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Case Study on Team Leadership

Team Leadership Case Study:

Team leadership is the set of qualities, solutions and decisions which are aimed at the improvement of work of a team and motivate the employees work effectively. Team leadership skills are supposed to belong to the person who is responsible for the work of the team – a team leader.

A team leader is an individual who is the formal or informal leader of the whole tem who controls the quality and quantity of the work of the employees and suggests alternative solutions if the team can not cope with the work because of the certain reasons. The team leader often has wider spectrum of work than the members of the team, because he is expected to be the expert in the sphere of the team’s activity, so he has not only to fulfil his own duties but to monitor the results of the work of the team, motivate them, help and explain the reasons of their failure and correct their mistakes. Continue reading

Case Study on Virtualization

Virtualization Case Study:

Virtualization is a term used in computing, which means the process of the presentation of the set of the computing resources and their logical connection which gives advantages over the original configuration. It is a new virtual opinion about the resources of the components which are not limited by realization, computer hardware and geographic position. Generally, virtualized resources include computing power and databases. In the scientific language, virtualization is the isolation of the computing processes from one another. The examples of virtualization are the multiprocessing computer architectures, which use more than one processor. Operating systems are configured in such a way to make several processors work like the single processor module. That is why computer programs are written for the single logical virtual module, as it is easier than to work with a great number of various processor configurations. Virtualization can be used in various spheres. Continue reading

Case Study on Whistleblowing

Case Study on Whistleblowing:

Whistleblowing is the action of delivering of information to the society or the officials about a certain planned illegal action or cheating, which will occur at a public or private institution or commercial organization. Whistleblowing is divided into two types: internal and external.

Internal whistleblowers report about the illegal activity at an organization directly to the representatives of this very institution, mainly to the employees who have higher position and have certain influence in the company.

External whistleblowing is the report about the illegal action to the representatives of the law enforcement services, who will take efforts to prevent the action and punish the ones who have planned to conduct the wrong things. Continue reading

Case Study on Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D Deficiency Case Study:

Vitamin D deficiency is the low level of vitamin D in the human organism which causes numerous problems with health. It has been studied that vitamin D is mainly gained by consumption of the certain food products and sunlight. When there are certain disorders which prevent the human organism from the extraction of vitamin D from food products and when the sun light is poor, numerous problems can occur. Vitamin D deficiency is caused by the kidney and liver disorders and certain genetic factors. When the organism feels lack of vitamin D, such processes as the reduction of mineralization of bones occur which lead to the serious diseases, which are characterized with the reduced density of bones: rickets among children and osteoporosis among the grown-ups and elderly people. When children do not receive enough vitamin D, their bones are deformed and remain in this condition even when the disease is cured. The grown-ups who suffer from the deficiency of vitamin D feel the changes in the bone system of the body. Continue reading

Case Study on Visual Merchandising

Visual Merchandising Case Study:

Visual merchandising is the process of creation images and three-dimensional installations in the sphere of marketing with the purpose to attract customers and increase sales. It is obvious that the 19th century has changed the process of production and marketing cardinally, because the production became massive and retail trade appeared. Of course, every businessman wants to have maximum of benefit and sell as much products as possible, but it is not easy to make consumers buy goods and services, which are most often expensive. Visual merchandising is one of the first techniques which are used to attract client’s attention and persuade him to purchase the product. In this aspect visual merchandising is similar to advertising, because it influences the human senses and uses psychological techniques which have impact on subconscious and make people buy goods and services. Continue reading

Case study on Visual Impairment

Visual Impairment Case Study:

Visual impairment is the condition of the serious loss of vision because of various factors. The characteristic feature of visual impairment is that it is impossible to restore the person’s vision, as all the operations and lenses are helpless. Visual impairment occurs because of the impact of various factors, like physical damage of eyes, genetic problems, cataracts, diabetes, glaucoma, psychological disorders and problems with the central nervous system. Visual impairment is becoming a serious problem of the human society, because the number of the people who have problems with vision is constantly increasing. Very soon more than 10% of all the people of the developed countries will have serious problems with eyesight and it will be impossible to cure them. The main reason of this fact is that the people of the developed countries exhaust their eyes rapidly being under the constant impact of stress and digital devices, like laptops, PCs, smart phones, pads, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Turnaround Strategy

Turnaround Strategy Case Study:

Turnaround strategy is a complex of methods used for the improvement of the work and reorganization of the company with the purpose of making it profitable. Very often businessmen notice that their company has become loss-making and the expenditures and cost of production increase but the profit reduces. In this case one has to improve the situation rapidly and think over the methods which can be applied there. A turnaround strategy is supposed to change the work of the company rapidly and restore its position on the market and making it prosperous and able to complete with the other companies. Before the application of the turnaround strategy one should decide the reasons of the failure and high cost and then make the right decisions which can be really effective in this case. A turnaround strategy is closely connected with numerous branches of management, economics, social studies, etc. because every case is unique and has different cause of the problem. Continue reading

Case Study on Twins

Case Study on Twins:

Twins are the children of the one mother which have been produced during the one pregnancy. There are two main types of twins: monozygotic and dizygotic. Monozygotic twins are produced from the single zygote which was fertilized by the single sperm cell and then divided into two separate embryos on the way of its development. Such twins possess the same genotype and always belong to the same sex. Furthermore, the interesting peculiarity of monozygotic twins is their appearance.

It is often impossible to recognize the identity of one of the twins from the first sight, because they look like each other very much. Their character and preferences are quite similar and more than 25% of the monozygotic twins are like the mirrors of their brothers or sisters. There are cases that the heart of one of the ‘mirror’ twins is situated in the right part of the body. Dizygotic twins are the twins which were produced from the two separate eggs which were fertilized by the two different sperm cells. Continue reading

Whirlpool Case Study

Whirlpool Case Study:

The Whirlpool corporation is one of the biggest American multinational corporations which focus on the production of home appliances. The corporation was established in 1911 and since that time it has been experiencing rapid development. Whirlpool has billions of dollars of the annual income and belongs to the top 500 successful companies of the world. The corporation has its research centres all over the world and produces appliances for the local areas.

Whirlpool has purchased a great number of other similar companies and now it plans to purchase Electrolux and become the biggest corporation on the market of home appliances producing all possible devices which can be required at home. Whirlpool continues acquiring new and new smaller companies and is going to expand the Asian market. Continue reading

Case Study on Serial Killers

Case Study on Serial Killers:

A serial killer is a person who has committed several criminal murders (from three and more) in a certain period of time (the period can last weeks, months and even years). Serial killers differ from the similar crimes, like assassination, ritual murder, killing in the war period and mass killing (terroristic act, school shooting, etc). The term ‘serial killer’ appeared in 1976 and was used for the description of the personality of Theodore Robert «Ted» Bundy who killed up to one hundred people during his life.

The experts have investigated the problem of serial killers scrupulously and defined that the predisposition to the serial killing is formed in childhood. The main factors are not only the problems in family, but the genetic predisposition and psychological problems. Children who are violent towards animals and other children and have weak and vulnerable psychics are at the risk of becoming murderers and even serial killers. Continue reading