Category Archives: Case studies

Case Study on Language

Language Case Study:

Language is the human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication, and a language is any specific example of such a system. The scientific study of language is called linguistics. Any estimate of the precise number of languages in the world depends on a partly arbitrary distinction between languages and dialects. The total number of languages in the world varies from 6000 to 7000.

Because of the process of globalization, a great number of languages are endangered. They disappear or simply stop to be used by the native speakers. There are seven most popular and widely used languages in the world: English, Chinese, Spanish, French, Russian, Hindi and Portuguese. Many countries use these languages as their official ones. Continue reading

Case Study on Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking Case Study:

Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for various purposes. The most common purposes are forced labour, sexual exploitation and extraction of organs (the victim becomes a donor involuntarily). Human trafficking is a kind of slavery which does not and should not exist in the modern world. Unfortunately, this phenomenon not only exists but has become very popular in the range of countries which make enormous sums of money on it. The most dangerous places for people who are afraid to become the victims of human trafficking are India, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. The most typical way to attract victims is to present some profitable job abroad. People believe these advertisements, come to the marked place and become captured. Traffickers take the victim’s Ids and make them work according to their desire. Continue reading

Case Study on McDonald’s

McDonald’s Case Study:

McDonald’s Corporation is a great system of fast food restaurants which was introduced in 1955 in the USA. With the run of time the restaurants conquered not only the whole country but managed to penetrate in every country, every city of the world and today there thousands and thousands of McDonald’s restaurants all over the world.

There are other similar fast food restaurants built by other companies on the example of McDonald’s but the latter is, by all means, the leader and monopolist in this field. There is hardly a person in the world that has never heard or visited McDonald’s.

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Case Study on Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder Case Study:

Bipolar disorder or bipolar affective disorder (historically known as manic-depressive disorder or manic depression) is a psychiatric diagnosis for a mood disorder in which people experience disruptive mood swings. These encompass a frenzied state known as mania (or hypomania) usually alternated with symptoms of depression. Bipolar disorder is defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated energy levels, cognition, and mood with or without one or more depressive episodes. The disorder is a big problem for the person herself and for her family, because this mood interferes with the functions of ordinary life. Many people with bipolar disorder also experience periods of depressed mood, but this is not universal. There is no simple physiological test to confirm the disorder. Continue reading

Case Study on Motivation

Motivation Case Study:

Motivation is the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal directed behaviours. It can be considered a driving force; a psychological drive that compels or reinforces an action toward a desired goal.

Motivation has always been the most important factor of the successful work. Employers should be aware of the psychological techniques and methods which will be useful to motivate employees work well. Motivation is mostly associated with work, when workers are motivated with good working conditions and high wages; but there are other types of motivation which are connected with simple desire to act in difficult conditions. Continue reading

Case Study on Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse Case Study:

Substance abuse, also known as drug abuse, is a patterned use of a substance (drug) in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods neither approved nor supervised by medical professionals. Drug abuse can be represented not only by various mood-altering or psycho-active drugs, but a great number of substances, like steroids, narcotics, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, cannabis, even glues and paints. Taking drugs effects badly not only the human body and mind, but it can cause a range of problems to the people around. Under the effect of drugs people can be dangerous for the society as they do not realize what they are doing striving to get another portion of drugs. No wonder, the use of drugs may lead to criminal penalty, as most of them are banned or may be used only for medical purposes. Continue reading

Case Study on Google

Google Case Study:

Google Inc. is an American multinational corporation which provides Internet-related products and services, including the Internet search, cloud computing, software and advertising technologies.

The company’s mission statement from the outset was “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”. Google is one of the most popular search engines and frankly speaking the most effective and powerful one. With its help one can easily get instant access to any kind of data available in the Internet. The corporation has become of of the most successful ones and controls the most popular websites and services connected with entertainment and advertising, like YouTube, Blogger, Google Earth, etc. Moreover it has created its own browser Google Chrome, which is advertised like the most easy and appropriate browser for work and rest. Continue reading

Diversity Case Study

Case Study on Diversity:

Genetic diversity, the level of biodiversity, refers to the total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species. Diversity is the characteristic feature of all animal and human beings and plants, which make the world so colourful and different. Diversity is more often associated with animals but one should realize that this term is appropriate for the characterization of the human beings. All people are different outside. The place and the climate influences the colour of skin, immune system, physical abilities of people. According to these criteria various human races are determined, each of which has its own strong sides. Every person is unique and different and it is a great thing, because without diversity the world and the human society would lose its originality. Unfortunately, many people understand diversity in a wrong way. People who belong to the ethnic majority often neglect and even abuse the representatives of the ethnic minorities (mostly of other races) and various conflicts connected with racial abuse appear. Continue reading

Cloud Computing Case Study

Case Study on Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet). Cloud computing is especially important and useful for business, because enables instant access to the required data for quite a low price. The ”cloud” may be of different types and be available for different audience. The private cloud is available only to a certain single organization. It is used to create a permanent connection between its members or staff and every member has the access to its data. There are also community clouds which connect several organizations who are able to share and exchange data between one another. The number of users is also limited and it helps to maintain security and protection of data. Public cloud resources are available to the general public and serve people in different ways. The best example of a public cloud is Google, which provides instant access to the required data and gives a possibility to keep you own files, like videos, audio files, presentations, documents in the Internet on its servers. Today most people do not keep their documents on their PCs but in the web, because it gives wide opportunities to exchange and protect information. Continue reading

Product Positioning Case Study

Case Study on Product Positioning:

Core Strategy
Value Proposition
The efforts of the company to develop SpofoKnife make a significant contribution to the promotion of such pursuits as tourism, alpinism and other kinds of outdoor sports activities.

SpofoKnife offers consumers a unique value in that it is:

  • Highly convenient and easy to use: the combination of several devices inside one object facilitates the use of the product
  • Saves time and effort: SpofoKnife is light compared to the kit that includes three objects separately (fork, spoon, knife) and thus easy to carry in a travel bag. Besides, it saves time spent on packing as it bundles several objects together and allows the traveler to spend time on searching for one thing as opposed to three
  • Saves space: SpofoKnife is easy to store in a bag and saves space for a traveler who wants to use storage space in one’s bag efficiently
  • Is safe: the design and positioning of the three parts makes the product safe is use, which has been proven by numerous tests. Also, the absence of moving parts makes the product safe to use as compared to its competitors Continue reading