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Case Study on School Uniforms

School Uniforms Case Study:

A school uniform is the specific formal set of clothes which is worn exclusively for the educational process at school. Generally, a school uniform is the obligatory condition for students of infant, primary schools and sometimes for the comprehensive schools. The policy of wearing school uniforms is aimed at the students of younger age to teach them that the educational process is serious and all students are equal for the teacher. Moreover, it is supposed that various clothes disturb the educational process and some students feel inconvenient when someone wears more expensive clothes. This problem is quite serious, because very often children are abused because of the low price of their clothes, so the best way out is to introduce the single set of clothes for every student called a school uniform. Continue reading

Case Study on Teenage Stress

Teenage Stress Case Study:

Teenage stress is the type of stress which is typical for young people and it differs from the general meaning of stress greatly. It is obvious that teenagers are extremely sensitive people, because they worry about everything and treat everything seriously. Due to the profound psychological investigations sociologists and psychologists have distinguished the most typical reasons and symptoms of stress among young people. Moreover, it is obvious that teenage girls are more predisposed to stress, because their psychics is more sensitive than of the boys.

Nevertheless, both genders face the problem of stress, because they try to look grown-up, independent and successful. Furthermore, the key problem which interests teenagers is the opposite sex. No wonder, teenage stress more often appears on the basis of the relationship problems, troubles with parents, friends, school, classmates and difficult homework. Continue reading

Case Study on Asthma

Asthma Case Study:

Asthma is the disease which occurs in lungs and is characterized with the narrowed and seriously inflamed airways. Generally, asthma is a chronic disease which follows the patient till the end of his life. Unfortunately, the disease can not be cured yet but it is possible to reduce its negative effect to the minimum. Asthma occurs generally in childhood and is characterized with coughing, shortage of air while breathing, as the airways are narrow. Moreover, there is a specific wheezing sound in the process of breathing and it is easy to detect that the person has asthma. Evidently, people suffering from asthma face asthma attacks during stress and when the air is not favorable for them. Continue reading

Case Study on Social Marketing

Social Marketing Case Study:

Social marketing is the type of marketing which is supposed to use its instruments and potential for the improvement of life of a certain group of people or the whole society. At the very beginning social marketing played the role of an advisor of people and persuaded them to go in for sport, lead a healthy way of life, eat properly (consume only healthy food), give up smoking, use contraception to protect the individual and the partner from AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, etc. Today social marketing has a bit different meaning, because now it is the work of the commercial companies aimed at advertising of a brand and social values at the same time. The key elements of such a type of marketing are the research, development and production of the goods and services which can satisfy the needs of consumers and the creation of the social programs which are aimed at the advertisement of the social ideas and movements. Continue reading

Case Study on Office Management

Office Management Case Study:

Office management is the work which maintains the organization of an office and the company playing the administrative function. Office management is an important job, because without strict organization the development and normal work of the company is impossible. Office management serves to work out data, organize meetings and prepare reports and analysis on the fulfilled work. A professional team of office managers copes with great amount of the organizational duties; for example, they receive, work out, transform and deliver the required information to required body of the company, plan the working day, consult the clients, maintain health and safety of every department, etc. They take an active part in the process of marketing and calculate and analyze the profit and expenditure of their branch of the company. Continue reading

Case Study on Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome Case Study:

Nephrotic syndrome is a disorder connected with the poor immune system and the disability of kidneys to keep enough protein in the blood. As a result protein is transported from the organism in urine in great amounts. A great number of diseases occur on the basis of nephritic syndrome, resulted from the negative processes in the immune system which damages kidneys. At the same time, the quantity of lipids in blood rises which causes other problems. Nephrotic syndrome may occur because of genetic predisposition, because of infection and various diseases, like hepatitis, tuberculosis, VIH, malaria, diabetes, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Night Terrors

Night Terrors Case Study:

A night terror is a dreaming disorder, which is characterized with the sudden waking up in the condition of strong fear. A person wakes up and sits on the edge of the bed with shaking hands, shouting or walking around the room or the apartment. The eyes are open wide, the heart is beating very fast and the human is shaking. Such conditions can last from one to ten minutes and the it is very difficult to communicate with the person in such circumstances, because she does not understand whether she is still sleeping or not. Moreover, the person seldom understands that the people are around are the real ones. After a few minutes the person can fall asleep again but she does not remember anything in the morning as a rule. The most common terms of night terrors are four hours after the person has fallen asleep, when the depth of the dream is the strongest. Continue reading

Case Study on Technology

Technology Case Study:

Technology in the broad meaning is the set of processes, methods and materials, which are used in a certain sphere of human activity and also a scientific description of the technical production.

There is also a narrow meaning which says that it is the complex of means, processes and methods used for the production, repairing and exploitation of a product which possesses the required qualities and functions which meet the level of the current development of science, engineering and society in the whole. At first technology meant a set of skills and knowledge about something which helped to solve the important questions and troubles of that time. For example, the invention of the wheel gave birth to the technology of wheel making, so that the skills and knowledge required for the production of a wheel. Continue reading

Case Study on Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater Treatment Case Study:

Wastewater is the domestic, industrial, rainfall and ground water which is removed with the help of the sewerage system. It is obvious that without a sewerage system a city will not be able to exist normally.

In order to maintain hygiene and sanitary in the separate apartments and the whole city the sewerage systems have been created. People use water for various purposes. First of all we use for the domestic purposes, like washing, laundry, bathing, sanitary purposes, etc. Evidently, such water can not be used several times and it is important to remove it from the apartment in the effective way. Centuries ago there were no sewerage systems and people just poured the wastewater into the street. It does not worth mentioning that cities were extremely dirty and the terrible smell was felt in its streets. Moreover, wastewater is the reason of various diseases and epidemics. Then, wastewater from the plants, factories, power stations is also quite dangerous, because it is contaminated with waste materials and chemicals. Continue reading

Case Study on Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis Case Study:

Multiple sclerosis is the disease, which attacks the nerves of the human brain and the spinal cord. Generally, hearing the term sclerosis, people imagine a person who has problems with her memory and can not remember things. In this case sclerosis is something else, because a great number of nerves over the whole brain and spinal cord are injured leaving multiples signs of injury.

Evidently, the result of the injury of the nerves is the general change of the sensory and motor abilities of the human body, reduction of the quality of eyesight, which makes people’s life complicated. Multiple sclerosis is quite a frequent disease in the world, because only in the USA the number of patients is more than quarter of a million. Continue reading