Shifting from Traditional budget to Rolling budget, its impact on the Management Control System – Case Study Unilever Limited:
Budget is the quantitative expression given to a business plan or strategy for a well defined time period. It in general includes planned revenues and sales volumes, expenses and costs, cash flows, and liabilities (CIMA, 2005). Traditional budgeting adopts a structured approach and it can give accurate predictions. The traditional budgeting process consumes a lot of management resources, focuses mostly on the financials rather than on how strategy has to be executed, and it is also time consuming. As the focus of traditional budgeting is on the annual forecast, in most cases the financials are outdated (Bogsnes, 2008). As the business environment at present is volatile and dynamically changing, businesses require better ways to predict the future in order to survive, and remain competitive. Companies are increasingly shifting to rolling forecast, as using this process, the key business drivers can be forecast on a continuous basis. As through rolling forecast, planning can be done continuously even under intense competition and volatile business environments organizations can operate strategically, and thus gain competitive advantage (Garlapati & Durga, 2011). Continue reading