bakeries not only produce but also sell their goods in the bakery shops. Generally, the typical choice of goods in bakeries is quite vast. One can purchase bread, cakes, cookies, pies, sweat rolls, etc. Bakeries function for the different sort of customers and for the different occasions. The establishment is popular among the individuals, couples of people, who want to have a tasty snack and among the people who want to make their party brighter. For example, there is hardly a birthday or a wedding without a great decorated cake. Continue reading

Case Study on Balanced Scorecard

Balanced Scorecard Case Study:

Balanced scorecard is the system of management, which appeared in the 1990-ies. The aim of the system is to create more direct plans of the development and improvement of a company and ensure their realization. The system is broader than the systems which measure the financial performance of the company. Balanced scorecard is the source of information about the inner processes in the organization and their outer effect for the business. It is far more difficult to win the leading place in the sector of the market only due to the constant investment into the physical activities and financial management. It is more important to mobilize the non-physical activities of the company if it wants to gain success. In the modern time of the serious competition and extreme rivalry on the market the process of the long-term development is the priority. Continue reading

Case Study on Economies of Scale

Economies of Scale Case Study:

Economies of scale are the types of microeconomics, which define the reduction of the cost of the product on the basis of the size of business. For example, large companies have a priority over the smaller ones, because they can produce more goods and sell them cheaper without any harm for their general profits. As a result they win the competition and destroy smaller companies which can not compete and exist reducing their prices. There are two main types of economics of scale: the internal and the external economics of scale. The first one, the internal economics of scale defines lower prices on the basis of the potential of the company, which does not depend on anyone. Continue reading

Case Study on Bailment

Bailment Case Study:

Bailment is the action of the transfer of the possession of a thing from one person (who is called a bailor) to the other (called a bailee). The main aim of bailment is the benefit for one of the sides or for both of them. Bailment can not be confused with the process of selling, because when the object is sold, the rights on it are sold with it too. During the process of bailment the bailor gives the object into the bailee’s possession but the rights on ownership remain with the bailor. In this aspect bailment reminds renting, because the person uses the object but does not own it. There are three main types of bailment which are divided according to the characteristic of benefit: the first one is the type of bailment, which offers benefit for both the bailor and the bailee; the second type is the benefit exclusively for the bailor and finally, the third one is the benefit for the bailee. Continue reading