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Wegmans Case Study

Case Study on Wegmans Supermarkets:

Wegmans is one of the most successful chains of supermarkets in the US belonging to a family or a private owner. Wegmans was founded in 1916 by Walter Wegman, who can be called the pioneer of the retail business on the market of food products.

Wegmans concentrates on the sale of the food products, mainly vegetables and fruit and is known for the high quality of its production. The company sells its products in supermarkets and megamarkets, providing clients with the opportunity to wander about the vast area of the store choosing all possible food products they wish. Wegmans is famous for its healthy food products dwelling on the sale of the organic vegetables and fruit in order to attract the customers who care about their health and shape. In addition, Wegmans struggles for the name of the healthy supermarket, because it refuses to sell cigarettes and other products containing tobacco. Continue reading

Case Study on Rebranding

Rebranding case study:

Rebranding is the active marketing strategy which includes numerous efforts aimed at the alteration of a brand or its major component: logo, name, slogan, visual decoration, image, etc with the purpose to improve the attitude of the customers towards the company and its production.

Rebranding is the policy which is aimed to change the ideology of the brand and reveal its hidden potential. When the company practises rebranding, it is understood that it has survived numerous changes and improvement of its production. There are two major components which guarantee the success of rebranding: restyling and repositioning of the brand. Successful rebranding is supposed to help the company develop further and join the next level of the market attracting new clients and keeping the existing loyal customers. The major aims of rebranding are the increase of the customer loyalty; differentiation of the brand; increase of the circle of clients. Continue reading

Case Study on Vehicular Pollution

Vehicular Pollution case study:

Vehicular pollution is the kind of pollution, which is characterized with the contamination of the natural environment with the products of the activity of various vehicles. Naturally, with the development of heavy industry and technologies people have learned to construct various transportation systems and vehicles, which are used to make the life easier.

There are many types of vehicles and their emissions effect the environment in the different way. Speaking about the most popular type of vehicles – automobiles, which work with the help of fuel made from oil and gas, they remain one of the leaders of the vehicular pollution. It is not a secret that the number of cars is bigger than the number of people on the planet and it is obvious that their contaminative power is too high. Automobile emissions affect the atmosphere badly making the big cities unfavorable for life. Continue reading

Case Study on Technical Writing

Technical Writing case study:

Technical writing is the creation and editing of the technical documents, descriptions of goods and services. The major characteristics of technical writing are the technical description of products, including computer software, medicines, domestic electronic appliances, chemicals, etc, and the presentation of the facts which are essential for the customer, for example, the rules of the right usage of the product and the set of warnings which make the usage safe and secure.

Technical writing includes the writing of the technical documentation and technical publications. The texts written in such a manner are used as instructions for the right usage of a product and inform the customer about the qualities of the product, its positive and negative sides. It is obvious, that the most important side of technical writing is the ability of the writer to present the information in the correct and captive way. The consumer should be able to understand the structure, the type of the product, the rules of the proper usage just reading the piece of the technical writing (the text of the instruction). Continue reading

Case Study on United Colors of Benetton

United Colors of Benetton case study:

United Colors of Benetton is the fashion industry brand belonging to Benetton Group, which has its headquarters in Treviso, Italy. The name of the company and the brand comes from the name of the founder Luciano Benetton and his family, members of which take the active part in the management of the company’s work. Benetton Group has more than 6200 stores all over the world and produces clothes, accessories, perfumes, products for children, etc. The major spheres of the company’s work are the designer’s clothes.

