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Baskin-Robbins Case Study

Case Study on Baskin-Robbins:

Baskin-Robbins is the American company which is specialized on the restaurants selling ice-cream all over the world. The company was founded by Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins in 1945 and very soon they became rich and prosperous businessman in this sphere. In a few years there were already six restaurants which sold all possible kinds and flavours of ice-cream in the USA. Baskin-Robbins is famous for its 31 original flavours of ice-cream, which were created in the very company, though the choice of ice-cream is extremely rich and one can choose anyone he can imagine.

Baskin-Robbins can created more than 1000 flavours of ice-cream, no wonder its popularity was astonishing and rapid. The company sells ice-cream not only in the USA but in 49 countries and owns more than six thousand restaurants. After the death of Burt Baskin the company was owned by the United Brands Company, which is famous for its chain of restaurants which offer donuts and ice-cream. Continue reading

Climate Change Case Study

Case Study on Climate Change:

Climate change is the variation of the climate of Earth in the whole or the definite climatic patterns in different parts of the world under the effect of different factors. There are different aspects of the analysis of climate change. There are global investigations which study the process of climate change on the timeline of millions of years and there are more direct research and monitoring which study the variations in climate of the latest several decades. The main indicators which illustrate the climate change are the variations of the average parameters of the weather and the frequency of the extreme weather phenomena. There are several core factors which cause climate change on Earth and the most important of them are the dynamic processes on the planet, the outer factors, like the increase or decrease of the radiation of the Sun and finally the human activity. Continue reading

Cisco Case Study

Case Study on Cisco:

Cisco Systems is the American multinational corporation which can be called a leader in the production of the networking equipment. The corporation tries to satisfy the needs of its customers and become a monopolist on the sector of the market providing the whole spectrum of services and equipment required for the proper functioning of the network. So, it is possible to purchase the whole equipment for a network at Cisco Systems without wasting time collecting the equipment separately in different companies. Cisco is one of the greatest companies in the world which focus on the sphere of high technologies and IT. At first its core work was the production of routers but later the company developed and became the leader in the sphere of network technologies used for the Internet. Continue reading

Case Study on Aggression

Aggression Case Study:

Aggression is a destructive type of behaviour which does not meet the required natural norms of the communication between people and causes harm and negative physiological and psychological effect to the victim of aggression. Aggression always causes psychological discomfort, so it has always been important for people to research the problem from all sides and find the cause of the behaviour. There are many approaches which try to explain the origin of aggression and its impact on an individual and the society. This first approach analyzes aggression which is based on the antisocial aspects. This type of aggression is observed among the people who want to oppose the social and moral values and the structure of the human civilization; so they commit crimes and cause damage intentionally on purpose. Psychological approach to the research of aggression was worked out by numerous psychologists like Freud who proved that aggression is the instinctive trait of everyone which is released in the stressful situation generally as the protective reaction. Continue reading

Affirmative Action Case Study

Case Study on Affirmative Action:

Affirmative action is also called positive discrimination and this phenomenon means that the certain racial, sexual, ethnic and other minorities are provided with the benefits and extra rights in order to improve their position in the society and the workplace. Affirmative action is important when there is the need to achieve statistic equality between the people who are different according to the certain categories. The brightest example of positive discrimination is the extra protection of the ethnic minorities whose number is very low in the country and there is a demand to provide them with the chance to survive and save this ethnic identity. Affirmative action is a strict demand in business and multinational corporations. There is a strict requirement that the staff of employees should consist of the representatives of different ethnic groups, religious views, colour of skin, etc in order to demonstrate the variety of the company. Continue reading

Case Study on Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia Case Study:

Agoraphobia is the fear of crowds and open spaces. The phobia is characterized with the psychological disorder which is expressed when one occurs in the crowded place or vast area, no matter whether there are many people or not. Agoraphobia can also occur if one goes along the empty street alone, because the feeling of stress and panic appears. Agoraphobia occurs as the mechanism of protection from the impact of the outer environment. The phobia can appear after a strong stress or under the impact of people and their emotional disorders. Agoraphobia is often followed by the psychological disorders which make its effect stronger. At the very beginning agoraphobia meant the fear of the markets, because the patients first noticed the attack of panic after visiting overcrowded markets and streets, but later it became obvious that it was a simple fear of crowds but not of a certain direct place. Today the experts in this question have proved that agoraphobia is not only the fear of the open places but the fear of the unpredictable situations. Continue reading

Case Study on Chipko Movement

Chipko Movement Case Study:

Chipko movement is the well-known ecological movement which is aimed at the protection of forests from cutting down. The movement appeared in India in 1970-ies when the people started to get nervous because of the rapid process of deforestation in their country. The development of industry in India was followed by heavy felling of vast areas of forests and the local people who did not agree to these actions decided to protect trees in an interesting way – they hugged trees and protected them with their own bodies.

The idea became very popular and hundreds of people all over the country practised fastened themselves to the trees with the purpose to protect them from felling. Continue reading

Case Study on Vascular Blockages

Vascular Blockages Case Study:

Vascular blockages are the result of the peripheral vascular disease, which can be characterized as the decrease of the work of the arteries, which makes them inflame and make thrombus blocking the blood supply to the certain parts of the body, commonly limbs. The disease is very serious, because with the narrowing of the arteries the condition of limbs and the whole organism becomes poor. There are many symptoms which can help the experts detect and recognize peripheral vascular disease, for example, the patient can feel constant pain in limbs, weakness, which occurs because of the insufficient blood supply; it is possible that there will be wounds on the limbs which will heal extremely slowly; then, the colour of the limbs can noticeably become blue or pale, because of the lack of blood and as a result the temperature of the limbs will also reduce; finally, the growth of hair and nails is also observed to decrease or disappear at all. Continue reading

Case Study on Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Case Study:

Chernobyl nuclear disaster is the catastrophe which occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986. Chernobyl nuclear power plant is situated in Ukraine, a part of a former USSR and today the plant is associated with the enormous disaster, which caused many lives and damaged the natural environment seriously. The disaster had an explosive character and during the explosion the fourth reactor was destroyed entirely and millions of tons of radioactive elements got into the atmosphere. The disaster is considered to be the most serious one which has ever occurred at nuclear power plants according to the number of victims and the damage to the environment. After a few days of the explosion 31 people died and several years after more than 80 people died because of its effect. Enormous resources were used to neutralize the consequences of the disaster and more than 500 thousand people took an active part in the solution of this problem. Continue reading

Case Study on Child Labour

Child Labour Case Study:

Child labour is the use of the child labour force and full-time employment of a child. Nowadays child labour is considered to be the break of the human rights and the use of child force is treated like inhumane. Children should enjoy their life, entertain and study but not lose their best years working to support themselves or other people’s interests. Although, child labour is called a crime, protection of children’s rights appeared not so long ago. No more than a century ago child labour was a common thing, because the life was a bit more difficult than today and children had to work and support their families (furthermore, a common family included no less than five children, so it is impossible to feed them without enormous efforts). The main factors which still cause the existence of child labour are unfavourable financial background of a child and his family, the tradition of a country and simply child’s exploitation. Continue reading