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Case Study on Autism

Autism Case Study:

Autism is the psychological disorder, which is characterized with the deficit of social relations and communication and continuously repeated actions. All the mentioned symptoms are revealed already at the age of three. Autism is closely connected with genetics, but many scientists still do not know whether the genetic factor is the key one which causes autism, as there is a possibility that the disorder is the result of certain mutations of genes. There is the idea, that autism can be a result of unsuccessful childhood vaccines which influence human brain and genes. According to the statistics, today every 88th child suffers from autism and boys are more vulnerable to it than girls. Autism is a change of functioning of certain parts of the brain, and as a result the behavior and reaction of children to certain irritant changes greatly. Continue reading

Case Study on Anorexia

Anorexia Case Study:

Anorexia is the disorder based on food consumption which is characterized by the intensive loss of weight with the purpose to gain good shape. The victims of anorexia are the young women from 12 to 24 who are afraid of overweight and they control the eating process strictly in order to become thinner and slimmer. Evidently, many women who care of their appearance fanatically can suffer from this psychological disorder; no wonder the world of fashion is full of the bright examples of the young women experiencing anorexia. The disorder can be caused by many factors. For example, there is a genetic factor which can be revealed in a woman, when she suffers from stress or some negative situation. Continue reading

Case Study on Career Planning

Career Planning Case Study:

Career planning is a very important process which is often essential for the successful life. The choice of the career will influence one’s life till the end that is why it is important to choose the most suitable profession which can satisfy all the needs of an individual. Career planning starts already at school, when a student gets acquainted with the disciplines and understands what are more or less interesting for him. The choice of the subjects and student’s preferences are very important for the choice of the future career. For example, if one enjoys physics and is weak at history, he will not succeed as a humanitarian, so he should develop and improve his knowledge of such subjects like maths and physics to limit the scope of studying and make the educational process more productive. Continue reading

Case Study on Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia Case Study:

Schizophrenia is the complex of psychological disorders which are connected with the break of the function of thinking and analysis and emotional reactions of the organism. The disorder makes the person unable to value the surrounding world, events, people, their words and actions. People who suffer from schizophrenia are not able to react to the factors of the surrounding world adequately, and their affection is inadequate and differs greatly from the one of the healthy people being completely unpredictable. The most common symptoms of schizophrenia are visual and audio hallucinations, paranoiac and fantastic ideas, disorders with speech and social dysfunction. The scientists who have devoted much time to the investigation of this disorder dispute whether schizophrenia is a single disease or a complex of symptoms which are united in a single disorder. Continue reading

Case Study on ADHD

ADHD Case Study:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is the neurobehavioral disorder which is characterized with such symptoms as disability to focus attention on something, hyperactivity and uncontrolled impulsiveness. The main characteristic feature of the disorder in comparison with other psychological disorders is that it starts in the early childhood and follows the individual the whole life. The disorder is very controversial, because many doctors think that it is not a single disorder but a complex of symptoms which coexist together. From the neurobiological point of view ADHD is the stable chronic symptom which can not be cured. According to the statistics, about 3 – 5% of people including men, women and children suffer from the disorder. Continue reading

Case Study on Hyundai

Hyundai Case Study:

Hyundai is the complex of companies which offer different services and production and is headquartered in South Korea. The company was founded in 1947 and offered only construction services. With the run of time a great number of extra services were added. For example, Hyundai manufactures automobiles, works in heavy industry, engineering and production of steel, defense, finance and insurance. Today Hyundai is a well-known producer of automobiles and machines. The company provides millions of people with high-quality automobiles for quite affordable prices and employs more than 75000 people. Hyundai cooperates with KIA and produces engines for automobiles which can compete with the prominent automobile producers of the world. Continue reading

Case Study on Zara

Zara Case Study:

Zara is a Spanish company which designs and sells clothes all over the world. The creator and owner of the company Amancio Ortega also owns such world famous brands like Pull and Bear, Stradivarius and Bershka. The headquarters of the company are located in Spain and the company exists from 1975. Zara differs from the other clothing and accessories companies greatly due to its unique way of work. It is said that the company requires no more than two weeks to create new models of clothes starting from its design and finishing with the production and delivery into the store. In comparison with other companies, which require for this process more than half a year, Zara is the complete leader in the speed of its designers’ work. Continue reading

Case Study on University Management System

University Management System Case Study:

University management system is the improvement of the university’s work and control over the educational process due to computer software and modern technologies. Nearly every university has got its own network system which enables students, parents and applicants get all the required information about the educational institution at a moment’s notice. With the help of the Internet one can visit the website of a university and observe all the programs and opportunities for students it offers. University management system improves the organization of work of the institution and reduces the number of paperwork which is often the waste of time and resources. If one wants to enter a university, he will need to register in the system and find all the necessary data there. Continue reading

Case Study on Game Theory

Game Theory Case Study:

Game theory is a complex discipline which studies the ways of the perfect decision making. Game theory is closely connected with mathematics, sociology, economics, biology, psychology, physics, management, etc., so it is obvious that it touches upon all the spheres of our life. The study helps people make correct decisions based on logic and calculations. Every businessman who manages his business should be good at game theory principles to be able to control his company well.

Every decision should be thought over and one should predict the result of his slightest action. For example, if one wants to invest much money into a small firm and develop it with the purpose of gaining high profit, he should weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of this decision in order not to lose everything. Continue reading

Case Study on Globalization

Globalization Case Study:

Globalization is the process of the global political, cultural and economical unification. Years ago every country lived a separate life and relied on its own resources and natural and economical potential. In the long run of history many processes became common in a range of countries in the world and countries began to cooperate and trade with one another. Today there is an exchange of goods and services not between a narrow circle of countries, but in the global market. The existence of the global market gives the chance for competition, but frankly speaking a few monopolistic corporations have divided the whole world into their areas of influence and they control the economical situation of the world. Then, not only economical but also political processes are under the effect of globalization. Continue reading