Category Archives: Case studies

Case Study on Forgiveness

Forgiveness Case Study:

Forgiveness is the stop of the feeling of offence, anger or hatred towards the person, who has committed a crime and done something bad. The victim of the negative action is able to forgive the offender for his deeds and stop demanding punishment for him.

Forgiveness is the complicated intellectual action which is characterized with the understanding of the offense, its nature, the behaviour of the offender and his motives in order to release from the negative feeling of revenge and anger. Forgiveness is possible only due to the human ability to analyze things logically and rationally. Only when the victim analyzes the harmful action scrupulously, she would be able to understand the cause of the problem and will feel nothing more than pity towards the criminal. Continue reading

Case Study on Financial Planning

Financial Planning Case Study:

Financial planning is the choice of the right strategy of the development of an organization paying attention to its potential and available financial resources. The process of planning also includes the statistical information about the company’s capital, the rates of its profit and expenditures and the control over the monitoring of its financial condition.

Financial planning can be carried out by the individual himself and by the special expert in this issue. It is obvious that the operation is practised not only for the businessmen but for the individuals who require professional piece of advice concerning the organization of their private capital. Financial planning is the process which requires attention and professional skills, because if one wants to manage his finance well and use the capital rationally, he should plan all the expenditures in the appropriate way. Continue reading

Case Study on Database Security Issues

Database Security Case Study:

Database security is the activity which is aimed at the protection of the information stored at the databases from the access of the third people and the illegal source of this information for various purposes. Nowadays information is the most valuable resource for every organization, because business, economics and politics exist due to the quality of information and its secure storage.

Every organization, private and public has its own database where the whole valuable information is stored in security for the positive functioning of the institution. It is natural that every businessman and scientist who keeps important information about the further development of his firm or scientific project wants to keep this data in total security.

Obviously, numerous third people and rivals want to steal the information and use it for their own benefit, so the problem of database security is probably the most important one for the successful existence of modern business, politics, science, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Client Server Computing

Client Server Computing Case Study:

Client server computing is the process of the creation of the special architectural patterns which maintain the functioning of the varied networks and connection of their components. The major components of client server computing are: the sets of servers which are the sources of information for everyone who applies for their help; the sets of clients, which take advantage of the services of servers; the networks which maintain the constant and quality connection between clients and servers and their interrelation. The client/server architecture is quite interesting, because clients and servers are not connected with anything; they function independently from one another. The client can use the services of different servers; they can use the one server but have no idea about the existence of the other one. The server is not bound with the client and can serve for a great number of clients simultaneously. Continue reading

Case Study on Global Human Resource Management

Global HRM Case Study:

Global human resource management is the activity aimed at the recruitment and training of the employees who can work in the international organizations in the appropriate way. There are many requirements towards the process of global human resource management, because this kind of employees is supposed to be top-qualified and professional. The employer, who is thinking about the development of his firm to the level of the international corporation, should think about the staff of employees who will fulfill their duties for the common benefit of the company. The most obvious requirement is the top-level of qualification, because the prestigious firm should demonstrate professionalism in everything. Then, the employees are supposed to be at least bilingual in order to be able to communicate with the customers and companions from other countries. It is quite difficult to find the experts in the required sphere who speak several languages fluently, so there are special intensive courses which are supposed to teach the novice employees the basics of the professional vocabulary in different languages. Continue reading

Case Study on Network Marketing

Network Marketing Case Study:

Network marketing is the type of marketing which involves social networks and the strong sides of the Internet for the personal benefit. Nowadays due to the growing role of high technologies, computers and the Internet, online marketing has become the primary means of marketing for the great corporations and small firms. It is obvious that network marketing touches upon various social networks (for example, Facebook), blogs and email private messages which advertise goods and services. It does not worth mentioning that network marketing is probably the most effective means of promotion goods and services, because the ads can be seen by millions of people simultaneously. One can join the account at a social network website and observe numerous ads there. Continue reading

Case Study on Illegal Drugs

Illegal Drugs Case Study:

Illegal drugs are the drugs which are prohibited by the government of the country or the international organizations. Illegal drugs can not be purchased officially, because there are no institutions which can sell these substances to the people in the open way. The individuals interested in these drugs have to look for them in the illegal way most often in the black markets, where the price is extremely high.

It is obvious that the majority of drugs which exist nowadays are illegal, because the experts understand that they cause addiction and the human being becomes dependent on them seriously.

In order to save people form addiction and death drugs have been banned in the majority of countries. Of course, there are parts of the world which produce illegal drugs in high quantities and supply the whole world with them supporting its economy in this way. Continue reading

Case Study on Educational Administration

Educational Administration Case Study:

Educational administration is the complex of efforts which is supposed to organize the process of education in the appropriate way. The issue touches upon both aspects: material and intellectual ones. First of all the leader of the educational institution is supposed to organize the material background for the educational process and provide the school or college building with energy, water, various devices and equipment required for the normal activity.

The problem is quite difficult, because all the equipment and furniture has to meet the general requirements and suit to the student’s age and kind of their activity. Furthermore, there should be established the gyms and swimming pools for physical training lessons. The following aspect of the activity of administration is the attraction of the qualified teachers for the professional work and maintenance of the quality educational process. The level of the educational institution always depends on its teaching staff. Continue reading

Case Study on E-Books

E-Books Case Study:

An e-book is the electronic version of a book which can be read with the help of the personal computer, laptop, smart phones and special devices aimed for this purpose. E-books are often called e-texts, but there is a certain difference between these two terms. The access towards the e-book can be limited by the author and owner of the book, while the e-text can be easily found in the Internet and the access towards this source is never limited. Due to the existence of great number of e-books the phenomenon of e-library has become quite popular.

These libraries collect all possible e-books in the single database and offer them to the reader interested in these books. The phenomenon of electronic books and libraries has become quite widespread and it is natural paying attention to the level of the development of high technologies.

There are already many kinds of pocket devices which enable to read e-books everywhere without the harm for the human eyes (there are special technologies which have reduced the negative impact of the display on the eyesight). Continue reading

Tips on Writing a One Page Case Study

How to Write a One Page Case Study:

A case study is quite a regular assignment for high school, college and university students. Most often it is a long, big-in-volume paper but sometimes it is a brief assignment which has a specific construction and can be written on the single page. It is difficult to cover a long paper, but it is not quite easy to condense information in such a way to make the paper sensible and well-formatted on the one page.

There are some case study writing tips for you: Continue reading