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Case Study on Banking Services

Case Study on Banking Services:

A bank is a financial institution which fulfils numerous operations with money and securities, serves for the government, groups of people and individuals. Bank is an institution which is established with the purpose to gain high profit; has the right to conduct financial operations; has the right to attract the finance of people and use the money from its own person for various purposes; works due to the special permission obtained from the government; does not have the right to provide insurance and activity connected with trade and production.

The history of banks is very long and draws back to the beginning of the human civilization and the increase of the role of the private property and finance. Since that time banks have developed seriously and now there are many types of banks which fulfil numerous operations which touch upon every sphere of human life. Continue reading

Case Study on Depression in Psychology

Case Study on Depression in Psychology:

Depression is the psychological condition of the human organism which is characterized with the low mood, constant negative emotions and the specific negative treatment of the world. Depression is the most widespread psychological problem of the modern time and it is natural, because people live in the dynamic world which attacks them with information all the time, that is in the major part negative and the human organism reflects the same.

It is obvious that there are many factors, which can cause depression. To begin with, the constant stress and complete exhaustion of the organism can cause the state of low mood, because the person is oppressed by the surrounding world and the problems which occur there all the time. Next, if something bad happens with the human relatives, friends, close people, the human psychics can react in the negative way of depression. Continue reading

Case Study on Demand and Supply

Demand and Supply Case Study:

Demand and supply is the objective economic law which defines the interdependence between the indicators of supply and demand of the products on the market and their price. The main idea of the law is that if the price on the product is law, more people become able to purchase it (the demand increases), but the readiness to sell it (supply) reduces. The law is quite simple and natural and reflects the real picture of the relations on the market between the salesmen and customers. It is obvious that if the product is cheap, more people will be able to pay for it, but salesmen do not want to waste time on the sale of the cheap products and the supply becomes low.

On the contrary, if the product is expensive, more salesmen become eager to earn money and the supply increases, but the customers are not always ready to purchase expensive goods and services and the demand reduces. Continue reading

Case Study on Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever Case Study:

Dengue fever is a serious transmission viral disease. The symptoms of the disease are fever, intoxication, myalgia, arthralgia, rash and the increase of the lymph nodes. There are also cases of the certain hemorrhagic syndrome which make dengue fever even more dangerous. The disease is met in South and South-East Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Caribbean basin. The targets of the disease are children and foreigners who have just arrived in the area and have not got used to the new climate and the natural environment. The sources of the disease are the ill people, bats and monkeys and the disease is transmitted by mosquitoes who bite the ill person and infect the healthy one.

There are numerous symptoms of the classic cases of dengue fever: chills, pain in bones, joints and muscles, the increase of the body temperature to 39-40 degrees, anorexia, adynamia, nausea, dizziness, insomnia, rash, reddening of eyes and throat and increase of pulse. Continue reading

Case Study on Demand Forecasting

Demand Forecasting Case Study:

Demand forecasting is the activity which is aimed at the prediction of the popularity of the goods and services among costumers. The problem of demand forecasting is closely connected with the problem of supply and demand and there are numerous theories and methods which are useful on the way of the prediction of the popularity. In order to forecast the demand a skilful businessman is supposed to be aware about the structure of the market, the psychology of the consumers and the current choice of products.

The demand occurs when consumers require some effective services and appliances which have not been produced before. For example, when appears a device which makes the certain work easier and more effective, the people who are involved in this work will try to purchase this device by all means making the demand high. Continue reading

Case Study on Wetlands

Wetlands Case Study:

Wetlands are the areas which are characterized with the soil in the form of aquifer with the permanent or seasonal humidity. Such area can be partly or entirely occupied by the water. There are many different types of wetlands and the most widespread among them are small ponds, coastal areas, bogs, swamps, etc. The water is the wetlands can be of different type according to its location: fresh, sea and brackish. The widest areas of the wetlands are situated in South America on the territory of Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay.

Wetlands play a very important role for the normal existence of the ecosystems and for the life of the human beings. Due to their high level of humidity wetlands are the major sources of fresh drinking water, so people take advantage of the streams flowing in the region of wetlands and dig wells which always contain clean fresh drinking water. Continue reading

Whole Foods Case Study

Case Study on Whole Foods:

Whole Foods Market is the American corporation which owns a chain of the supermarkets and healthy food stores. Whole Foods was founded in 1980 by John Mackey and very soon the corporation developed to the enormous heights and has become profitable and one of the most influential ones on the American market. The stores of Whole Foods can be found not only on the territory of the USA but also in Great Britain. The corporation is famous for its healthy food products, which are transported from the ecologically safe regions and produced without the use of the harmful substances, like pesticides, preservatives, sweeteners, etc., though there have been numerous claims that the quality of the products is not so high as it is said to be. The products for Whole Foods are provided from the local areas, from the whole territory of the US and from the international providers. Whole Foods’ products are supposed to be of high quality, though it generally depends on the local and international providers. Continue reading

Case Study on Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo Case Study:

Wells Fargo is a banking company which offers financial and security services in the USA, Canada, etc and is one of the 1000 most profitable companies of the world. Wells Fargo is the fourth largest bank in the USA and is included into the Big Four of the banks of the country. The company is based in San Francisco and its headquarters are located there too.

Wells Fargo was established due to the unity of the Californian company Wells Fargo & Co with Norwest, the company from Minneapolis in 1998. The executives decided to keep the name of the company Wells Fargo, because it is a recognizable name which has more than 150 years of history and keep the symbol of the company in the form of a carriage. Having purchased Wachovia the company became the biggest creditor in the USA in 2009. Continue reading

Case Study on Delegation of Authority

Delegation of Authority Case Study:

Delegation of authority is the process of transfer of the authority and opportunities of the manager to the subordinate representatives of the organization. The process of delegation of authority is quite a popular one and is widely practised in every organization: public and private, commercial and non-commercial.

When the manager of the institution has too much work in other departments or fields but the work should be done by the deadline, he can delegate authority to the close employees who are skilful, responsible and trustworthy enough to cope with the work effectively. Delegation of authority is on the one hand a negative action and on the other hand it has numerous pluses. To begin with, when the manager delegates authority, it can affect the productiveness and the quality of work, because the subordinate employees are not always capable to fulfill the suggested duties properly. Continue reading

Team Building Case Study

Team Building Case Study:

Team building is the term which used in the context of business and is applied to the broad field of actions aimed at the improvement of the effectiveness of the team. The idea of team building was borrowed from sports, because sports and games are the most useful activities which develop team spirit and cooperation between the team members. Today team building is one of the major practices of management and this practice is constantly improved. Evidently, nowadays corporation management can not exist without team building, as it creates the core foundation of the rapid and effective development of business.

The major idea of team building is to divide the whole staff of employees into the independent groups which fulfil different work and duties and together all the groups fulfil the single main task and maintain the success of the company. Shortly, it is the variant of the so called division of labour in business. Continue reading