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Case Study on Pfizer

Pfizer Case Study:

Pfizer is the American pharmaceutical company, which is considered to be one of the biggest in the world. The company has invented such well-known and popular medicine like Viagra (which defeat the erection dysfunction) and Visine (popular eye drops). Pfizer remedies are produced in more than 46 countries of the world, including the plants and medical laboratories in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Turkey, etc. The headquarters of the company is located in New York, the US. The history of Pfizer is quite long and interesting. The two businessmen of the German origin founded pharmaceutical business in Brooklyn in 1849. Their production became popular at once, but their rapid development started from the 1880-ies, when they started to produce citric acid. Continue reading

Case Study on Network Management

Network Management Case Study:

Network management is the set of actions which are aimed at the control, planning, administration and protection of the network system.

Today people live in the age of information technologies and the whole valuable information essential for education, work and entertainment is concentrated in the Internet or on the computers. Networks opened wide opportunities for people to find the required data of all kinds at a moment’s notice. Speaking about business, network systems are extremely important there, because all the document, files and contracts can be found in the computers of the company. It makes the work easier and faster. Furthermore, such work is safe, because the data is kept in security in the network of the company. In order to maintain the security of information kept in the servers of the company a smart businessman should employ a team of professional programmers. Continue reading

Case Study on Oligopoly

Oligopoly Case Study:

Oligopoly is the type of the structure of the market which is characterized with the extremely small number of the competing firms. If a company has managed to discover a new sector of the market and produces high-quality goods and services and has won respect and credibility of the customers, it has a chance to be the best one in its sector and become the example of oligopoly.

The brightest examples of oligopoly are such companies as BMW and Mercedes, which are considered to be the dominant producers of automobiles in the world and these two companies dictate the fashion and the style of the further models of automobiles. Customers all over the world believe in the quality of the automobiles produces by BMW and Mercedes and the companies have simply become the icons of this sector of the market. It is easy to recognize oligopoly due to the list of the specific qualities which define it. Continue reading

Case Study on Land Pollution

Land Pollution Case Study:

Land pollution is the littering and contamination of the land resources and soil with industrial and domestic wastes. Human activity influences the ecological situation of the planet negatively. People use the resources of the planet, spoil, ruin and pollute it in different ways. Land pollution is generally connected with the unreasonable use of the land resources and its chaotic littering. Vast territories are used for the purpose of dumping, that means the litter and all sorts of wastes are transported from the cities, towns and villages to the places chosen for the dump. It is obvious that such dumps spoil the countryside, the soil and pollute air with the gases produced by the wastes. Continue reading

Case Study on Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism Case Study:

Hypothyroidism is the negative condition which is based on the extremely low production of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones are generally produced by the thyroid gland with the help of iodine, that is why if one consumes food poor in iodine, he will surely have troubles with thyroid. Iodine can be found in the sea salt, seafood, fish and bread, so one should remember about the consumption of these products. So, because of the shortage of thyroid hormones people complain on the lack of energy, tiredness, slow reaction, which reduces the quality and the quantity of the human’s work. Moreover, people complain on the reduction of memory, quality of nails, the increase of the body weight and dryness of skin. The shortage of thyroid hormones causes problems with metabolism and the described symptoms appear. Hypothyroidism is more frequently met among women, but the frequency of the condition among men is also quite high. Continue reading

Case Study on Garment Industry

Garment Industry Case Study:

Garment industry is the sort of light industry which produces textile and clothes from leather and fur, cloth for the furniture and for other purposes. Garment industry is one of the most important industries, because people can not survive without clothes, as it protects them from cold and heat.

Till the 19th century and the process of industrialization clothes was produced only privately by the separate experts in this field. The quantity and the choice of clothes were poor and only the rich could afford expensive beautiful high-quality clothes from the valuable fabric and leather. So, in France of the 19th century the garment industry appeared which promoted to the mass production of clothes and textiles. The masters, who had much money opened small textile factories, hired enough employees and started to produce clothes in high quantities satisfying the demand of the market. Continue reading

Case Study on Groupon

Groupon Case Study:

Groupon is the commercial website which offers deal-of-the-day discounts or coupons for various goods and services of the companies which place their offers in its database. Groupon was founded in 2008 and the website became extremely popular at once, because it enables people have a drink at a restaurant, go climbing, try yoga or dancing courses and try horse riding for the serious discount from 50 to 90%. The model of Groupon’s business is very easy. One should log in the system of the website and create an account there. With the help of the donated money and the account one can take advantage of the discounts or coupons on various services that very day. Every day there is a list of the offers which are suggested for customers and every offer has the minimum of the buys which should be achieved to activate this service. Continue reading

Case Study on Basic Financial Accounting

Basic Financial Accounting Case Study:

Basic financial accounting is the set of the principle points, components and norms of financial accounting. Financial accounting is extremely important for the existence of every business organization, because with the help of accounting the general success and failure of the company is recorded and analyzed. In order to keep the finance of the company the system of accounting should be developed to the highest level. The employer should know everything about the profit, expenditure of the company, the possibility of the further development (the finance which can be used for the production of goods and services), the ability of investment and improvement of the equipment and machinery. All the financial decisions of the company have their results in financial accounting, which is a valuable thing because it helps the boss to compare the rates of the development of the company from month to month, from year to year. Continue reading

Case Study on Balance Sheet Analysis

Balance Sheet Analysis Case Study:

Balance sheet analysis is the analysis and sober evaluation of the financial condition and potential of the company. A balance sheet has the information about the finance, credit history, profit and expenditure of the company. This analysis is made regularly in the certain periods of time, for example once a month, once in the half of the year or annually. Balance sheet analysis is the important process, because it helps the businessman to understand the condition of the company’s finance, equipment, its ability to develop further (whether the company possesses enough money for the production in the following year), etc. On the basis of the balance sheet analysis investors choose the most appropriate and reliable companies to invest money into. Continue reading

Case Study on Network Topology

Network Topology Case Study:

Network topology is the method or type of the computer network’s arrangement. In simple words computer network possesses a certain structure and organization and the experienced programmer is supposed to know about the pluses and minuses of every system to create the most appropriate systems for the clients who want to set up a computer network at home, in the office, etc. There are different types of the connection of computers between one another within the single network.

Every programmer knows that there are two main kinds of network topology: physical and logical. Physical network topology is characterized with the physical means of the connection of the computers, which depend on the location of the computers and the quality and types of the cables. Continue reading