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Case Study on Method Study

Method Study Case Study:

Method study is the complex analysis of the operations which are carried out at a company aimed at the improvement of the quality of work and the methods used to cope with it faster. It is natural, that businessmen always try to find the most effective and the cheapest ways of managing the company. They spend much time to find the elements which can be extracted from the system which can save some money. A team of the professional managers can brainstorm effective methods, which can reorganize the production of the company, its staff, the quality of the machinery and working hours of the employees. There are several most important points which are taken into consideration during the process of method study. First of all, all the elements of business are analyzed; for example, the quality and quantity of work, the quality of the staff, equipment, products, energy supply, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Land Resources

Land Resources Case Study:

Land resources are the territories, like forests, plains, wetlands, hills, valleys, which exist without the influence of human beings, or are used for certain purposes like agriculture. Every country possesses vast lands, which are used in different ways. Some territories are protected for the wildlife and people are forbidden to log wood and hunt there. Then, plains are generally used for the agricultural purposes. People grow vegetables, fruits, crops if the soil is enough good for this purpose. It is obvious that people should use land resources wisely. Unfortunately, the situation is often dramatic nowadays, because people do not use the soil professionally. Continue reading

Case Study on Labor Laws

Labor Laws Case Study:

Labor law is the independent branch of law which serves to manage the relations between employer and employees and the rights and duties of both sides.

The history of the development of labor laws is quite long and dramatic. The period of the first labor movements dates back to the 19th century and the Industrial Revolution. First plants and factories were built and employers required labor force and the social class of workers appeared. Evidently, at first the working conditions of the employees were terrible and they did not have any rights. People were asked to work long hours, sometimes more than 12 hours a day for little money. Of course, there were a lot of accidents which often cost employee’s life and these accidents were not punished. Continue reading

Case Study on Perception

Perception Case Study:

Perception is the process, which forms the subjective opinion about the world around. Perception is a psychological process or a reflection, reaction to the object from the surrounding world with the help of the sense organs. From the biological point of view perception is a complicated process, which is based on the several stages. First of all the sense organs get the information about the object (its color, form, shape, smell, temperature, etc.), transform and analyze it and after that due to the work of the brains a human being receives the impression about the whole object. Organs of sense perception help to receive a full image of an object and due to their existence our life is more colorful and rich on senses. Unfortunately, some people have problems with the certain sense organs and are not able to analyze information of the certain type. For example, some people have problems with smell; as a result they are not able to smell their food, various objects around. Continue reading

Case Study on P&G

Procter & Gamble Case Study:

Procter & Gamble is one of the most successful American companies which produce consumer goods. The history of the company is quite long and successful. It was founded by William Procter, who produced candles, and Games Gamble, who produced soap, in 1837. The success of Procter & Gamble depended on the historical period and the government of the country. Due to the Civil War which occurred at that time, the government of the North ordered the company to provide the army with the enormous supply of candles and soup. No wonder, after the war the company became rich enough to broaden the choice of the produced goods. Continue reading

Case Study on Operant Conditioning

Operant Conditioning Case Study:

Operant conditioning is the way of the alteration of the human behavior with the help of the factors of reinforcement and punishment. It is quite possible to change one’s behavior for different purposes. For example, the first attempts to change someone’s behavior were carried out on animals. When a dog does something bad, he is punished and when he does something good, he is praised with food. This method has remained the most effective one for training dogs and other animals. Evidently, the method of reinforcement and punishment is also effective to alter human behavior and bring up children. A small kid gets used to the reaction of his parents on his actions and behavior.

Most people even do not realize they are using the method of reinforcement and punishment bringing up their children. Continue reading

Case Study on Transformational Leadership

Transformational Leadership Case Study:

Transformational leadership is the kind of the behavior used by the employer in business which is aimed at the raise of the motivation and productivity of his employees. Transformational leadership is carried out with the help of the great number of methods, which are mostly based on the human psychology. Every employer should be aware of the human psychology, human behavior to be able to manage his employees and motivate their work.

One of the most widespread methods of transformational leadership is the personal example. The employer can behave like a common co-worker and do the same job like the whole staff and this will help him motivate the work of the employees. Personal example is a strong method, because when one sees another person of a higher rank working hard, he will try to do his best to help the boss and gain his respect. Continue reading

Case Study on Gene Therapy

Gene Therapy Case Study:

Gene therapy is the complex of the genetic and medical methods, which are aimed at the change of the genes of a patient’s cells in order to cure a disease. Gene therapy is becoming more and more popular, because there are many diseases which are caused by mutations of genes, so the therapy is often the only way out to cure such a disease. The development of gene therapy started in the end of 1980 with the invention of the equipment, which can conduct scrupulous operations. At first gene therapy was planned to treat genetic diseases, which can not be cured in other way.

Nevertheless, the scope of the method developed much further and other diseases started to be treated with the help of the therapy. There are two main types of gene therapy, which differ according to their consequences and further impact on the organism of a patient. Continue reading

Case Study on Capital Structure

Capital Structure Case Study:

Capital structure is the finance of the company based on the balance of its equity and debt capital. Every company should possess enough finance to be able to exist and improve its activity, production, the quality of the production, raise profit and open new and new stores all over the world and complete with other companies in these aspects. To begin with, a company should have its own money, called equity capital. That means, a businessman is supposed to invest his own money for the development of the company. Evidently, it is a big risk, but without a risk one can not hope to gain high profits. Many businessmen who own small forms and shops think that the most important factor of the prosperous business is the life without debts and bank credits, but they are wrong. Nearly every world famous successful company possesses high percentage of the debt capital, so that it uses the borrowed money of various investors and banks to survive. Without debt capital it is impossible to achieve fast development of the business, so this type of capital is the essential one if one wants to succeed in his business. Continue reading

Case Study on Sales Management

Sales Management Case Study:

Sales management is the complex of actions and rules used for the high-quality management of the sales process. In order to sell a product at a store one should organize the complicated sales process well. A special sales manager is responsible for the control of the connection between the store, producer and customers. One should be able to order the appropriate number of products, organize their delivery and offer the production to customers. Evidently, every type of production requires its own style of sales management, so one should be careful hiring a manager for the sale of food, electrical appliances and all sorts of services. A sales manager organizes the system of delivery of the production, divides the production among the stores, according to their location (it is obvious that a store of the company located in the centre of the city should have higher choice of production than the store in the suburbs). Continue reading