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Case Study on Conflict

Conflict Case Study:

A conflict is the most radical solution of a certain problem or quarrel which appears among a group of people or the individuals who have denied finding any possible compromise. Evidently, every conflict is followed and controlled by negative emotions which are released during this process and very often they are far away from the moral norms and rules. Conflicts have always appeared in human life and the whole human civilization and history has been written on the basis of conflicts. It is obvious that every historical event, revolution, considerable change is carried out due to a certain conflict, because the sides did not want to create a single reasonable way out or a compromise. Continue reading

Case Study on Microeconomics

Microeconomics Case Study:

Microeconomics is the branch of economics which studies the structure, functioning and problems of the definite companies and small firms but also touches upon the general questions of economics and studies them on the definite examples. Microeconomics touches upon such key problems as: the problems of consumers; the problem of producers; balance of the market; general balance; economical effectiveness, the problem of supply and demand, etc.

So, the question about consumers is very important, because a smart businessman should know that the key function on the market play consumers, who decide what goods and services they require. One should think about the popular goods which are bought the most frequently and try to focus the development of his business on the production of the required goods, otherwise the firm will never be a successful one. Continue reading

Case Study on Selection Process

Selection Process Case Study:

Selection process is the process of employment of the appropriate people who are considered to be more skillful and helpful for the organization than other applicants. Selection process is carried out in every public and private organization and is most widespread in business.

Evidently, every boss, who strives to manage his business successfully and wants to receive high profit, devotes much time to the selection process to find the right employees for his company. Nowadays it is not easy to find the appropriate employee, because people want to earn much but work less, so selection process can enable the boss to find the very people, who can devote their lives for the common profit of the company. Selection starts from an interview. The applicant can be asked certain questions about his education, preferences, the reason of resignation from the previous workplace, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Insomnia

Insomnia Case Study:

Insomnia is a sleep disorder which is characterized with the unsatisfactory quality and quantity of the period of sleeping. People who are suffering from insomnia claim that they can not fall asleep even if they are tired. They can spend the whole night in a bed but are unable to fall asleep.

Another problem is the quality of sleeping. Healthy people can sleep for a few hours and feel as if they have had a good rest, while the ones suffering from insomnia can not restore their energy even if they sleep all day long. There several symptoms of insomnia, which are mostly connected with stress: people complain on the inability to fall asleep quite often, they are always tired and because of poor sleeping the quality of their work during the day is very low. Evidently, the key factor, which causes insomnia, is constant stress. Continue reading

Case Study on Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics Case Study:

Macroeconomics is the science which studies economics in general and its various processes and rules. Macroeconomics as a separate branch of economics appeared not long ago and is considered to be quite a young study. Nevertheless, the first ideas about the global economics sounded already in the 15th century. The key problems which are studied by macroeconomics are: economical development and its factors; unemployment; the general level of prices; circulation of the finance; national budget and international finance. So, economics develops constantly, because it is a dynamic process, so macroeconomics studies the factors which influence the development, its quality and tempo. The problem of unemployment is another essential question under research of macroeconomics. Unemployment is one the results of the development of economics and this phenomenon has always existed and probably will never be defeated. Nevertheless, macroeconomics tries to find effective solutions to the problem of unemployment or at least reduce its rates. Then, the general level of prices also depends on the development of economics and influences the life of people seriously. Continue reading

Case Study on Leadership Styles

Leadership Styles Case Study:

A leadership style is the model of the behavior of an employer which can be observed in the processes of the control over his business and the attitude to his employees. There are many leadership styles which are practized in business and management and every style is appropriate for the management of a definite type of the company and staff. The first and the oldest leadership style is the authoritarian one. The boss is the center of the orders, decision making and solution of all the problems. When one has started his own business, he wants it to develop and flourish.

Moreover, if he is a professional in his sphere and knows what and how to do, such style of leadership is quite well. The boss gives the direct tasks and the employees have to fulfill them by the deadline according to the suggested instructions. Evidently, such style is inappropriate when the boss is poorly educated and is weak at the business processes. His decisions and solutions will only destroy his business. Continue reading

Case Study on Diabetes

Diabetes Mellitus Case Study:

Diabetes is the group of diseases which is characterized with the raised level of blood sugar in a patient caused by the shortage of the produced by the organism insulin. For quite a long period of time diabetes has been a mysterious disease, because nobody knew about the symptoms and its real reason. The main symptom of diabetes is the frequent urination and constant thirst. The person is always thirsty as the water can not be kept long in the organism. Later another symptom was discovered – the raised level of blood sugar. Nevertheless, scientists did not know for quite long time the reason with causes the high concentration of blood sugar. The reason is very simply – the organism can not produce enough insulin and the level of sugar in blood and urine becomes very high. Evidently, there are several kinds of diabetes and the treatment of the disease depends on its complexity. Unfortunately, the humanity still can not cure some forms of diabetes and the patient has to take insulin every day in order to avoid negative situations. Without insulin the patient will probably die very fast and modern medicine can only reduce the impact of the disease and its consequences with the special treatment. Continue reading

Case Study on Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property Case Study:

Intellectual property is the legal personal right of the authors to use and possess the results of their intellectual work and no one can use these results without the permission of the author. Today the humanity lives in the form of the information society where material values are no longer the single subjects of property. Modern writers, musicians, artists and theoretical scientists are the most frequent owners of the some kind of the intellectual property. For example, a musician has written the song and someone else has stolen or simply changed the text and music a bit on his own manner. Evidently, the pieces of music are mostly the same and there is a conflict. Both the first and the second musician try to convince the other that he is the real owner and the author of the song. Continue reading

Case Study on Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis Case Study:

Osteoporosis is the complicated disease of bones or the syndrome which is the result of other diseases which reduces the quality of bones and increases the chance of their fracture. There are many factors, which can cause osteoporosis in a human being. First of all it is the age, as with the run of time the organs, including bones lose their quality and the disease appears. Then, certain people have the genetic weakness to the disease. For example, the representatives of the European race are considered to be the most vulnerable to osteoporosis. Then, women are three times more vulnerable than men and should be very careful with their life style. There is the risk for the slim women whose weight is lower than 56 kilo and height over 172 cm to gain osteoporosis in the mature age. Continue reading

Case Study on OCD

OCD Case Study:

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is the psychological disorder which is characterized with the constant condition of fear and stress and repeated actions which are supposed to help the person get rid of the fear. The typical symptom of the people suffering from OCD is the set of the obsessive thoughts about some processes, events, objects, etc. People can worry about dust believing it can cause some diseases and danger and clean their home several times per day in order to make it shining and completely clean. The same problem is with hand washing. It is considered to be the most widespread symptom of OCD, because many people are afraid of bacteria and viruses and wash hands very often to keep them clean. They clean hands having played with their cat, having touched the door handle, etc. Continue reading