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Case Study on Ratio Analysis

Ratio Analysis Case Study:

Ratio analysis is the great analysis of the definite processes in the activity of a company, the results of which are compared to the activity of other companies. Ratio analysis is very important for the development of every company, because it compares the results of the activity of a company in different periods and illustrates the increase and decrease in its development. For example, it is sensible to analyze the profit and expenditure of the company in different periods of the year and think about the reason of the failure or success. Generally, such important questions as the total performance and the way the company is operating its finance are analyzed scrupulously in order to improve the whole work of the company and brainstorm new methods of management, which can be more effective in the current situation. Continue reading

Case Study on Rape Victims

Rape Victims Case Study:

Today the problem of rape has become extremely relevant, because the frequency of raping is growing constantly in the world. Evidently, the main targets of the attackers are women and the number of women who have experienced the danger or attempt of raping is very high. There are also cases of the male rape but they occur quite seldom.

The most common age group of the rape victims is up to 20 year old young people, especially teenagers. It is interesting, that most of them are attacked by the people who are familiar to them, for example, family members, friends and classmates. The percent of the unfamiliar attackers is extremely low. It does not worth mentioning that rape victims have gone through the strong stress and the majority of them requires psychological help and treating. Continue reading

Case Study on Railway Reservation System

Railway Reservation System Case Study:

A railway reservation system is a useful service which enables people book railway tickets online saving their time, energy and money. Today, nearly every railway company in the world offers a special reservation system in order to make the life of their passengers easier. Railways are still considered to be the most popular means of transportation, that is why more and more people take advantage of it every year. It is obvious that it is difficult and unpleasant to spend long hours at the booking office in a long queue in order to purchase a ticket. No wonder, the majority of people are frustrated and nervous and experience strong stress while buying the ticket at a booking office.

The process can be definitely called unbearable. Transportation companies, including the railway ones, have decided to provide their clients with the opportunity to book tickets online. It is really convenient to sit in front of the computer screen and book the very ticket one needs at a moment’s notice without leaving one’s home. Continue reading

Case Study on Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater Harvesting Case Study:

Rainwater harvesting is the process of accumulation of the rainwater with the purpose to use it for various purposes. The process of rainwater harvesting has always been a popular way to receive pure water in the areas which are quite poor on the safe drinking water. Different countries especially which are characterized with hot climate and deserted areas use this method to gain water for various needs.

Rainwater harvesting is practised with the purpose of the optimization of the use of water resources, because it is reasonable to use free pure rainwater and to safe energy required for the water recycling. Rainwater harvesting used to be the best source of drinking water before the global problem of air pollution occurred, though the purity of this water is still quite high, especially in non-industrial areas. Continue reading

Case Study on Personality in Organizational Behaviour

Personality in Organizational Behaviour Case Study:

Organizational behaviour is a complex of actions and decisions which are aimed at the creation of the convenient and encouraging working atmosphere, defeat of the conflicts and motivation to the high-quality work. It is obvious that personality plays an extremely important role in the organizational behaviour of a company. In order to maintain peace and favourable working conditions the team of managers should possess a set of qualities and traits of character which can be helpful in the control of the employees. If one manages people and their work, he should be not only an expert in his field but be a little bit of a psychologist in order to influence employees’ decisions, actions, to persuade and encourage them and solve all the conflicts which are sure to occur in the process of work. Furthermore, a talented manager will predict the behaviour of employees easily just relying on his knowledge and experience. Continue reading

Case Study on Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal Case Study:

Taj Mahal is the mausoleum and mosque, which is situated in Agra, India on the banks of the river Yamuna. The mausoleum was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to commemorate his wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died during the birth of her fourteenth child. Later there was buried the emperor himself. Taj Mahal is considered to be the greatest example of the Mughal style in architecture, because it includes the elements of various architecture styles: Persian, Indian and Islamic, no wonder the mausoleum was made a World Heritage Site in 1983 and is protected by UNESCO. Taj Mahal is considered to be one of the greatest buildings in India and the whole world.

Every year millions of tourists from different corners of the world come to see it. Continue reading

Case Study on PepsiCo

PepsiCo Case Study:

PepsiCo is a big American food and beverage corporation, known all over the world. The company PepsiCo was founded in 1965 on the result of the union of the two companies The Pepsi Cola Company and Frito Lay. The corporation developed very fast and absorbed more and more companies in order to become the leader on the market of food and beverage products and till 1997 PepsiCo owned such big chains of fast food restaurants as KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. In 1998 the corporation purchased Tropicana, later Quaker Oats. Furthermore, PepsiCo focuses on the development and purchase of the bottling companies (The Pepsi Bottling Group (PBG) and PepsiAmericas), which are involved into the bottling of PepsiCo’s products. This decision has made PepsiCo the second largest food and beverage corporation after Nestle in the world. Continue reading

Case Study on Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Case Study:

Upper respiratory tract infections are the groups of inflammation processes in the respiratory tract, which cause harm to the organism and are caused by viruses. URTI are the most widespread groups of diseases in the world, because nearly everyone suffers from it at least once every year, especially in cold periods. URTI includes such diseases as influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus and adenovirus infections and other infections of the upper respiratory tract. When the disease is progressing, the condition of the patient may be damaged even more because of the activity of various bacteria. URTI are considered to be the most widespread infections in the world, that is why it is impossible to predict epidemics in the definite parts of the world. Speaking about babies, they do not fall ill with URTI due to the isolated way of life and strong immune system, but when they get older and go to kindergarten or school, they will fall ill very often, sometimes more than ten times per year. Continue reading

Case Study on Talent Management

Talent Management Case Study:

Talent management is the set of tools and techniques of the human resource management, which is aimed at the attraction, training and keeping of the employees who make a considerable contribution into the development of a company. It is obvious that every organization wants to have at least several really talented employees who can be called the experts in their sphere.

The policy of talent management is quite complicated and was worked out in the end of the 1990­ies, but the practice of talent management existed already in the 1970­ies, when famous organizations did their best to recruit the best young employees from all over the world for the good of the company. Great corporations spend money to monitor the young talents already at school and college and offer them a job. The most common ways to convince young talents to stay working at the organization is money. Continue reading

Case Study on Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis Case Study:

Tuberculosis is a widespread in the world inflectional disease, which strikes both people and animals and is caused by various types of mycobacterium, generally Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

More often tuberculosis attacks the human lungs but sometimes it can cause harm to other organs. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is transmitted in different ways, for example during coughing, sneezing, conversation with the patient. More often the person who has caught Mycobacterium tuberculosis does not feel anything and the disease remains in the hidden form and does not cause any harm to a person, though one tenth of the tuberculosis attacks turn into the active form and the disease develops further. The classical symptoms of lung tuberculosis is constant coughing with blood­tinged sputum? on the later stages of the disease patients lose weight, sweat heavily at night, have fever and suffer from weaknesses. Continue reading