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Case Study on Rational Decision Making

Rational Decision Making Case Study:

Rational decision making is a gradual process which is based on the logical evaluation of the problem and the creation of the steps required to reach the desired goal. Rational decision making is important in every sphere of human life, because without the appropriate planning of the activity it is impossible to reach success. The process of rational decision making starts from the setting of the goals. Speaking about business, the businessman wants to improve his company effectively and creates a detailed and logical plan of the actions which should be applied in this process.

Of course, before the presentation of the final plan one should collect information and learn about the alternative ways of the improvement, so to pay attention to numerous decisions and their possible results. One should define the pluses and minuses of every alternative in order to avoid possible misunderstandings and unpredicted situations. Continue reading

Case Study on Rapid Prototyping

Rapid Prototyping Case Study:

Rapid prototyping is the technology of the rapid modelling of the certain object in order to demonstrate its view and qualities to the client before the production of the original of the item. The prototype is later improved and developed further in order to satisfy the slightest needs of the client. The term is also used in the information technology to characterize the process of the creation of the certain software and demonstration of its qualities to the client.

In the technologies the term of rapid prototyping is used to characterize the process of the creation of the prototypes of various physical details before their final production. Approximately in the 1980-ies began the development of the technology of creation of the 3D objects with the help of turning, milling, electric discharge machining, stamping, heating, press and sculpturing. Continue reading

Case Study on Smartphones

Case Study on Smartphones:

A smart phone is a mobile phone which is seriously improved with the functionality of the personal computer. Although mobile phones have always had various extra options and applications, like a calculator, a calendar, etc, with the run of time new and new versions of phones appeared which differed greatly from the rest with their intelligence and multifunctionality. Very soon the power of these phones has become so high, that they began to be called smart phones. With the increase of the popularity of smart phones another type of appliances like communicators appeared.

Communicators are compact personal computers with the functions of a mobile phone. Inasmuch both appliances have the same functions and service, the division into smart phones and communicators is not relevant. Continue reading

Reading Comprehension Case Study

Case Study on Reading Comprehension:

Reading comprehension is a set of techniques which define the person’s level of reading and understanding of the text. It is obvious that reading is a very important skill, but it is not enough just to read, but one should be able to read quickly and understand a great percent of the text he has read, because the majority of the beginners require to read the text a few times before they remember something. The process of reading comprehension starts already in the kindergarten, because the experts believe that even if the child can not read yet, it can perceive information and reproduce it successfully training for the process of reading in future. The child listens to the text, remembers facts and trains his memory, which is very important for reading. Being already at school the student is expected to be able to read quickly and reproduce the text in detail. In order to train this skill, the teachers use various techniques. Continue reading

Case Study on Racial Discrimination

Racial Discrimination Case Study:

Racial discrimination or racism is the worldview which is based on the belief that certain types of the human races are more developed and have wider cultural and intellectual opportunities to build the human civilization. Racism is the eternal problem of the human society and it always existed and was the reason of numerous international conflicts. Naturally, all people are different and they do not want to accept the individuals who differ on the basis of their ethnic, cultural identities and religious preferences.

Racial discrimination still exists all over the world, even in the developed countries which are famous for their high level of tolerance and education. Speaking about different countries, the examples of racism are completely different. The most classic example of racism is connected with the history of the USA and the practice of slavery which existed till the middle of the 19th century. Continue reading

Case Study on Radioactive Pollution

Radioactive Pollution Case Study:

Radioactive pollution is a serious problem which originated in the middle of the 20th century, when the humanity revealed the power of nuclear energy and weapon. Radioactive pollution can be of two kinds: natural and anthropogenic. The natural source of radioactive pollution is the Sun and the certain elements which can be found in the bowels of the Earth: carbon, radon, uranium, etc.

Of course, this type of pollution is extremely little and it can not cause the negative impact on the natural environment, so the problem is completely different and originates from the harmful activity of the human beings. People require more and more energy for various purposes and the cheapest way to achieve it is the nuclear power stations which produce energy using the radioactive elements. Evidently, this process is quite dangerous for the environment, especially the radioactive wastes which remain after the production. Continue reading

Case Study on Cheating

Case Study on Cheating:

Cheating is the action to gain benefit with the help of the illegal actions. Cheating has always existed in the human society, because it is the part of the human nature. People always want to achieve their goal doing nothing, so it is obvious that the techniques of cheating and the spheres where one can cheat have developed seriously. Nowadays it is possible to cheat everywhere: in school, in sport, gambling, politics, business, etc. When one wants to win a certain competition but knows that he will not be able to win himself, he starts to look for the various solutions in order to have the unfair advantage over the opponent. Speaking about sport, the risk is very high, because if the cheater is caught, he will be prohibited to continue his career in sports. The cheating is politics is an extremely serious action, because if the sportsman is responsible only for his own life, a cheating politician can spoil the life for the whole country, so it is important to monitor the activity of the politicians in order to avoid such a situation. Continue reading

Case Study on Clinical Research

Clinical Research Case Study:

Clinical research is the important branch of medical science which is aimed at the maintenance of the safety and proper way of functioning of the medicines, medical devices, appliances and techniques. It is obvious that it is impossible to create drugs and invent new methods of treatment without serious and profound research of the products and devices. Clinical research is supposed to provide the sphere of health care with the reliable information about the effect of the new drugs and appliances on the human body. Before the mass use of the drugs it is important to test their impact on the human health, so the numerous investigations are carried out. Clinical research is closely connected with numerous disciplines, like biology, chemistry, physics and engineering.

Naturally, many drugs and techniques applied for treatment patients are tested on animals and various microorganisms in order to define the impact of the drugs on the condition of the live organisms and check their effectiveness on practice. Continue reading

Case Study on Ecosystem

Ecosystem Case Study:

Ecosystem is a biological system which consists of the two main components: the live organisms and the environment where they live. There are complicated connections between these two components which enable the system exist as a single independent unity.

Ecosystem is one of the core terms of ecology. The most evident example of the ecosystem is the pond, which contains water plants, microorganisms, reptiles, fish of different kinds and sizes which coexist together and support the life of the whole pond, which provides them with the specific type of fresh water, the required temperature and chemical composition of the water essential for the life of various organisms. Another bright example of an ecosystem is the forest, which consists of numerous plants, especially trees and plants of the middle and low level providing homes for various animals, reptiles and birds. Continue reading

Garnier Case Study

Garnier Case Study:

Garnier is a famous French brand which produces cosmetics and sells in all over the world. The company was established in 1904 and in the mid-1970-ies was purchased by L’Oréal. L’Oréal is the greatest producer of cosmetics in the world and it has conquered the whole market and absorbed numerous brands like, Garnier, Giorgio Armani Parfums and Cosmetics, Vichy, Maybelline New York, etc. So, Garnier is one of the L’Oréal’s brands and focuses on the production of hair and skin care products. The brand is famous for its shampoos Garnier Fructis which suit for the different types of hair and skin. Garnier is sold all over the world and is supposed to be quite a successful and profitable brand. In fact, there are many critics against the methods of production of the Garnier’s cosmetics. For example, the greens and other activists who protect nature accuse Garnier and L’Oréal in severe testing of cosmetics on animals. Continue reading