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Tips: Writing a Case Study in Psychology

and university students who have chosen to prepare a good psychology case study are supposed to be aware about the structure of the paper, the manner of writing and the peculiarities of the topic and the discipline. If the student has troubles with the process of writing, he can look through psychology case study writing tips and catch the right manner of writing and analysis of the problem.

  1. Study the Topic AttentivelyFirst of all one should understand the topic and focus on the points which require deeper analysis. The topic is always narrow, because the case study is supposed to contain information about the definite problem in the field of psychology. The most common topics are related with various psychological disorders and theoretic properties of the systems and approaches towards the research of the matters on psychology. Continue reading

Case Study on Osmosis

Osmosis Case Study:

Osmosis is a spontaneous move and directed diffusion of the substance through the partially permeable membrane, which separates the substance form the pure solvent or from the substance with the less concentration. Osmosis is caused by the need of the system to the thermodynamic equilibrium and equalization of the concentration of the substance on the both sides of the membrane. Osmosis is characterized with the osmotic pressure which is equal to the excessive external pressure which should be put from the side of the substance in order to stop osmosis.

Osmosis plays a very important role in the physiologic processes and is used in the study on polymers and biologic structures. Osmosis is one of the colligative properties of solutions, which depends on the quantity of the dissolved parts but not on their structure and nature. It is obvious that osmosis influences the life of cells in the high extent, because their membranes always coexist with various solutions. Continue reading

Occupational Therapy Case Study Writing

Case Study on Occupational Therapy:

Occupational therapy is the special medical complex of exercises and activity aimed at the improvement of the physical and psychological condition of the patient. Naturally, if the person has problems with health, it becomes difficult for her to have a regular social life. This problem is far more relevant for the people who have physical disorders and require constant help and attention of the third people. It does not worth mentioning that it is quite difficult for the disabled people and the patients who have lost certain physical abilities to live in the society and the occupational therapy is supposed to cure them partially.

The complex of various exercises is able to return the patient to the independent life and to stop being the burden for the family and close people. The most frequent cases connected with the loss of physical abilities are the patients who have survived heart attack and a stroke. Continue reading

Case Study on Violence in the Workplace

Violence in the Workplace Case Study:

Violence in the workplace is the offensive activity of employers and certain employees towards the definite members of the staff and these activities are caused by the special factors which differentiate the victim from the rest of the staff.

Violence in the workplace is a common problem nowadays, because in spite of the propagation of the democratic values many people still behave violently start conflicts without any serious reasons.

The majority of the conflicts in the workplace appear because of the slight misunderstandings and the lack of the personal and organizational culture. The company is supposed to make its employees cooperate in the right way and provide healthy atmosphere for their work. Violence in the workplace is divided into many kinds. The first type is the aggression and envy because of the success of the one group of employees and failure of the other one. Continue reading

Case Study on Piaget’s Theory

Piaget’s Theory Case Study:

Piaget’s theory is the theory of the cognitive development presented by the Swiss philosopher and psychologist Jean Piaget. The theory discusses the way of the development of the human intellectual processes: perception, memory, solutions of tasks, decision making, imagination and attention. Paget has done serious work about the description of the human intellectual processes, the aspects of the human psychology, the interdependence of the physical development with the emotional one, the manner of the human brain to cooperate and coexist with the natural environment for the solution of the different tasks and live problems. The theory observes the creation of the schemes of the world perception on the stage of the growth and development (at the time when children develop new ways of the accumulation of information in the brains. Piaget’s theory is supposed to be the constructive one, because in comparison with other theories it claims that everyone constructs his cognitive abilities with the help of the activity in the natural environment. Continue reading

Case Study on Violence in School

Violence in School Case Study:

Violence in school is the offensive behaviour of the certain students towards the other ones. Violence in school is the common problem in every school all over the world. Children are the same everywhere and their offensive behaviour frequently depends on the social status, wealth of the family and the country. Nearly in every class there are several students who suffer from the offensive physical and psychological attacks of other students. The targets of violence are generally different from other students and young people are known to treat everything different in the negative way. The common students who suffer from attacks are the ones who suffer from obesity, have the different colour of skin, origin, style, world view, who likes another genre of music, etc. The methods of violence are quite different. The common ways are the verbal attacks which are aimed to affect the student’s emotions and hurt the self-esteem and consciousness. Continue reading

Case Study on Personality Theory

Personality Theory Case Study:

Personality theory is one of the approaches towards the understanding of the personality, its traits, behaviour, social features, physiological and psychological peculiarities, etc. A personality is a complex term which describes the person who has achieved the definite level of the psychological maturity, life experience, wisdom, has got her place in the human society, etc. The explanation of the term of personality is quite difficult because of the great number of the approaches towards the problem. There are many personality theories which observe the issue from various points of view: psychology, sociology, political sciences, economics, etc. There are also various theories which illustrate the approach towards the origin of personality and the influence of the society and genes on the type of the human character and behaviour. For more than four centuries philosophers have been discussing this problem and there are two dominant opinions about it: the personality is formed by the social environment and the personality is formed only due to its genes and the society does not play any role in this process. Continue reading

Case Study on Object Oriented Design

Object Oriented Design Case Study:

Object oriented design is the integral part of the system of interacting objects which is aimed at the solution of various software tasks. Object oriented design is one the branches of the software design and it is characterized with the fact that the program is understood as the number of objects which cooperate and coexist with one another. Every object which is connected with other objects forms a complicated system.

The objects contain data which is divided into the independent blocks coexisting with other blocks of data of other objects. This cooperation of the encapsulated information is supposed to solve numerous problems connected with software design. With the help of the object oriented design it is possible to create quality graphic models (static and dynamic ones) which can be used for different purposes. With the help of the object oriented design experts create prototypes of various inventions applied in engineering. Continue reading

Case Study on Juvenile Justice

Juvenile Justice Case Study:

Juvenile justice is the complex of norms which are aimed at the punishment of the young people who have committed a crime. The world of crime is quite varied and there is no any surprise that young people, teenagers commit crimes as well as the grownups. Of course, due to the belief that children and young people have specific rights and duties, they are punished in quite a different way. There are many reasons of juvenile crimes. First of all teenagers have poor bringing up, problems in their families, problems at school and misunderstandings with friends. Sometimes the reason is the unfavourable financial background of the family of the young criminal and the he just wanted to help, but in the wrong way. It does not worth mentioning, that juvenile justice is not aimed to punish the criminal strictly, its main duty is to teach, inform and prevent the young person from the further break of the law. Continue reading

Case Study on Learning and Memory

Learning and Memory Case Study:

Learning and memory are the two interconnected components of the successful process of education and development of the human mind. It is impossible to speak about the process of learning without the mentioning about memory. Without memory it is impossible to learn anything, because the human mind receives information, remembers and analyses it and only then the information remains in the mind. So, learning is the final stage of the activity of the memory.

Memory is a complicated phenomenon which is a characteristic feature of the higher organisms, like mammals, birds, fish and humans. Of course, there are many types of memory: long-term and short-term memory and both influence the quality of learning seriously. Short-term memory is supposed to remember the facts and details during the shortest periods of time. The human brains have the opportunity to accumulate information, analyze it and make it stable in the mind. Continue reading