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Case Study on Bad Customer Service

Bad Customer Service Case Study:

Bad customer service is the negative experience which is faced by a client during the process of purchasing goods or services at a company. Generally, bad customer service is connected with the careless and unprofessional work of the staff of a company who failed to satisfy the needs of the client properly.

For example, if you are waiting for half an hour for a small cup of coffee at a cafe, it naturally starts to irritate, as a result, even if you receive your coffee, you will never probably come to that cafe again. The result of such behavior and ill treating of client deprived the company of its customers. Continue reading

Case Study on Adidas

Adidas Case Study:

Adidas is the great German international corporation which produces sportswear, sports equipment, shoes and bags. Today Adidas consists of a range of branches: Reebok, Y-3, Taylor-Made Golf, etc. The existence of the company began in the 1920 when the Dassler family decided to start producing shoes, generally sports shoes for sportsmen. Very soon Dassler shoes began well-known all over the world, but after the World War II after the death of their father Adi and Rudi Dassler decided to divide the company of the father and between them and called their new companies Adidas and Puma, which have become rivals since that time. In 1949 the emblem of Adidas with three parallel bars was introduced. After the death of Adolf Dassler the company was moving closer to its crisis gradually and at the beginning of the 1990-ies the profit of the company was very low. Continue reading

Case Study on Youth Crime

Youth Crime Case Study:

Youth crime is the term which means the fact that young people, generally teenagers, commit crimes and other illegal actions. The problem of youth crime has always been stressing, because young people commit no less crimes than the elder ones. Teenagers possess sensitive psychology, no wonder; they try to seem cooler and to attract attention of the others in different ways. Sometimes the only way out to attract attention (from their point of view) to join a street gang and commit crimes demonstrating rebellious behaviour and attitude towards the society and its values.

The other category of the teenagers who commit crimes is the ones who come from the unfavourable families, where parents suffer from alcohol and drug abuse and do not have enough money to bring up their children. Being deprived of the parents love and care and the money for living teenagers commit crimes, generally based on stealth to provide themselves with the basic things. Continue reading

Case Study on Xerox Corporation

Xerox Corporation Case Study:

Xerox Corporation is the American corporation which is one of the leaders in the field of printing and copying technologies and is one of the prominent producers of photo copiers and printers. The history of Xerox is quite long. It was founded in Rochester, the USA in 1906 and at first manufactured photographic paper and the appliances used for the work with it. In 1947 the corporation started producing its first own paper photocopier and very fast the number of its customers grew, because the service of paper photocopying had been becoming more and more popular. There was the idea to call the appliance ‘xerox’ and since that time the process of photocopying has been called ‘xeroxing’ in many countries of the world and the process became a synonym of the corporation which produces copying equipment. Continue reading

Case Study on XML

XML Case Study:

XML is the artificial markup language which is generally used in the Internet. The main advantage of XML is that it can be read by a machine and by a human reading. The primary language of XML documents is English, because it is widely understood, but the document can be translated into other languages. XML documents contain only the textual signs which make it readable by people.

Generally, a XML document was projected like a language with the easy syntax to enable the computer programmes and people understand and manage it in the Internet. Writing a XML document a programmer is not limited with the content bit should follow the rules of syntax of the chosen language. The information presented in the document is described with the help of the easy tags which makes this format flexible and convenient for the use in different spheres. Continue reading

Case Study on Ultrasound

Ultrasound Case Study:

Ultrasound is the sound pressure wave which can not be heard be a human being. Although, the sound wave is so high that a human can not hear it, the existence of ultrasound has been always obvious to people. Not long ago people learnt to use the abilities of ultrasound for their needs, for example, in health care, veterinary and industry. Ultrasound has the limit of 20000 hertz, and when the power of the wave is increased, the sound can be used for destructive purposes. It is obvious that human ear is not sensitive enough to catch ultrasound, but there are animals, birds and insects which exist only due to the well-developed sound perception and use ultrasound to find out about their location in the space (for example, bats, whales, dolphins, the latter even produce ultrasound for communication with one another). Animals generally hear ultrasound, because it is important for their life and people use this ability to train dogs using the ultrasound whistles. Continue reading

Case Study on Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy Case Study:

Narcolepsy is the neurological disease, which is characterized with the interruption of the function of the human brain to regulate the processes of sleeping and waking up. Narcolepsy is related to hypersomnia, the disorder based on the extremely long terms of day-sleeping. People have problems with sleeping at night but are extremely vulnerable to day-sleeping. They are always tired and sleepy and devote much time of the day to this process. Narcolepsy is generally spread among the young people, mostly men. The disorder has the genetic nature but the reasons or causes of narcolepsy are not known yet. According to the most reasonable idea of the experts in this sphere narcolepsy develops gradually because of the shortage of orexins or hypocretins, the neurotransmitters which regulate the brain function of waking up. Continue reading

Case Study on Religion

Religion Case Study:

Religion is a special form of the world view, which is based on the faith in the supernatural powers, and includes a set of moral values and types of behavior, rituals and gathering of people into the organizations (a church, a religious community, etc.). People have always believed that some supernatural powers and creatures created the world, and all the people, animals, birds and the objects of nature are the results of their creation. Every religion is based on the opposition of the real world or the world of the live and the world which waits people after their death. The explanation of this opposition is very simple, because the world people live in is full of evil, stress and difficulties and people have always wanted to escape into the better world and religion gives them such a possibility claiming that after death everyone will have a better life. Continue reading

Case Study on Technology in Business

Technology in Business Case Study:

Technology has always been followed by business, because every innovation, new machine, appliance, equipment can be sold successfully. Technologies appear do to the hard work, knowledge and imagination of scientists and if the technology is a good one, there is a chance that it will be spread all over the world. As a result, the inventor of the technology will make much money, because people will be ready to pay for the usage of the technology. So, every new technology is business. The majority of the prosperous and successful businessmen have earned their money due to the invention of a certain technology. Continue reading

Case Study on Parenting Styles

Parenting Styles Case Study:

A parenting style is the way parents bring up and treat their child. It does not worth mentioning that parents play the key role in the development of their child, formation of his world view, traits of character, preferences and his position in life. Only parents can provide a child with the basic information about the world and the social relations which will follow the child the whole his life.

There are three main parenting styles which are characterized with their own set of methods and bring up approach. The first on is the authoritarian style. This style is considered to be the oldest one, because years ago children were treated stricter. So, the style is characterized with high demand and little responsibility from the side of the parent. Continue reading