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Case Study on Illiteracy

Illiteracy Case Study:

Illiteracy is the human characteristic which is associated with the poor level of education, especially reading and writing. Illiteracy is the indicator of the economic and cultural development of the country. The connection between finance and education is very obvious, because if the government has money to donate it into the improvement of education, building of new schools, the level of illiteracy would be lower. Years ago the problem of illiteracy was extremely widespread. Only rich people could afford to send their children to schools where they learnt to read, count and write.

The poor had the limited opportunities and very few of them could be called the literal ones. The problem depends on the financial background of the family. If the family was big, children mainly started to work early and devoted no time to school even if it was free. Today the problem of illiteracy is getting less dramatic, because more and more children attend school and can read and write. Continue reading

Case Study on Haier Group

Haier Group Case Study:

Haier Group is the Chinese company which manufactures home appliances and consumer electronics. The company was founded in 1984 and very soon became the largest Chinese company which produces nearly all types of consumer electronics. The total number of the models of products manufactures by Haier Group is more than 15 thousand: LCD-TVs, plasma TVs, DVD-players, mobile phones, laptops, washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, air conditioners, etc.

The Haier Group production is sold in more than 160 countries of the world and according to the statistics the company is the most massive manufacturer of home appliances in the world. The company is the five of the fifty most perspective Chinese companies which can compete on the world market. According to the statistics of the reputed financial journals Haier Group is the 26th most successful, influential and reliable business in the world. Continue reading

Case Study on Clinical Depression

Clinical Depression Case Study:

Clinical depression, in comparison with the regular depression has a great number of symptoms apart from the well known low mood. In addition, clinical depression has a certain hidden form, because the patient does not have low mood and weird behaviour. It is so called depression without depression or masked depression and it is quite difficult to detect it. The modern understanding of clinical depression is connected with the term of melancholia.

Centuries ago people who suffered from depression were so supposed to be just melancholic and no one paid serious attention to this problem. Ancient Greece is known to study the roots of clinical depression or melancholia, but Middle Age lost all these studies once for all. At that time clinical depression was treated like influence of devil and the medieval doctors ‘cured’ it with hunger, fasting, praying, etc. There are many symptoms of clinical depression and the most widespread among them are: low mood during the longer part of the day; the loss of interest and pleasure; the reduction of energy and fatigue; unconsciousness; gloomy and pessimistic vision of the future; ideas and thoughts about suicide; insomnia; loss of appetite; loss of weight. Continue reading

Case Study on Identical Twins

Identical Twins Case Study:

Identical twins or monozygotic twins are the twins who come from the single zygote (the egg which has been fertilized by the single cell sperm), which has divided into the two parts. The result of this division is the shares genotype and the development of the two separate embryos who share the common features. Identical twins have the same genotype and they usually belong to the same gender and look like one another very much.

The person who does not know that the twin has a twin-brother, he would never recognize the latter as an absolutely different person. Among the monozygotic twins the similarities in character, behaviour and even biographies are observed quite often, that is why they are called ‘identical’. More than 25% of the identical twins are like the mirrors of their brother and sisters. For example, one can have a birthmark on the right cheek, the other can have it on the left one; or there are cases when the second identical twin has the mirror-like composition of organs (the heart is on the right side of the body). Continue reading

Case Study on Church Leadership

Church Leadership Case Study:

Church leadership is the policy of the wise and professional control over the work of a church, the right management of its staff and activity. Naturally, every organization requires a leader, otherwise its existence is under the threat, because if the organization is not controlled, it becomes chaotic and loses its value. Church leadership is not an exception. A church is not simply a building where one can pray and spend time with the use for himself, but it is a complicated and varied organization which has a big staff and profound activity in numerous fields.

Most people do not imagine how much work a church has to do. To begin with, it is not easy to keep the building itself in the proper condition as every church has to be clean all the time, its equipment and sculptures have to be renovated from time to time (of course, the government does not devote money to such things and the whole work lies on the leader of the church who solves these questions). Then, the church is involved into numerous charity activities. Continue reading

Case Study on Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety Case Study:

Occupational health and safety is the system of the protection of the employee’s life and health in the process of work, which includes juridical, social, economic, organizational, technical, hygienic, rehabilitation and other norms.

Occupational health and safety is a very broad and complicated thing and it is aimed at the maximum protection and maintenance of the employee’s health and life on the workplace. Years ago the question of occupational health and safety did not exist, because the value of the human life was little. Employers of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century treated the working class negatively and the work at a factory or plant was extremely risky and every day numerous workers were injured and even died on the workplace. With the development of the movements struggling for the human rights and employees’ rights in particular the latter got the chance of health protection and safety. Continue reading

Case Study on Departmentation

Departmentation Case Study:

Departmentation is the process of the uniting of the activities of the company into the certain groups and departments with the purpose to manage and control them effectively. The process of departmentation is very important and is widely used in business, as every big corporation has to be centralized in order to control its activity well. Departments are created on the basis of different factors.

First of all, if there are offices which fulfill the common duties, they can be and ought to be united and controlled from the single centre in order to increase their productiveness. This process is applied not only in private business but by the government of the country, which organizes the departments of economics, culture, sport, etc uniting all the organizations and companies under the single flag of the common department. Then, departmentation is carried out on the basis of the geographical position of the activities. Continue reading

Pepe Jeans Case Study

Pepe Jeans Case Study:

Pepe Jeans is the English brand which is associated with jeans clothes and is supposed to be quite popular in Europe. Pepe Jeans was founded in 1973 in London and very soon it became one of the most successful companies producing casual wear in Europe. Today the brand costs more than 500 million dollars and its success continues growing rapidly. The name of the brand is so short and simple, because when the company was founded, the owners did not have enough capital to pay for a long name and just called it ‘Pepe’.

No more than ten years required Pepe Jeans to conquer the European market and in the end on the 1980-ies the brand was introduced in India. The English brand became interesting to the rich European investors and in the beginning of the 1990-ies the Pepe Jeans was purchased by the Spanish investor Juan Abelló, who is the owner of Torreal, the investment group which invests money into the novice firms and expects to receive profit from their development. Continue reading

Case Study on GM Crops

Genetically Modified Crops Case Study:

Genetically modified crops are the plants whose DNA has been modified by genetic engineering.

Nowadays genetic engineering has become the essential part of the modern scientific research and the results and innovations in genetic engineering are applied in numerous spheres of the human life, especially in agriculture. The introduction of genetic engineering into agriculture is connected with the serious and relevant problem of overpopulation and growing hunger. More and more people require food to survive and the ordinary natural crops are not so productive to feed the whole planet.

In addition, because of the human harmful impact on the environment, the ecological situation has changed and the climate of numerous parts of the world has altered. As a result, the crops which have been the regular plant in the certain regions do not grow there in the appropriate way, because the temperature or the humidity of the area is not the same as it used to be. Continue reading

Case Study on Gay Adoption

Gay Adoption Case Study:

Gay adoption is the issue which is connected with the fact that the single-sex couples adopt and bring up children with the same rights and duties as the ordinary couples. Gay adoption is permitted only on the territories of a several countries and the single-sex couples all over the world demand to provide them with the chance to adopt children and bring them up in the appropriate way.

Unfortunately, the reasons which prevent gays from adopting children are weird and are motivated with the simple statement that the couple should be in the legal family union, and it is known that single-sex marriages are prohibited in the majority of the countries of the world. According to the statistics gay adoption does not affect the quality of the bringing up negatively. Most of the couples take care of children in the appropriate way and very often their attitude towards children is even better and more responsible than the attitude of the regular families. Continue reading