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Case Study on Economic Integration

Economic Integration Case Study:

Economic integration is the process which is characterized with the combination and cooperation of the several economic policies of several countries, states, companies, etc. Economics is a big unity which requires a great number of participants, but the participants can exist on their own or in the certain specific unities. