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Case Study on Six Sigma

Six Sigma Case Study:

Six Sigma is the concept of management, which was worked out by the Motorola Company in 1980-ies and became well-known due to Jack Welch who made this strategy the principle one in General Electric. The meaning of the strategy is the improvement of the processes of production on all levels and the reduction of defects to the minimum. The concept uses the methods of quality management, statistic methods, requires the creation of the special groups which are responsible for the improvement of the quality of work and improvement of the processes of production. The name of the concept comes from the statistic term ‘standard deviation’ which is signed with the Greek letter sigma. The concept of Six Sigma describes the sigma-rate of deviation or the percent of the production made without any defects. Continue reading

Case Study on SHRM

SHRM Case Study:

The Society for Human Resource Management is the American organization, which takes care of the process of human resource management and provides education in this sphere. The problem of human resource management is extremely important, because the top-qualified multitasking staff is the key to the company’s success. The boss is supposed to be aware of all the peculiarities of the proper human resource management and treat his employees well if he expects them to work hard for the development of the company and high profit. The SHRM was established in the middle of the 20th century and was considered to control the process of management and set the appropriate standards of management and the correct techniques and methods of this process. The society helps the young and the experienced managers increase their qualification and management skills, which can affect the employer – employee relation positively and produce the good impact of the quality of work and the working atmosphere. Continue reading

Case Study on Shipping Industry

Shipping Industry Case Study:

Shipping industry is the industry of transportation of various goods, resources and materials by land, sea or air. Originally, the term ‘shipping’ was used for the description of the transportation of goods by sea; today the term means transportation in general. Transportation has always been important for the human life and today it is the core factor of the normal development of the human civilization, because people all over the world require goods and resources which make their life more comfortable. Transportation of various goods appeared thousands of years ago and only in the 18th century it became a serious industry which receives enormous profit. Today there are several main means of transportation of cargo: by land (trains, trucks), by sea (ships) and by air (cargo aircraft provided by the air companies). Continue reading

Education Case Study

Education Case Study:

Education is the process of the bringing up and learning which meets the interests of an individual, the society, the country in the whole and is followed by the achievement of the certain standards and levels on education by an individual. The level of education depends on the demand of time, the state, the condition of technique, science, culture and interpersonal relations.

Moreover, education is also the process which is based on the achievement of certain knowledge and can be called a synonym of self-development. An individual collects and analyzes the standardized information which is accepted and approved all over the world and improves his knowledge and skills on various spheres. Generally, education is received in the special private and public institutions of different levels, starting from kindergarten, school, college and university. Continue reading

Dell Case Study

Case Study on Dell:

Dell is the American multination corporation which focuses of the computer technologies and is famous all over the world. Dell is one of the leaders in the projecting and production of the computer systems, servers, systems of database management, workstations, network equipment, personal computers, laptops, printers, monitors, multifunctional appliances, projectors and TV-sets.

Dell facilities are located all over the world but the most serious ones are concentrated in the USA, Brazil, Poland, China and Malaysia. The headquarters of the corporation are located in Austin, Texas, the USA. The name of the corporation comes from the surname of its founder – Michael Dell. Continue reading

Deforestation Case Study

Case Study on Deforestation:

Deforestation is the uncontrolled cutting down of forests for various purposes, for example to receive vast territories for pasture, settlements, roads, etc. Deforestation occurs when the forests are cut down but the new trees are not planted and the process of reforestation is not conducted.

Deforestation can occur because of different factors: the natural and anthropological ones. The natural factors are quite obvious: flood, acid rain, fire, etc. In fact, anthropological factors are more evident, because they are much more intensive. The process of deforestation started long ago, when people started to use wood for various purposes, especially building, although nobody spoke about the danger and negative impact of deforestation till the 20th century. During the two world wars vast territories of forests were cut down for the military purposes, so in the post war period the question of deforestation appeared. Continue reading

Decision Making Case Study

Case Study on Decision Making:

Decision making is the field of research, which includes the methods of mathematics, statistics, economics, management and psychology aimed at the study on the people’s choice of the ways of solutions of various problems. In addition it learns the most reasonable alternative solutions of all possible problems. Decision making is the process of the rational and irrational choice of the alternatives which has the aim to achieve the result. There are two theories of decision making: normative theory (describes the rational process of decision making) and descriptive theory (describes the practice of decision making). The rational choice of the alternatives consists of the range of components: the analysis of the situation; identification of the problem and definition of the aim; searching of the required information; formation of the alternatives; formation of the criteria for the creation of the alternatives; the choice of the best alternative; fulfilment; the monitoring of the fulfilment; evaluation of the result. Continue reading

Case Study on Classroom Management

Classroom Management Case Study:

Classroom management is the phenomenon which is connected with the control over the students’ behaviour at the classroom. It is obvious that the behaviour of students is often disruptive and causes discomfort to the teacher and other students and breaks down the educational process. It is really difficult to maintain the behaviour at class on its appropriate level. Classroom management is a very important topic for every teacher, because a successful and skilful teacher is not the one who possesses knowledge on the subject, but the one who can deliver this information to students in spite of all the factors which interfere into this process. A teacher should be a good psychologist to be able to control the situation in the classroom and keep the class obedient and attentive. Continue reading

Civil Engineering Case Study

Civil Engineering Case Study:

Civil engineering is the engineering in the branch of building, which is aimed at the planning, designing, constructing, developing and improvement of the objects of public use, including buildings, warehouses, stations, roads, bridges, etc. Naturally, civil engineering is the oldest and the most developed branch of building, because the human civilization can not exist without the buildings of all kinds, which are used for different purposes. Since the prehistoric times people have been improving their homes and maintaining the quality of their settlements and this process is relevant even today. Civil engineers improve the quality and technologies in building in order to make the life of people comfortable and safe. The branch of civil engineering includes a great number of the related disciplines which cooperate in order to plan, project, construct, build and use the objects of civil engineering effectively. Continue reading

Case Study on Barriers to Effective Communication

Barriers to Effective Communication Case Study:

Effective communication is the guarantee of success and favourable relation with people, but very often there are certain barriers which prevent people from fluent and pleasant communication. It is important to ruin these barriers, because it is impossible to exist in the society if one can not communicate with others. In fact there are barriers which do not depend on an individual but on the environment and situation. Sociologists have found out that there most typical barriers to communication which the act of communication tense and complicated. The most obvious barrier is the lack of knowledge of a language. If one speaks a foreign language, it is fairly difficult to catch the information he wants to deliver to you. The next serious barrier which affects communication badly is the cultural difference between the communicants. Continue reading