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Case Study on Agency Theory

Agency Theory Case Study:

Agency theory is the theory which defines the relations between the representatives of an agency. An agency is an organization which is composed with two parties: the principles and their representatives or the employees of the lower rank (agents). An agency has to fulfil certain work and duties which are set by the principles. The second party of agents has the duty to represent the ideas and interests of the principles to the third party. Agency theory describes the possible relations and conflicts which can occur between the first and the second party. It is obvious that the interests of the principle and an agent are completely different, but the common desire is to achieve profit. But the profit for an agent can be gained only due to his hard work. There are conflicts which are based on the risk, actions and responsibility. Continue reading

Case Study on Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing Case Study:

Affordable housing is the type of housing which is required by the individuals and families which have low and middle household income. It is obvious that with the constant growth of population the demand for affordable housing increases rapidly, because the population growth is also accompanied by such problems as poverty and unemployment.

A great number of people with the low and middle household income constantly increases, as they demand to live somewhere, but the supply remains on its firm place. The price on houses increases every year, because the demand is very high and the hosts of the houses do not agree to take little for rent, as there are always people who will agree to his high price. Overpopulation is also supplied by the problem of migration. Continue reading

Case Study on Bank Management System

Case Study on Bank Management System:

Bank management system is the complicated software system which is aimed at the professional management of the client’s activities in the bank and high-quality and quick access to the client’s account. With the rapid development of the banking system, the necessity of the high-quality bank management system has become extremely relevant. Today, there is hardly a person in the world who is not involved into the banking services and naturally, everyone has an account in a bank and saves money there. It is obvious that everyone wants to have the constant access to his finance but it is impossible without the high-quality management system which provides clients with such opportunities 24/7. Naturally, the financial institutions work only in the definite hours of the day, but if the client requires the access to his finance at night or does not have the opportunity to come to the bank, his wish will be failed. In order to enable clients operate their accounts well, the bank management system was created. Continue reading

Case Study on Target Costing

Target Costing Case Study:

Target costing is a business technique which is aimed at the setting of the most objective prices on the production in order to be able to complete on the market and satisfy customer’s expectations. Target costing is not a reduction of the price but the avoidance of its unnecessary increasing. The majority of companies set enormous prices on their production which the intention to gain high profit, though they spend little resources and efforts to produce the goods. Today the competition on the market is very high and companies have to brainstorm new and new effective methods of production and pricing if they want to survive. Target costing is the policy which increases the quality of the product, improving its characteristics and design and reducing the cost of its service to the minimum. For example, speaking about automobiles, the repairing of the car produced under the effect of the target costing will cost less than of the ordinary one. Continue reading

Case Study on Negligence

Negligence Case Study:

Negligence is the avoidance of fulfillment or the inappropriate fulfillment of the official’s duties because of the unscrupulous treatment of his job, which causes material and moral damage, causes damage to the human health and life. Unfortunately, negligence is a common problem of the human civilization, because the unfair and one-eyed employees have always existed in the world and caused troubles to the society.

Negligence is a serious problem in business, because every employer wants to hire a scrupulous and industrious employee, otherwise he loses money, resources and respect. Very often the negligent employees damage the material, appliances and machines of the company and these losses cost much money. Continue reading

Case Study on Chemical Disasters

Case Study on Chemical Disasters:

Chemical disasters are the types of accidents which are connected with the chemical industry. With the development of chemical industry the risk of chemical disasters increased considerably and the global community has set the strict norms on every plant in order to make it prevent any disasters and monitor the quality of work and the condition of the machines and tools used in production. The first breaking point which made people start thinking about safety was the Bhopal disaster which occurred in 1984. It is considered to be the biggest industrial and chemical disaster in the human history, because it took more than 18 thousand of human lives and caused enormous damage to the environment, as the chemicals which were released into the atmosphere that day were used for the creation of the strong insecticides. After the Bhopal disaster numerous international organizations started to demand the chemical industry to monitor the quality and the production, the safety of the plants, the condition of the appliances, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Value Stream Mapping

Value Stream Mapping Case Study:

Value stream mapping is the technique used in lean manufacturing, which is aimed at the reasonable choice of materials and information for the production of goods and services and quality supply of the product to the consumers. The process of value stream mapping got its name due to the procedure of drawing a map of the core elements required for the production and their professional evaluation. The map helps to organize the process of production in the correct order and combine it with the information techniques which can be helpful for the promotion of the product to the customers.

The method originated at Toyota Company, which was one of the founders of lean manufacturing which is aimed at the reduction of the loss and unnecessary expenditures combines with the improvement of the product’s quality and increase of the ecological standards of the product and taking into consideration the interests of consumers. Continue reading

Case Study on Data Communication and Networking

Case Study on Data Communication and Networking:

Data communication and networking is the connection of a great number of computers for the purpose of information exchange. Today information is the most important resource, because with its help one can receive education, learn something new, make a business, change the life of the country, etc. In order to maintain the process of information exchange numerous appliances and techniques have been invented. First of all it is the local networking or the worldwide Internet, which helps users produce, store, analysis and process information and exchange it form the different parts of the world. Information technology has become one of the most profitable and important spheres, because the IT analysts manage the process of communication and networking and improve this process constantly. The whole information which can be found in the Internet is stored on the special databases and if one wants to get access to the certain type of data, he can surf the web and find it on a server. Continue reading

Case Study on Gay Rights

Case Study on Gay Rights:

Gay rights are the set of rights and freedoms which are supposed to protect and maintain the life and activity of gays. The problem of gay rights has become quite relevant, because more and more people demand the right to marry the representative of the same gender openly. Years ago such demands could only astonish the general public and nobody would treat such a demand seriously, but now the situation is different. The number of gays is very high and they require the adequate and equal treatment and the same rights in every sphere of human life. In fact, at the dawn of the human civilization the question of gays was not a problem, because people revealed their feelings towards the same sex openly and it was regarded as a norm. With the run of time the situation changed and gays became deprived of their rights and the general public treated them like criminals or something abnormal. After the World War 2 the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights was signed, that is also supposed to protect homosexuals. Continue reading

Case Study on Child Behavior

Case Study on Child Behavior:

Child behavior is a very common question, which touches upon every young family, which does not know how to bring the child up correctly and how to cope with the bad behavior effectively. Nearly every child demonstrates negative behavior which often frustrates parents and the latter do not know what to do. Due to the numerous investigations in this sphere many ideas have been brainstormed concerting the reasons of the bad behavior and the methods which can help cope with it. There are a few types of the natural difficult behavior, for example, violent or aggressive behavior, using of bad words, stealing, destroying objects around, lying, refusing to play with other children or treating other children negatively. If the child has been noticed doing such things, the parents should think about the reasons of this behavior. If the behavior is accidental, the problem is probably not serious, but if the child behaves badly on purpose, parents should think over whether they make too many limits and set too many demands and expectations on the child, whether the child is treated fairly and whether he has any fears. Continue reading