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Case Study on International Trade

International Trade Case Study:

International trade is the exchange with the resources between the several countries of the world or the involvement of the country into the global economic activity. The humanity has been trading on the international level for centuries. It is obvious that one country can not provide itself with all the required products and resources, because the latter depend on the geographic and climatic factors. If the country does not have the access to oil, coal, etc, it has purchase the resources abroad.

The same thing is with the food products, including the “exotic” ones, which do not grow on the territory of the country. Of course, it does not mean that the country which has nothing can receive everything, it wants. Every side involved into the international trade is interested in something and the exchange is most often fair on the global market. Continue reading

International Marketing Case Study

Case Study on International Marketing:

International marketing is the marketing which is aimed at the appropriate organization of the business and marketing of the company on the international level. Nowadays the company can not be called a successful one if it has not entered the international market. If the company functions in the boarders of the single company, it can become quite a profitable one, but one can not speak about its high profit.

The real success waits for the business on the international market, where the firm can compete with other similar companies and prove that the quality of its production is higher and can be treated like the best one. The businessman who wants to wants to enter the international level has to learn to manage the marketing strategy in the appropriate way. The marketing in one country differs from the strategy on the international market, because the approach towards the type of production and advertisement is different in different cultures and areas of the world. Continue reading

Case Study on Investment Appraisal

Investment Appraisal Case Study:

Investment appraisal is the indicator of the company’s attractiveness for the investment. Naturally, there is hardly a firm which received its birth without the direct assistance of the rich investors who donated money into the firm’s development. It is obvious that investment is a serious risk, as no one knows whether the business is successful or not and whether the invested money is not the waste of resources. Investment appraisal is the technology which enables the investors learn about the actual condition of the company, its business plan, strategies, kind of production, the way of production, the perspectives of production and its probable success, the policy of management and marketing, etc.

The investor should know about the company everything, if he wants to receive the maximum profit with the help of the donated money. The company must not hide the information about the investor, otherwise the possible failure can cause many troubles to both. Continue reading

Case Study on Financial Risk

Financial Risk Case Study:

Financial risk is the risk which is connected with the possibility of the loss of the financial resources (money). The problem of the financial risks is not the new one, because it appeared just after the introduction of money into the human life thousands of years ago. When money influence the condition of the organization, the well-being of a group of people or an individual, there is always the risk of loss of the money because of various factors. Speaking about the current time, financial risk is mainly connected with the economic processes and individual characteristics of the participants of these processes. First of all there is the risk of the unlucky investment into the certain company. The investor studies the information about the type of the company, the way of its production and management and decides whether it is safe to invest money in it, because if the company turns out to be a failure, the money will be lost. Then, there is the problem of crediting, lending and borrowing. Professional lenders never give money to the unsafe borrowers, because if they take money and lose it, the lender loses the money too. Continue reading

Case Study on Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning Case Study:

Food poisoning is the serious disease which occurs after the consumption of the infected and heavily contaminated food products. The food poisoning after the consumption of the food intoxicated with the microorganisms happens more frequently than the poisoning after the consumption of the food contaminated with the chemical toxins. The problem of food poisoning is quite a common one, because it is not always possible to control the quality of the food products, especially in the developing countries, where the level of hygiene is poor. The most frequent causes of food poisoning are the microorganisms and chemicals which contaminate food and as a result the human organism. Among the microorganisms which affect the human health badly are germs, various bacteria which contaminate food and appear because of the poor level of hygiene during the production, storage and transportation of food products. Among the non-germ factors which cause poisoning are food products which are toxic from their nature. For example, there are various mushrooms, molluscs, plants, seeds, caviar of the certain species of fish, fresh potato and beans, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Global Economic Crisis

Global Economic Crisis Case Study:

Global economic crisis is the phenomenon which is characterized with the fall of the global economic system and its elements. There have been several economic crises during the human history. The fist one occurred in 1929 and lasted till the end of the 1930-ies and was called the Great Depression. After that the financial crisis of 2007-08 is worth attention. This crisis was quite serious because there was the risk of the breakdown of the whole system. The production in the developed countries fell and the number of unemployed increased. This caused enormous reduction of the financial background of an average person. Naturally, global economic crisis affects the middle class which is supposed to be the basis of the developed country. If the middle class falls, the condition of the country becomes tragic. Nowadays continues the current economic crisis which started in 2010 but its impact is not so serious yet. Global economic crisis is closely connected with the disorders in the banking system, overproduction, the irregular crediting, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Global Financial Management

Global Financial Management Case Study:

Global financial management is the policy which is aimed at the appropriate control and maintenance of the global economic system. It is natural that economic system is a great and complicated structure which has its own elements which are interconnected and function in balance for the appropriate work of the system. Global financial management is the extremely broad issue which connected with the regulation of the economic norms on the international level.

Global financial management depends on numerous factors and elements, especially on the condition of every selected country which is the integral part of economics. Global economics is the complicated balanced structure which is managed with the help of the stable norms. The banks, stock markets, etc are the elements with control the global financial system, because they set the cost of production and as a result the country’s currency and this cost has the direct impact on the financial situation of the other country. Continue reading

Case Study on Idea Generation

Idea Generation Case Study:

Idea generation is the process of brainstorming reasonable ideas, decisions, which can play the important part in the solution of the certain problem. Idea generation is the natural process and it is the integral part of the activity of the human mind aimed at the solution of problems, innovations in the particular spheres, etc. Idea is a basic element of the work of mind and it demonstrates the human consciousness, active position and longing for the constant development and improvement.

It is obvious that idea generation is not simply the ability to make random ideas about the abstract topics, it is something deeper. It can be compared with the well-developed skill characterized with the ability to brainstorm the adequate solutions to the relevant problems which bother the person at the definite moment. Idea generation is a complicated process which requires many years of constant training, because one is able to make his mind work hard and intensively only due to the constant practice and improvement of knowledge and experience. Continue reading

Case Study on Hallucinogens

Hallucinogens Case Study:

Hallucinogens are the substances of the chemical and natural origin, which cause visual and audio hallucinations after consumption. Very often hallucinations are accompanies by the changes of humour, from depression to the unreasoned aggression. Hallucinogens cause the psychological dependence, because the addict starts to feel that the shortage of the bright emotions and excitement in life. Hallucinogens are often called the substances which alter the human consciousness. The drug addict often does not experience hallucinations, but simply alters his humour with the help of the drugs. He thinks that not only the world around is changed but his personality is also different after the drug. The group of drugs which are called hallucinogens embrace a great number of various drugs which are called colloquially “acid”. The humanity has known about the natural hallucinogens for thousands of years. Many plants and berries have hallucinating qualities and influence the human mind in this way. The qualities of these plants were used in various religious rituals in order to mystify the process of preying. Continue reading

Case Study on Financial Markets

Financial Markets Case Study:

Financial market is the system of economic relations which occurs in the process of the exchange of the economic values under the mediation of money. There are many processes which occur on the financial markets: mobilization of the capital, crediting, currency exchange, involvement of the finance in the process of production, etc. The complexity of the financial markets which are followed by the factors of supply and demand, lenders and borrowers form the global financial market.

Historically, two major models of financial markets have originated: bank based financial system or the continental one and market based financial system or the English-American one. The continental financial markets are focused on the major involvement of banks into the process of financing and the second English-American system is focused on the market of obligations, shares, investments, ensuring companies, investment funds, etc. English-American system dwells on the public storage of the securities and the high level of the development of the secondary market, which is larger than the European one. Continue reading