The everyday clothes are sold under the trademark United Colors of Benetton, the fashion-directed divisions are Sisley and Playlife. Speaking about marketing United Colors of Benetton is known for its controversial advertisements. Due to the creativity of the marketing manager Oliviero Toscani the company increased its popularity enormously. Continue reading

How to Write a Good Case Study for Business School

Writing a good case study for Business school:

Writing a case study is a serious and troublesome job, because a student is supposed to analyze the definite problem in detail and draw the adequate conclusions on it. The students who are doing their case studies for business school have to follow a few general rules and requirements:

  1. Chose the Best Topic: If one wants to succeed in case study writing, he should select the right topic, which is close and interesting to him. The student is to choose a certain narrow problem which is easy for the analysis and has sense. The research of such a topic will surely reveal the student’s professional skills and knowledge.
  2. Learn about the Case a Lot: In order to analyze the problem of the case properly one will need to collect valid facts which would present the case in the right light. It is important for business school case study writing to describe the problem from all sides and learn about all possible reasons and effects of the problem. The student is asked to find out about the background information which is related with the problem, for example, research a business case one can learn about the firm, its history, activity, marketing, management, strong and weak sides, etc in order to understand the connection between the company and the problem which has occurred suddenly. Continue reading

Case Study on Team Management

Team Management case study:

Team management is the complex of methods and strategies used for the successful organization of the work fulfilled by the people in groups. Naturally, the quality of the work fulfilled by a single person is lower than the amount and quality of work fulfilled by a well-organized and disciplined group of people, so such a sphere as team management has appeared in the society. The phenomenon of the team work exists in the society for thousands of years. At the dawn of the human civilization it was dangerous for people to work alone, because the surrounding world contained danger of different sort. Speaking about hunting or agriculture, it was impossible to succeed in such activities alone, so people gathered into groups in order to cope with such tasks.

Nowadays, the situation has not changed cardinally, because the success and benefit of a firm depends on the number of the employees and their ability to cooperate. Continue reading

Case Study on Haemophilia

Haemophilia Case Study:

Haemophilia is the hereditary disease which is connected with the disorder of the process of coagulation; moreover, the disease is characterized with haemorrhage into joints, muscles and organs without any reason or under the impact of injury or surgical intervention. Haemophilia is a dangerous disease, because the patient is under the constant risk of death. For example, if there is the slightest injury, haemorrhage into the brain or other life-important organs can start. The serious characteristic feature of the complicated form of haemophilia is that the patient becomes disabled, because of the haemorrhage into the joints, which prevent the patient from physical activity. Haemophilia occurs because of the change of the single gene in the X chromosome. Continue reading

Case Study on Haiti Earthquake

Haiti Earthquake Case Study:

Haiti earthquake is the serious and destructive earthquake which occurred on Haiti in 2010. The epicentre of the earthquake was no more than 22 km from the capital of the country and it is obvious that such a close distance caused enormous danger for the surrounding settlements. The latest destructive earthquake occurred on Haiti in 1751. According to the official statistics on the 12th of January 2010 because of the earthquake died 222 570 people, more than 311 000 were injured and no one knows about the fate of the 869 people. At the day of the earthquake thousands of houses, nearly all the hospitals and all the strategic buildings were destroyed in the capital, and it is obvious that the majority of deaths occurred because of the insufficient treatment and total absence of hospitals. More than 3 million people lost their homes and the capital was entirely destroyed, while the other parts of the country were not damaged seriously. Continue reading

Case Study on Hacking

Hacking Case Study:

Hacking is the kind of the kind of the computer crime which is associated with the stealth of information and damaging of the computer security systems. Today people in the age of information, and information is the most valuable resource, as a result a new type of crime appeared which is aimed to steal this valuable resource and use it for the personal benefit. The information is generally kept in the electronic variant and is stored on the servers which are accessed with the help of the computer networks. The individuals who use the computer technologies in order to get the illegal access to the information or to crack the security system of a network which contains servers with valuable information are called hackers. Hacking is the crime which is applied by the criminals who take advantage of the information for the personal benefit and this benefit can touch upon various aspects. For example, the hacker cracks a certain server of a bank and learns about the personal accounts of the clients and steals money with the help of this information. Another uses the cracked information to learn about the hidden facts about the life of a certain person and blackmails her. Continue reading