Category Archives: Case studies

Case Study on Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Case Study:

Domestic violence is defined as a pattern of abusive behaviors by one partner against another in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating or family. Domestic violence is mostly caused by men; women and children as a result become victims in this case. Domestic violence against women has been quite widespread in all over the world for centuries, because women possessed less rights than men. Men got used to family abuse and their wives did not have the right to oppose their husbands. Domestic violence is mostly caused by alcohol and drugs. Very often husbands under the effect of alcohol lose control and their minds and abuse their wives and children, what makes the life of the latter unbearable. Domestic violence caused by women can be also found nowadays but no matter who has started the abuse, the greatest victim is the child. Domestic violence in modern period is common problem of the poor countries, as the atmosphere in such families is stressful, people feel lack of food and clothes and as a result quarrels occur. Domestic violence in developed countries can also met but their rates are much lower.

A successful case study on domestic violence should present the problem from all sides. One has to present the reasons or violence and its impact on the life of a family or a couple. It will be a plus to present the varieties of violence, like physical and psychological and analyze its harmful effect. A case study should contain wise ideas which will help the humanity to get rid of domestic violence. You may create some concepts or offer some laws, which will reduce the rates of family violence and protect its victims. Continue reading

Case Study on Bullying

Free Case Study on Bullying:

Students who have decided to research the problem of bullying should treat the problem seriously in order to complete an interesting, informative and valuable case study. The problem of bullying is quite difficult for analysis because of its size and number of the questions connected with this topic. It is difficult to find enough data on the problem, because the quantity of the publications on the topic is quite small. Moreover, if students find data, they do not know how to arrange it logically, so free examples of case studies on bullying in the Internet are the most reliable helpers for the students who have difficulties with case study writing and want to improve their skills.

Bullying is the use of force to abuse and intimidate others. This behavior is quite popular in school.

Evidently, there is at least one child in the class who is being abused by his class mates. Writing a case study on bullying in school, you should concentrate your efforts on the revealing of this problem, presentation of the impact of bullying on the child’s body and soul. Continue reading

Case Study on Abortion

Free Case Study on Abortion:

Almost all students who study at High school, College and University will face the problem of writing a case study on abortion, because this topic is very important nowadays and attracts much attention of the public. Being a complicated topic, it requires only reliable data and minimum of imagined facts and narration, that is why students often apply for professional writing help in the Internet and read free samples of case studies on abortion there to raise their chances of writing a good case study paper.

Abortion is a procedure aimed to stop pregnancy. The general attitude towards abortion is extremely different and categorical. Many people, including doctors support abortion or at least some of its kinds but every scholar agrees that the procedure should be done as early as possible, because abortion at later terms is a big threat to the life of a woman. Continue reading

Depression Case Study

Free Case Study on Depression:

Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can have a negative effect on a person’s thoughts, behavior, feelings, world view and physical well-being. Depression can be caused by a great number of factors. First of all, it is a reaction of the organism towards the circumstances in life. When something bad happened , many people, especially women, can feel depressed, which is noticed on the behavior. Depressed people often feel sad, worthless, angry, irritable; they can be energetic or on the contrary stay motionless feeling lack of energy. Such condition is extremely negative for the human body and soul and a range of diseases can be caused as a result of depression. A characteristic feature of depression in teenagers and children is the intention of committing a suicide. That is why it is very important to support a close person who feels depressed and take care of her to avoid terrible actions and behavior from her side.

A perfect case study should describe the problem in detail and explain the reasons and the types of depression. Then, one has to present the impact of depression on the human mind and analyze the possible consequences of this mood. \Being a case study, the paper requires concrete examples of depression from the real life. Find a situation or case, analyze it seriously and present the way it was solved. Then, introduce your own effective solution to the problem under research to make the case study not only informative but valuable and personal. Continue reading

Car Crash Case Study

Free Car Accident Case Study:

For the situation with Barney Smith’s car crushing into Lula Mae Johnson’s house and then causing all other injuries were the following causes.

The first reason for all accidents to happen was the low quality of Fire brand tires, which therefore are not safe to use on road on behalf of their defects – the accident with Barney’s car proves this fact. Therefore, the defendant is the FireBrand Inc., which produces low quality, even dangerous tires without warning the customer of the possible defects.

