Category Archives: Case studies

Case Study on Human Resource Management

HRM Case Study:

Human resource management is a complicated policy which controls the activity, success and quality of work of employees within the company. Human resource management includes a great number of fields and disciplines, like psychology, economics, job satisfaction, qualification, etc.

A well-trained experienced and multitasking employee is the key to success of every type of business, because most often the key role in the development of business plays not the equipment and brand new technologies, but smart skillful workers, who devote their time and energy for the improvement of the quality of work and profit of the whole company. So, in order to win the attention and respect of his employees a good businessman should be aware about the slightest peculiarities of human resource management which includes communication with people. Continue reading

Case Study on Intercultural Communication

Intercultural Communication Case Study:

Intercultural communication is the experience of the communication of the representatives of different countries. Global communication is not an easy thing, because every culture has its own qualities, traditions, customs, language, the way of thinking and world perception. Evidently, there are always problems and misunderstandings in communication between people from all over the world and a range of sciences and disciplines studies theses difficulties in order to reduce the cultural barer between people. Such disciplines as psychology, linguistics, ethnology, anthropology, social studies, etc. help people understand the reasons of the behavior and world view of different people. Intercultural communication is very important for research, because the modern world is mostly based on it. The world has become smaller and people are able to travel wherever they want, so the necessity of being aware of the peculiarities of the country and area is very important. Continue reading

Case Study on Industrial Relations

Industrial Relations Case Study:

Industrial relations are the set of disciplines which research the relations between employees.

Industrial relations are scrupulously analyzed by professionals, because these relations influence the quality of work, job satisfaction, development of business and economics greatly. First of all, relations are characterized with the information about the duties and rights of the employees. They have to know what they are expected to do and what they can do if there is a certain problem with a boss or manager. Much attention is paid to the ethical side of industrial relations, because emotional well-being and healthy working atmosphere are often the key factors which influence the quality of work. Smart businessmen should be aware about the principles of the industrial relations in order to carry out the policy of human resource management professionally. Continue reading

Case Study on Self Esteem

Self Esteem Case Study:

Self esteem is the quality of the character of an individual which is characterized with the satisfaction of himself. When a person realizes that she is worth something, that means she possesses self esteem and self respect. Of course self esteem should not be confused with egoism, because the latter quality is negative and means that a person loves and respects only herself and treats other people negatively. Self esteem is a very important quality which is the key to success in everybody’s life. When a person respects herself and is satisfied with her actions, she will reach a lot. Unfortunately, today many people suffer from low self esteem, because they had problems in childhood which influenced badly on this quality. The simplest example is school. Continue reading

Case Study on Samsung Electronics

Samsung Case Study:

Samsung is one of the most successful corporations which offer a wide choice of products and services, mostly based on electronics, finance, building and industry. Samsung has a very long and dramatic history. The company was founded in South Korea in the first half of the XXth century and its activity was too far from the well-known modern one. At first the company traded with food, clothes, textile and security services. With the run of time the circle of services grew rapidly and in the 1980-s Samsung started producing electric devices. Their first products of this type were TV-sets and later on the first mobile phones and telephone devices. When the company started to produce and sell PCs, it achieved success very fast. Continue reading

Case Study on School Management System

School Management System Case Study:

School management is the complex of decisions, solutions, actions and policies which regulate the organization of the school, its educational process and the rights and duties of students and teachers. The government of every development country which cares of its educational system and satisfaction with the process of both teachers and students introduces computer technologies into the organization of the educational process.

School management system is the set of computer software which is used with the purpose to organize the process logically and conveniently for everyone. For example, the system contains rich databases, which inform students about the working day, any innovations, changes in the timetable, etc. With the help of school management system one will find his marks on every subject, will see his debts, what he has to hand in and whether his general progress id successful. Continue reading

Case Study on Abuse

Abuse Case Study:

Abuse is the negative behaviour or treatment of a certain person with the purpose to harm her. There are many ways of abuse, which are all actively practised nowadays. For example, physical abuse may be characterized through beating, making injuries for an individual; sexual abuse is also the type of physical abuse which includes different forms of sexual exploitation of a person and it is obvious such treatment affects the body and the soul terribly. Besides, there is moral abuse, when the person is not beaten but neglected, shouted at, humiliated. Such kind of treatment affects human psychics badly, provokes stress, and reduces self-esteem and self-respect. Abuse is a widespread phenomenon among children. Nowadays nearly every child experienced child abuse on his own skin at school. When the kid differs somewhat from the others or has any disabilities or obesity, he will be surely abused at school. Continue reading

Case Study on Information Technology

Information Technology Case Study:

Information technology is the complex of disciplines which cooperate to create keep and transform information with the help of the network and computer software. Today information technologies are mostly associated with computers, and no wonder, because people keep their important data in their PCs, servers of the networks and it is generally protected there well.

Information is the most valuable thing today and people spend much efforts, money and resources to keep and protect data effectively. The experts in the sphere of information technology are extremely required nowadays, because every organization, from a school to a great corporation needs a good team of IT professionals who will create, keep, transform and protect its information. Continue reading

Case Study on Social Media

Social Media Case Study:

Social media is the kind of mass media which helps people, create, deliver and exchange information between one another. There are hundreds of websites, which serve people with this purpose. There are social network sites, which gather people who share common interests. For example, people who enjoy art, certain movies, actors, books gather on such websites and discuss these problems, find friends and exchange experience with one another. People are able to find any kind of data they require, download, and exchange information with anyone in the world very easily. The most well-known example of social media is Facebook, then, there are special blogs dedicated to certain limited problems. Blogs are operated by famous writers, journalists, artists, actors and ordinary online users who share information with the general public. Continue reading

Case Study on Information System

Information System Case Study:

Information system is the complex of the technical, computer software and professional employees which work for the proper and on time delivery of the required information. Information is the most valuable thing nowadays, because if you possess information, you can make money and possess material values. Information controls every field of human activity. Every sphere, profession, branch of economics, politics, business, and education exists and works due to information. No wonder, every sphere of human life has got its own information system, which is the set of data valuable and important for its proper functioning. For example, educational information system provides all the educational institutions (schools, colleges and universities) with the essential data, requirements, programmes, acts, documents, which should be carried out in every institution. Continue reading