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How to Write a Case Study in APA Format

How to Write a Good Case Study in APA Format:

Writing a case study is an obligatory process which is practised in every college and university. Case study writing is aimed at the training of the student’s analytical and critical thinking skills.

When one is asked to complete his case study in APA format, he should know that there are strict requirements and expectations concerning the structure of the paper, the format and the manner of presentation of the information. American Psychological Association is a specific style of writing, which demands a list of the strict requirements. When one is not sure how to organize the paper in this format, below there are professional APA case study writing tips, which can be useful for everyone. Continue reading

Case Study on Ageing Population

is the increase of the percentage of the elderly people in the total number of people on the planet. Population ageing is a serious problem, which touches upon different spheres of human life, especially economics, because if the number of the retired people increases, there will be no workforce which will maintain the appropriate financial, cultural and political condition of the country. According to the predictions in 2050 the number of the retired people will be equal to more than 2 billion. The main targets of population ageing are the developed countries in Europe, North America, Australia and the Russian part of Asia. The developing countries do not have this problem, because the average age of the people there is 20 – 30, which is supposed to be the indicator of the extremely young age. Continue reading

Case Study on Wealth Management

Case Study on Wealth Management:

Wealth management is the complex of consulting services, which embrace all the aspects of the financial activity of the client who possesses great capital, including, investments, bond, obligations, accounting, taxing and juridical questions. Wealth management is the important discipline which touches upon such questions like investment and business planning. Due to the consultation or advice of the expert in wealth management one can solve numerous problems related with the problem of the development of business, increase of productivity and solution of financial problems.

Furthermore, if one consults about the problem of wealth management, he will be able to plan the process of investment and organize the process of business inheritance. Wealth management is essential and useful for the rich businessmen, who want to leave their business for their families, but it is difficult to organize this process well. It is obvious that the life of a person is limited and all these questions must be solved quickly. Continue reading

Case Study on Violence against Women

Case Study on Violence against Women:

Violence against women is a serious problem which requires quick and effective solutions, because any sort of abuse should not exist just because of belonging to a certain gender.

Evidently, the problem has been relevant for thousands of years, because women have always been neglected and treated like second rate people who are not able to think and present wise sober thoughts.

The main reason which caused such a situation is the simple fact that women are physically weaker than men, and the letter decided to make themselves a dominant sex. Women’s right have always been violated. Historically, very few women had the opportunity to receive education, work and choose their husbands. The planned marriage has always been a standard and women were asked whether they agree to marry a man seldom. Continue reading

Case Study on Down Syndrome

Case Study on Down Syndrome:

Down syndrome is the form of the genetic pathology which is represented with the third copy of the 21st pair of chromosomes in the human organism. The syndrome has the name of the English doctor, who first described the disorder in 1866. In fact, the connection of the disorder with the valid number of chromosomes was detected only in 1959 during the scrupulous research. At first the disorder was called a disease but later the numerous common traits and characteristics features were detected and the disorder started to be called a syndrome. At first doctor Down described the syndrome as the certain psychological disorder. In the 20th century Down syndrome became very widespread, but the majority of the people died in the early age, often as new-borns. Furthermore, with the development of eugenics in the USA and other developed countries the majority of the people who suffered from Down syndrome were sterilized and the people who were unlucky to live in the Nazi Germany were put into death, as there was a special governmental program which maintained this process. Down syndrome is not a rare pathology, because every seven hundredth new-born has this syndrome. Continue reading

Weight Loss Case Study

Weight Loss Case Study:

Weight loss is the decrease of the human body mass with the purpose of improvement of health, tonus and increase of aesthetic attraction. Naturally, the problem of weight loss occurs because of the certain diseases, but nowadays the problem is generally associated with the loss of weight conducted on purpose. Today people think about their appearance much and want to look attractively and healthy. It is obvious that the people who suffer from obesity can not be called very attractive, but the question of weight loss is mostly interesting for the people who do not have such problems. Weight loss has become the type of business, because today there are more and more diets, products and techniques aimed at the decrease of the body mass, which actually are not always effective and create only the illusion of the weight loss process. Furthermore, many techniques and methods cause serious harm to the human health, for example, the products and pills which burn fat, the procedures of liposuction and dieting, smoking for weight loss, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Women in the Workplace

Case Study on Women in the Workplace:

A woman in the workplace is quite a serious topic nowadays, which requires attention. Years ago no one could imagine a woman work in an office the same way the men do and support the family in the same way and the same amount of money. The role of the woman was different from the one in modern times. Women stayed at home and were busy doing work about the house and taking care of children. Today the situation is different and women have the equal opportunities to find a good job and build their own successful career. Unfortunately, there are still numerous prejudices from the male side concerning the question of a woman in the workplace. First of all men still think, that women can not work as good as the men and the quality of their work is poor. Furthermore, they believe that the way of the work of the female mind is completely different and she can not cope with the certain type of work. Continue reading

Writing a Case Study Response

assignment of a case study is a typical job for college and university students, who want to improve their professional and critical thinking skills and become expert in their main discipline, because a case study is a research of a definite problem of a certain topic which requires time and efforts. If one is asked to complete a case study, he should devote much attention to the process and collect enough reliable facts, which will be helpful in the process of the analysis. There is always a certain problem and the student should find out about the cause and effect of the problem and solve the ‘puzzle’ of the case professionally. Evidently, students are always nervous and frustrated while writing the case study, because the topics are not always easy and require efforts and knowledge. Continue reading

Case Study on Tata Nano

Case Study on Tata Nano:

Tata Nano is the name of the automobile produced by the Indian company Tata Motors. Tata Nano is supposed to be one of the smallest and the cheapest automobiles in the world, because its size is so small that it is considered to be the link between the motorcycle and automobile. Tata Nano was introduced in Delhi in 2008 and it astonished customers with its price. At that time the automobile cost 2500 dollars and now it can be purchased for 1500 dollars, which makes Tata Nano the cheapest mass produced car. The automobile survived all the crash tests and meets all the norms and standards of safety and is permitted for the mass production; no wonder today Tata Nano is the most popular car in India due to its price and size. Continue reading

Web Design Case Study

Web Design Case Study:

Web design is the branch of web-engineering and design, which is aimed at the projecting of the user’s web-interface, websites and web-applications. Web designers project the logical structure of the websites, brainstorm the easiest and the most effective ways to solve the existing problems and think about the best ways of data presentation. Furthermore, web designers work on the artistic look of the website making it neat, nice and catchy. The difficulty of web design is based on the fact that the discipline is situated on the crossing of other two great disciplines: web-engineering and design, so the expert in web design is supposed to be familiar with the latest innovations in web technologies and possess well-developed and sophisticated artistic skills. The majority of the experienced web designers are the programmers and web engineers, who have finished the courses of design studio in order to increase their level in the branch of art and design. Continue reading