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Case Study on Economic Environment

Economic Environment Case Study:

Economic environment is a set of factors which create a single picture of the financial situation in the country. Economic environment touches upon every important element and phenomenon of economics and on the basis of the analysis of all the factors it is possible to understand the condition of economics of the country. First of all the economic environment analyzes the problem of employment and the percentage of the unemployed people. The factor is very important, because all the serious problems in the society, like poverty, epidemics, crime, suicides, etc occur because of unemployment. Next, the factor of inflation also plays an important role in the distinguishing of the economic environment of the country, because if the inflation is high, the condition of the economics can not be called favourable and one should take many efforts to maintain the effectiveness of economics and production. Continue reading

Case Study on Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration Case Study:

Illegal immigration is the cross of the boarder of a country without any documents with the purpose to stay in this country, live and work there. The problem illegal immigration is a real headache for the developed countries, because the main sources of immigrants are the third world developing countries which possess unfavourable financial background and tense political situation. Illegal immigration is often caused by the criminals, who run from their native countries with the hope to find shelter and protection abroad with the help of the illegal documents and bribery.

Another type of illegal immigration characterizes the individuals whose visa and ability to stay on the territory of the country is over but they continue staying there. The consequences of the illegal immigration are extremely harmful for the host country, because immigrants become a serious burden for the country. Continue reading

Case Study on Education System

Case Study on Education System:

Education system is the set of the various educational institutions and their organization which is controlled by the government. Education system in every country is different and meets the requirements and social, political, cultural standards. The system of education is varied and gradual and serves for different categories of people who want to achieve education. Children from the age of six go to school, which is divided into elementary and junior school. When they are older, they go to high school and spend there a few years before going to work. The education till the high school is obligatory for everyone, but if one wants to receive higher education, he will have to enter a college and university, which is not always cheap. The educational institutions are generally divided into the private and public ones. The public schools are managed by the government and local authorities, which prepare the curriculum and organize the work of schools according to their own point of view and the general standards of the country. Continue reading

Case Study on Personality Traits

Case Study on Personality Traits:

Personality traits are the set of the qualities and traits of human character which define a certain type of a human being judging from his psychics. Today the most popular model of the definition of the personality traits is the Big Five personality traits which concentrate on the certain core traits which define the psychological type of the individual.

The factors which influence the results of the theory of the personality traits are: extraversion, openness, neuroticism, agreeableness and conscientiousness. All these traits are independent and according to their level in the human being it is possible to define the type of the individual. The first factor, called the openness to experience is characterised with the high interest in the human being to discover new things, appreciate art, adventure and brainstorm various unique and creative ideas. Continue reading

Case Study on Defamation

Defamation Case Study:

Defamation is the spread of the malicious statements, which cause harm to the reputation of an individual, a group of people, an organization, etc. Defamation is not always practised to damage someone’s reputation on purpose, but it is still considered to be a crime. Defamation generally occurs in printing, in articles, books, even scientific publications, where one scholar criticises the other one and brainstorms false statements about him. The act of defamation is treated like an illegal action and the spread of the information (no matter whether it is true or false) without the approval of the very person who is written about is punished by the law. Shortly, defamation is a simple rumour and the spread of such facts publicly is illegal. Defamation is quite an old problem, which has always existed in the human society. There were always people who strived to defame the opponent’s reputation and probably occupy his position. Continue reading

Case Study on Data Analysis

Data Analysis Case Study:

Data analysis is field of mathematics and information technology, which is aimed at the creation of the general mathematical methods and counting algorithms of the extraction of knowledge from the experimental data. It is the process of research, filtration, transformation and modelling of data with the purpose of extraction of the useful information and decision making. Data analysis has a great number of aspects and research approaches, which cover various methods in different branches of sciences and activity. Intellectual data analysis is the method of data analysis which focuses on the modelling and discovery of data, but not on its description. Business data analysis covers data analysis relying on aggregation. In the field of statistics the experts divide the data analysis into the descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis and statistical hypothesis testing. Continue reading

Case Study on Tax Evasion

Tax Evasion Case Study:

Tax evasion is the process which is characterized with the refusal of an individual, a company or a corporation to pay taxes. In fact, tax evasion is also the process which describes the intention of an individual or a corporation to pay less tax than they have to. Evidently, tax evasion is a serious crime, because the companies which refuse to pay taxes cause harm to the whole economics of the country, which is generally based on taxes. The importance of taxes is high, because the money achieved through taxing is spent on the improvement of the life of the country or the local area, improvement of the health care system, education, the police, the quality of roads, buildings, parks, etc. So, the public property and the services which are aimed to improve the human life are financed through taxing. Naturally, if the corporations do not pay taxes, it influences the life of the society negatively. It is obvious that the individuals and great corporations have learnt how to hide their income and reduce their taxes. Continue reading

Case Study on Talent Acquisition

Talent Acquisition Case Study:

Talent acquisition is a complex of processes which are supposed to attract a qualified employee into an organization. Inasmuch the success of business depends on the qualification of its employees, the aim of every wise employer is to attract the top-certified and experienced employees by all means. A talented employee is very valuable for an organization and if it manages to recruit the one, it should do its best to keep the employee satisfied and provide him with the best working conditions and perspectives. The process of talent acquisition is a broad synonym to the recruitment process but differs with more scrupulous selection of the applicants. Talent acquisition includes advertising in order to attract the employee’s attention, recruitment process with all its attributes, training and development, etc. The idea of talent acquisition is not only to attract the talented employees, who can bring profit to the company, but to train all the employees of the organization and develop their professional skills in the right way. Continue reading

Case Study Writing Structure

Case Study Writing Structure:

A case study is a standards assignment at college and university and it is supposed to develop student’s critical thinking skills, abilities to analyse facts properly and solve the weirdest problems related with their major discipline. Generally students are supposed to know everything about the way of its writing. However, many students are not sure how to organize their papers and the professional case study writing guidelines below will inform every student about the most appropriate approach to its writing.

  1. To begin with, the student is expected to prepare a good outline to the case study, because the success of the paper depends directly on the ability of the student to organize the process of writing well. The outline should include the most essential parts of the case study, the essential sub topics and important questions which are expected to be answered to. One should try to complete the most detailed plan if does not want to miss any important fact. Continue reading

Case Study on Ubuntu Operating System

Ubuntu OS Case Study:

Ubuntu operating system is the operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux. The main creator and sponsor of the production of the operating system is Canonical Company. Today the project of Ubuntu operating system is actively developed and supported by the virtual community. According to the statistics provided by Canonical Ltd Ubuntu is used by more than 20 million people what makes it one of the most popular distributives of Linux for desktops. It is the fourth most popular Linux’ distributive for the web servers and its popularity is increasing constantly. Generally, the new versions of Ubuntu are released every half of a year. Ubuntu is supplied with the software for servers and workstations. It is installed in the PCs with the help of LiveCD, LiveUSB or the text installer. In the version of LiveDVD there are more opportunities starting from the process of installation not only in the graphic but in the text mode and finishing with the complete localization and a great software suite on the disc. Continue reading