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Case Study on Defect Management

Defect Management Case Study:

Defect management is the process of the detection, correction and prevention of the defects in the process of production. It is obvious that production is impossible about the certain defects, which spoil the quality of the product. Defects can occur because of the poor quality of the equipment, carelessness of employees and poor quality of the materials and the product itself.

Naturally, every businessman wants to reduce the percentage of defects and he carries out a special policy of defect management which is aimed to detect and prevent the defects in future.

The process of defect management is quite long and varied. It starts from the discovery of the defect. Every product is carefully checked and the experts who are responsible for the quality of the goods do not have the right to miss a defected product, otherwise it can be sold and dissatisfy the customer who purchases it. Then, there is the step of defect resolution. That means that the experts decide what can be done for the improvement of the product and the whole process of production. Continue reading

Case Study on Department Stores

Department Store Case Study:

A department store is big store which sells products of the wide choice (the goods are both food products and industrial products). The first department stores appeared in France in the middle of the 19th century and since that time they have been spreading all over the world. More often department stores are situated in the separate houses and shopping malls.

The wide choice of products makes it possible for the customer to purchase everything he requires in the one place and it economizes time and makes shopping easier. For the convenience of the process of shopping customers are provided with the opportunity of self-service. They are wandering about the department store and looking for the goods they need with a basket. In comparison with the ordinary stores departments stores are more profitable, cause fewer problems and have higher circulation of goods. The owners of the department stores do not worry about the goods they sell, because the owner simply provides the territory or the building for the numerous companies which want to sell their products there. Continue reading

Case Study on Daewoo

Daewoo Case Study:

Daewoo is one of the largest conglomerates of South Korea. The company was founded in 1967 and was called Daewoo Industrial. In 1999 Daewoo was liquidated but the separate branches and departments continued working becoming the part of the American company General Motors.

Daewoo Company had a great number of branches which produced goods of all types. Primarily Daewoo focused on the production of electronics, electric appliances and automobiles. These branches were the most profitable activities of the company but still the company stopped existing.

Daewoo group consisted of 20 departments which produced their own goods and provided various services. Alongside with electronics and automobile production Daewoo was involved into heavy industry, shipbuilding, construction (building all over the world), securities, telecommunications, textile and hotel business. Continue reading

Case Study on Cholesterol

Cholesterol Case Study:

Cholesterol is an organic molecule, natural lipid, modified steroid, which is included into the cell membranes of all the living organisms with the exception of prokaryotes or bacteria.

Cholesterol is insoluble in water, but is soluble in oils and organic solvents. More than 80% of cholesterol is produced by the organism (in liver, kidneys, etc) and other 20% are supplied with food. In the organism there are 80% of the free and 20% of bounded cholesterol. The major function of cholesterol is to maintain the stability of the cell membranes in the broad interval of temperatures. It is essential for the production of vitamin D, steroid hormones, female sex hormones called estrogens and progesterone, the male sex hormone called testosterone, and according to the latest research it plays an inevitable role for the work of the immune system and can protect from cancer. Continue reading

Case Study on Cyber Bullying

Cyberbullying Case Study:

Cyber bullying is a type of offence, defamation and abuse of other people with the help of the Internet and computer networks.

Cyber bullying has become quite a popular method of moral and psychological abuse and it is important to know how to react to such actions. Generally, cyber bullying is applied against young people, because they are more involved into the technical progress and computer technologies than the grownups. Young people, especially children and high school students are the main targets of cyber attackers, who send offensive massages with the help of the mobile phones, SMS, social networks, emails and other means of the Internet communication. The danger of cyber bullying is in the easiness of its use and total confidentiality of the attackers. The instant messages are delivered to a great number of people at once and reach to its targets at a moment’s notice and the latter do not know anything about the identity of the attackers. Continue reading

Case Study on Child Soldiers

Child Soldiers Case Study:

Child soldiers are the children who take the active part in the military conflicts. Child’s participation in the military conflicts has been practised since the ancient times. In fact, in the medieval times fourteen-year-old boys played the role of the esquires who took care about their master, cleaned his weapon and protected the luggage and personal property of the knight. It is obvious that the participation of children did not make the opponent’s troops tolerate them and children suffered the same way as the grown-ups.

The whole human history is built on the military conflicts whose victims were millions of children. The World War I and World War II were not the exceptions. Millions of children took the active part in the guerrilla actions and conflicts helping the regular troops on the battlefield and behind the enemy lines. Continue reading

Case Study on Civil Law

Civil Law Case Study:

Civil law is the branch of law which regulates the processes, which are supposed to maintain the interests of an individual and the society in the whole. Civil law is very important for the regular functioning of the country, because the law controls all the spheres of human life, protects an individual and the process of his self-development. Moreover, civil law protects groups of people, companies and maintains their public and private interests. In comparison with the criminal law, which focuses on the punishment and maintenance of peace and regular behaviour and activity, civil law dwells on the creation of the convenient opportunities for everyone to build his own life properly and remain in the healthy and natural relation with the society. The civil law regulates the social processes, sets the rules and norms of the valid existence in the society. The history of civil law dates back to the times of the Roman Empire, when the law was developed to the highest level. Continue reading

Case Study on Barack Obama

Barack Obama Case Study:

Barack Obama is the 44th President of the USA and the winner of Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 and is the first African-American President in the history of the country. Obama studied on the faculty of the international affairs which helped him in his further career greatly. Before taking post of the president Barack Obama was a senator and opposed to the policy of the previous President George Bush and the military conflict in Iraq. Obama has never defined himself as the supporter of the certain direct single ideology, but according to his activity it is known that he is more to the left than to the right.

Being the president he suggested the alternative way of the economic development of the country which would reduce the effect of the global economic crisis, which has conquered the world. Obama created millions of the workplaces, which is one of the core methods to stimulate economics. Continue reading

Case Study on Barriers to Learning

Barriers to Learning Case Study:

Barriers to learning are the certain obstacles which prevent students from the receiving of education in the appropriate way. According to the statistics a big percent of children and young people are deprived of their chance to study at school, because of numerous unfavourable factors.

The list of reasons or barriers to learning is quite long, but the most evident and serious factors are the following. To begin with, there are family issues which have a negative impact on children. If the family has financial problems or the child’s parents suffer from alcohol or drug abuse, such a child is a rare guest at school. There are many problems which influence children in the unfavourable families: for example, abuse, forced labour, etc. If there are financial problems, young people prefer working than going to school, because they have to support their families and survive. Continue reading

Case Study on Chocolate

Case Study on Chocolate:

Chocolate is the kind of the sweetened food made from the seeds of cocoa. Chocolate has become known in Europe since 1529, when the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés introduced the product after his journey to America, where the local tribes of Aztecs produced chocolate since the time immemorial and mixed it with vanilla and honey.

The popularity of chocolate has become extremely high since that time and today it is considered to be one of the most favourite desserts, because chocolate is often the main ingredient in sweets, cakes, etc. The common chocolate mass possesses the lower taste and aromatic qualities, because the concentration of sugar is not higher than 63%. The dessert chocolate mass possesses wider and more distinct taste due to the scrupulous and time-consuming processing and transformation. On the basis of the content of the chocolate it is divided into black, milk and white. Continue reading