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Case Study on Ecommerce

Ecommerce Case Study:

Ecommerce is the sphere in economics which includes financial and trade transactions, which are conducted with the help of the computer networks and the business processes which are connected with these transactions. The first systems of ecommerce appeared in the second half of the 20th century with the development of the process of automated trade. The first companies which enabled customers purchase and book tickets were the airway companies, which made the process of booking and buying tickets easier, faster and more available for the common people. Today ecommerce is conducted with the help of the various devices and means. First of all there are mobile devices, telephones, social media, email, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Database Management System

Database Management System Case Study:

Database management system is the complex software which is aimed at the management of the information stored in the database effectively. A high-quality management system helps organize, manipulate, transform, store, retrieve and create data professionally. It is important that the whole information kept in the database could be accessible, manageable, and easy for manipulation. A successful DBMS should possess a strict logical structure, which enables everyone to find the required data easily. The high-quality management system gives the opportunity for the user to change the required information without any harm to the whole application. Database management systems are extremely important today, because the humanity lives in the age of information and the whole information is kept in databases which require professional skilful management and flexibility. Continue reading

Case Study on Cellular Manufacturing

Cellular Manufacturing Case Study:

Cellular manufacturing is the type of the organization of work of a company based on the strategy of lean production. The idea of cellular manufacturing has appeared not so long ago, just at that time, when the humanity understood the value of the natural resources and the necessity to safe them. The experts who have brainstormed and worked out the concept of cellular manufacturing organized the structure of a company which wants to produce goods without wastes.

It is obvious that wastes can be called big unnecessary expenditures for the company, so it is wiser to improve the work of the company, the equipment, machines and raise the quality of the whole process. The brightest examples of cellular manufacturing are the modern plants and factories which economize resources and energy and space placing the tool-machines of similar or close types close to one another. Continue reading

Case Study on Celebrity Endorsement

Celebrity Endorsement Case Study:

Celebrity endorsement is a special advertising technique, which is used in business which works due to the use of the celebrities for the advertising of goods and services of a definite company.

Today celebrity endorsement has become the most popular form of advertising, because the businessmen and the experts in marketing have understood the role of celebrities in the life of the human society. People depend on the news about the life of celebrities, scandals, their success and failure. So, when a celebrity advertises a certain type of goods and services, people start to believe they will become closer to their idol and even will have the similar lifestyle. For example, if a celebrity drives a certain car, people will start thinking the car is enough prestigious to the class and status of the celebrity and will believe in its quality and will not pay attention to the increased and unfair price. Continue reading

Case Study on CCTV

CCTV Case Study:

CCTV is the main national Chinese TV broadcaster and also a broad system of channels of the continental China. The history of CCTV is quite long, because it started broadcasting in 1958. In 1973 there was the first attempt of the colorful broadcasting three times per week, which made the channel more popular. Since 1985 the channel became the most popular and the broadest TV channel in China. Due to the popularity of the CCTV the company decided to create a range of the related channels for the different categories of people who share the certain definite interests. Continue reading

Case Study on Data Warehousing

Data Warehousing Case Study:

Data warehouse is the data base, which is created for the reporting and business analysis for the decision making in the organization. The information, which comes into the data base as a rule is available only for reading. The data is copied into the system in such a way to avoid any problematic situations with the analysis of the information and not to disturb the stability of the data base. As a rule, the information is put into the data base periodically, that is why its relevance can lag behind the online transaction processing system. There are several principles of the organization of the data warehouse. First of all, the data is united according to the field or themes they are describing. Then, the data is united in such a way to satisfy the requirements of the organization in the whole, but not a certain single function of business. Continue reading

Case Study on Data Mining

Data Mining Case Study:

Data mining is the complicated process which is characterized with the collection and analysis of the unknown data and its transformation into simpler algorithms which are known by the people who do not have mathematical education in order to use this data in various spheres of human life. Data mining is closely connected with computer science and studies the methods of information management which includes the methods of classification, modelling, prediction, etc. which are based on the use of artificial intelligence, genetic algorithms, decision tree learning, evolutionary programming, content-addressable memory, fuzzy logic, etc. Among the methods of data mining there are many statistic methods (descriptive analysis, factor analysis, analysis of variance, component analysis, linear discriminant analysis and others). Continue reading

Case Study on CCD

CCD Case Study:

A charge-coupled device is the general name of the class of semiconductor devices, which uses the technology of the controlled shifting of the charge in the semiconductor. The brightest representative of the charge-coupled devices is the CCD matrix. The device has quite a simple way of work: the electric potential is read with the help of the method of shifting the charge from one element to the other. The charge-coupled device was invented in 1969 by the two scientists who worked in the sphere of picture phone and developed semiconductor bubble memory. They connected these two fields of research and called the new one – the charge bubble device. Continue reading

Case Study on CBT

CBT Case Study:

Cognitive behavioural therapy is a general term which describes a set of the various psychotherapies, in the basis of which lies the idea that the psychological disorders (phobias, depressions, etc) appear because of the dysfunctional believes. There are several key aims of cognitive behavioural therapy. The first is to defeat or reduce the symptoms of the disorder. The second is to prevent the relapse of the disorder after the course of treatment. The most important one is to solve the psychosocial problems which caused the psychological disorder (if the problem is not solved, the disorder can occur again and again). Continue reading

Case Study on Earthquakes

Earthquakes Case Study:

An earthquake is a number of the underground seismic waves, which are caused by the natural factors (primarily, tectonic processes), and sometimes artificial processes (explosions, the filling of the water reservoirs, collapse of the deep mines, etc). Slight seismic waves also can be caused by the raise of lava during the volcanic eruption. Every year there are more than a million of earthquakes occur on the planet but most of them are so insignificant that remain unnoticed.

Serious earthquakes which can cause considerable damage occur approximately once a fortnight. Most of such strong earthquakes occur on the bottom of the oceans, that is why there are no serious destructions. On the other hand, if there is a strong earthquake in the ocean quite close to a continent or any land (island, subcontinent) there is a possibility of tsunami (extremely high and fast waves coming from an ocean to the land destroying everything on their way), which can be even more dangerous than the earthquake itself. Continue reading