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Case Study on SBI Bank

SBI Bank Case Study:

State Bank of India is the most well-known and popular bank in the Indian subcontinent. It does not worth mentioning, that more than a half of the Indian population does not use banking services because of the high rate of poverty. So, the second part of people, who still has the access to the banking services take advantage of SBI. It is the oldest bank of India, which has appeared still in the imperial times and was called the Imperial Bank of India, but with the run of time and the change of historical events the bank was renamed and started to serve not only for the rich elite but for everyone who required it. Today SBI has got more than a quarter of a billion permanent clients which use the services of the bank constantly. Continue reading

Case Study on Scientific Management

Scientific Management Case Study:

Scientific management is the process of improvement of the quality of work on the basis of the scientific progress and the latest experience in this sphere. With the help of the scientific management generally the work of a separate business, plant, factory or the organization is improved, because it is impossible to analyze the general norms which can suit the organization of work at every organization. Nevertheless, the process of scientific management in the conditions of socialism is considered to be useful for the organization of work of the whole society. Frederic Taylor is the founder of the theory of scientific management and he introduced all the principles and the meaning of the process for the general public. Continue reading

Case Study on Cafe Coffee Day

Cafe Coffee Day Case Study:

Cafe Coffee Day is the chain of the cafes in India which sell coffee and tea of all kinds. The company is considered to be the largest and the most successful producer of coffee in the country and their success depends on many factors. First of all, it is well-known, that India supplies nearly the whole world with coffee beans of high quality, no wonder, the coffee served at the restaurants satisfies the needs of the most sophisticated consumer. So, the company grows its own coffee beans on the vast plantations and transfers them itself. Moreover, a great number of the beans are sold and it is extra money for the development of the restaurant chain. It is obvious that if the company provides itself with resources and does not depend on anybody and anything, the success of such a company will be great. Cafe Coffee Day has become rich enough to develop far behind the boarders of India. For example, it has bought a small chain of coffee restaurants in Czech Republic. Continue reading

Case Study on Divorce and Children

Divorce and Children Case Study:

Family life is not always the happy one, because there are situations when there is a problem of misunderstanding between the husband and the wife and often the only way out from such a situation is the divorce. Divorce becomes a serious problem when children are involved into this process. Evidently, parents are afraid of the children’s reaction and attitude towards divorce, so they try to brainstorm the weirdest methods to inform their kids about their decision. According to the investigations of the psychologists divorce affects children’s mind negatively. Children often face the problem of stress and disappointment, because they think that they are the main problem and reason of their parents’ divorce. As a result children’s self-esteem is damaged and they become depressed. Continue reading

Case Study on Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis Case Study:

Rheumatoid arthritis is the disease which affects many organs of the human organism but more often joints of the body. The disease is characterized with pain in joints and gradual process which ends with total disability. That means, a patient loses the ability to walk and move his legs and hands and becomes attached to the bed. When a person notices that the disease starts to develop, she should do her best and try to walk as much as possible, otherwise the joins will be attacked faster and the person will lose her ability to move. The nature of rheumatoid arthritis is still unknown and doctors do not have the idea about its origin and the factors which cause it. The disease can inform about itself after a strong stress, infection or enormous physical activity. Continue reading

Case Study on Personal Finance Planning

Personal Finance Planning Case Study:

Personal finance planning is the process of the organization and management of the finance of an individual or a family or a small group of people. The problem of personal finance planning is very important, because today money play the key role in human life and everyone strives to earn much and spend little. In order to be able to save money and support ones living he will have to learn how plan his personal finance wisely. Planning is quite a serious thing, because people always live on the balance of their profits and expenditures. If the expenditures are higher than profit, the planning of the finance is poor and requires quick reorganization. The main expenditures, which face people, are taxes, banking services, insurances of all kinds (to protect or ensure life and health and get a refund in case of an accident which affects ones health or property badly) and various investments, most common of which are connected with stock market. Continue reading

Case Study on Hypertension

Hypertension Case Study:

Hypertension is the constant high blood pressure. Hypertension is a serious and dangerous disease and it needs treatment, because constant high blood pressure affects the organism badly.

For example, the work of many organs, like heart and kidneys. Hypertension can be caused by the long-lasting consumption of biologically active medicine. The brightest example of such medicine is oral contraception. When women consume this medicine, they will probably have hypertension soon. Then, the impact of oral contraception is very visible among the women who suffer from obesity and the ones who smoke heavily. The best way to cure the disease is to combine medical treatment with the modification of the lifestyle. The patient should, first of all, keep a serious and strict diet and exclude fat and fried food from his daily meal. Continue reading

Case Study on HIV

HIV Case Study:

Human immunodeficiency virus is the infection the last stage of which causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

HIV is the most terrible diagnosis which can be heard nowadays, because people know that the disease can not be cured. HIV belongs to the dangerous infections which damage and gradually ruin the immune system of a human. With the run of time the virus causes AIDS and then the slightest disease will be extremely dangerous for life. For example, one can die because of flu or simple form of angina. The most typical way to catch the infection lies through the unsaved sex and through blood. The virus can be transferred from one person to another during the sexual contact, from the infected pregnant mother to her child, with breast milk, during the blood transfusion from the donor to the patient, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Capital Market

Capital Market Case Study:

Capital market is the type of the market where the long-termed securities can be bought and sold. Capital market is the important type of the market, because it helps to support and create the economics of the country. Every great corporation developed due to the loans at capital market institutions which lend money for the period of more than a year. Capital market finance exists in the form of obligations and people or companies who want to invest money in something are able to purchase a certain part of the obligations and assure profitable future if they are successful. Continue reading

Case Study on Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociative Identity Disorder Case Study:

Dissociative Identity Disorder is the psychological disorder during which the patient’s personality is divided and there is the impression that in the body of a single human coexist several different personalities. The disorder is quite a rare problem and the psychologists have spent much time to understand the reason of the problem. The disorder is characterized with strange processes: one moment the patient speaks and acts from the sight of one personality, but he other moment he turns to be somebody else. The most interesting thing is that the patient does not remember anything about his behaviour and actions being in his previous personality. Continue reading