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Case Study on Personality Development

Personality Development Case Study:

Personality development is the process of the development of a human being under the influence of different factors which predetermine her moral values, preferences and way of life.

When a child is born, it becomes the part of the human society. Due to the influence of different factors children succeed or fail to become proper members of the human society. To begin with, a human being is a social creature and it can not survive without the care and constant communication with the members of the society. These hereditary factors are noticed only among the human beings, because new born children of animals are able to walk and look for food at once. On the contrary, human children need long and constant care of their parents to survive.

The second even more important factor which influences the personality development is the process of socialization. Continue reading

Case Study on Personal Selling

Personal Selling Case Study:

Personal selling is the technique or method used in marketing to advertise and attract customers to purchase goods and services. Personal selling is an interesting method which has appeared not so long ago. The principle of personal selling is very easy: the seller or administrator calls a random person up and tries to advertise the production of the company. The method has a range of advantages and disadvantages. The best positive side is that there is a live contact with the potential customer and the seller can change his behaviour and tactics as soon as he sees the client loses interest or becomes bored. Continue reading

Case Study on Microfinance

Microfinance Case Study:

Microfinance is the process of financing which serves to provide small companies with enough capital required for their development. It is obvious that it is impossible to start your own business without the basic capital, which will help the company function and develop. Microfinance is the system of crediting which is aimed at the making of the convenient environment for the development of small business. Small business is very important for the economics of every country, because small firms offer goods and services and provoke competition on the market making all the rival companies do their best to offer higher quality and lower prices. Financial organizations offer money in the form of a credit for the novice businessmen who want to start their own business. Continue reading

Case Study on Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation Case Study:

Microsoft is one of the most successful and influential multinational corporations which produces computer software for nearly every type of personal computers, mobile phones, consoles, etc. The corporation is headquartered in the USA and is considered to be one of the most profitable and the richest in the world. With the development of computing Microsoft started to work out and create high-quality and easy-in-use software which enables people broaden the abilities of personal computers and operations carried out with their help. The success of Microsoft is closely connected with its most important product – Windows operating system. Evidently, this operating system remains the most popular in the world due to its functions and options. Continue reading

Case Study on Leadership Development

Leadership Development Case Study:

Leadership development is the process and set of actions which help an individual develop and train his leadership skills. It is obvious that development of the human civilization would be impossible without strong leaders who influenced the run of history and the building of the human society. Without ambitious, creative and strong leaders there would not be any risk, and as a result, progress. Every important event is associated with a certain leader who was the engine of the process. Except of the global definition of leadership there are more narrow ones, which simply mean the set of traits which help one control and manage the others for the common purpose. Continue reading

Case Study on OD Interventions

OD Interventions Case Study:

Organizational development (OD) is the process with is aimed at the improvement of the work of the company, the raise of the quality or its production and the raise of the productivity of its staff. It is important to develop for every company, if it wants to become a successful and the leading one in its sector of the market. A talented clever businessman who expects his business to flourish should be aware about the basic elements of organizational development interventions which should be carried out to achieve this goal. Very often OD is mistakenly confused with the development and training of the employees. It is obvious that the processes are completely different, because OD requires only strategic changes or interventions which are not connected with the level of work and creativity of employees. Continue reading

Case Study on Old Age Homes

Old Age Home Case Study:

Old age homes are the public and private organizations which take serve for the old people, who require support, constant care and medical treatment. An old age home is often the best solution for the families, which do not have time and efforts to take a special care of the old relatives. For quite an affordable price old people are provided with the good living condition, permanent care and circle of friends of the same age. People do not have to cook, work about the house; they are free of the daily routine. They just enjoy their live in the circle of the same old people playing various games, watching TV and having daily trips outdoors. The relatives of the old people have the right to visit them on the special days of the week and check whether the living conditions are appropriate and meet their requirements. Old age homes are quite popular in the US, Western and Northern Europe and Japan, where the families generally belong to the nuclear type. In other countries old people generally live with their relatives and are taken care by them. Continue reading

Case Study on Offer and Acceptance

Offer and Acceptance Case Study:

Offer and acceptance is the practice in the contract law when two sides interact with each other: the first one offers something (goods or services) and the second one accepts or does not accept it. When a businessman offers some services and goods, he just invites customers to purchase his goods but he does not make them do it. Every offer can be accepted by a customer or, on the contrary, one can refuse accepting the offer. So, there are only two possible endings which depend on the positive and negative answers of the clients. When the offer is accepted, a contract is created which is managed by the special branch of contract law. It is obvious that an offer can be closely connected with the practice of advertising, because a businessman offers or advertises his production and waits till it is accepted. Continue reading

Case Study on Memory

Memory Case Study:

Memory is one of the psychological functions which is aimed to save, accumulate and reproduce information. Due to the existence of memory living organisms, including human beings, collect experience from the previous generations and on the basis of this information plan their further actions and life style. Without memory the existence of human society would be completely impossible, because memory helps us organize our life effectively. Even the easiest processes like eating, washing, going and speaking are the results of good memory, because if one fails to remember all these things, he will be completely helpless. Animals, birds and insects also possess strong memory which helps them survive. For example, animals remember the places they have found food and they continue visiting that place in search of it. Then, the brightest examples of perfect memory demonstrate birds, which migrate from one part of the world to another every year. They fly thousands miles away across vast territories and oceans and manage to find the exact place they need just remembering it with the help of their strong memory. Continue reading

Case Study on Oil Spills

Oil Spills Case Study:

An oil spill is the accidental release of oil into the natural environment caused by the incompetence of careless human activity. With the development of the human civilization the role of oil has become extremely great. Oil serves as a source of energy (gasoline and diesel which is used by cars and all types of vehicles is made from oil), material for the production of various goods (for example, plastic), it is used in medicine and serves as the key element for the production of various synthetic materials. It is obvious that it is not easy to extract oil from the depth and rocks of the planet, so the resource is very valuable. Unfortunately, oil is extremely harmful for the environment and the human being particularly. When there is an accident during the transportation of oil in the sea or the ocean, millions of tons of oil flow out from the tanker and cover vast territories of the water. Oil always remains on the surface of the water preventing the fish and mammals underwater get oxygen for breathing. Moreover, when a bird gets into the oil, its feathers are completely spoilt and prevent the bird to fly. Mammals which possess fur also suffer from oil spills, because oil spoils fur and makes animals vulnerable to the effect of warm and cold temperatures (fur controls animals’ temperature balance). Continue reading