Then, subsequently, Barney’s car knocked down the utility pole. The reason for the utility pole to be at that place was that the Electric Power Co. Inc. has ignored prescribed standards, and has placed the utility pole not in accordance with the legislation, citing and defining standards for the minimum distance between a utility pole and a lively road. The defendant in this case is the Electric Power Co. Inc., for the corporation has violated legislation and has put people, who are living in that neighborhood in danger. Continue reading

Case Study on Child Obesity

Free Case Study on Child Obesity:

Childhood obesity is a condition where excess body fat negatively affects the child’s health or well-being. Obesity is a big problem of modern society and has a bad impact on the human body and mind. It is obvious, that obesity is caused by the range of different factors. First of all, obesity has become a typical disease of the rich top-developed countries, as people have got used to eating much and they can afford it; then, obesity is called by the low-quality so called fast food, which contains great amounts of fat. Finally, obesity can be connected with a genetic factor, which means parents who suffer from obesity will have children who will probably suffer from this disorder.

Nevertheless, no matter what the reason of the obesity is, the biggest suffering it causes for children. When a kid suffers from overweight, he usually feels lonely and has lack of confidence and poor self esteem, because other children always play tricks on such children and often neglect them. Continue reading

Child Development Case Study

Free Case Study on Child Development:

Child development refers to the biological and psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence. The process of the development of a child is quite long and requires much efforts and nerves. The problem has bothered parents from the dawn of human civilization and the process of bringing up was improved all the time. It is not easy to bring up children and to control the process of their development but there are many methods and techniques, which enable parents to do it. The child’s development depends on different factors: genetic factor, environmental factor and individual factor. The period of child development also depends on the individual factor. One kid can develop emotionally and socially quite fast, the other needs several years more to develop to such an extent. Various pedagogues and psychologists have introduced a range of techniques, which can improve the child development, if it is slow, correct it or control it in proper way. Continue reading

IBM Frames Case Study

The IBM Frames Case Study:

Researchers have investigated leadership and management from different perspectives during many years. They developed some approaches to leadership. The task of this paper is to show how the effective leader had brought the integrative vision to the problem by using different frame management approaches. The other important theme of this research is to describe a role of this transformational leader on the corporate landscape.

For every business, solid leadership and management are keys to success. Companies benefit from managers who understand the operations of the business and the marketplace it serves. To provide the right guidance a manager must focus on four foundations of management: Organizing, Leading, Planning, Controlling (John, 2000).

Organizing allows for the supervision and management of complex operations. It also fosters an increased sense of responsibility among employees. This aids in team building, an essential part of the organizing function. Continue reading

Twelve Angry Men Case Study

Free Case Study on 12 Angry Men:

When people execute justice they are placed in the situation when the human beings have to take a decision defining the destiny of the human being like them. The laws which are to protect society sometimes contradict the nature of the human being, i.e. they may cause the violent death in the form of death penalty. But society has to apply such laws to protect its members from the violence. People who decide the destiny of the accused take a great responsibility for their verdict. They are guided by the law, logic and their life experience.

The brilliant movie Twelve Angry Men reveals the process of taking the decision in case study. The plot is very simple. Actually the film reveals a complicated process of taking the decision by the jury regarding an 18 year old boy who is on trial for the murder. He accused in murder of his father and the jury has to take difficult decision which may lead to the death penalty.

Twelve men, members of the jury are anonymous just to underline their disaffection regarding the case. The movie puts the questions whether the jurors should apply their life experience and personal attitude or not. Should they be guided by the logic and law only? It is naturally the jurors may commit certain mistakes because they are human beings. The mankind has not yet invented a legal mechanism according to which the defendant could be sentenced by machine and, thanks God it will never be invented. Continue reading

Law Case Study

Free Case Study on Law:

1. Explain the main principles of the doctrine of judicial precedent, using appropriate examples from the case as illustration.
Judicial precedent is a part of the common law, which is present primarily in the Anglophone countries and is an indispensable part of it. Judicial precedent means that in order to remain fair and just one needs to apply the same penalty for the same/similar situations. Precedent thus, means the past practice of dealing with the given type of offence, which in common law would be applied to the same or similar situations.

In the case of willaims-v-roffey brothers & Nicholls the precedent was used to determine whether or not the plaintiff breached the sub-contract and whether or not subcontractors were to pay additional sum of money. The situation noted that the sum of the contract originally was too low and unprofitable for the plaintiff yet in oral agreement the contractors agreed to pay additional sum after job was fully completed. The plaintiff finished only a portion of the job and achieved what was said to be a reasonable completion rather than fully finished the flats.

At the same time, some of the services provided by the plaintiff were found to be defective, plus the plaintiff ceased the work and thus according to the contractors breached the contract and caused damages to the contractors. Continue reading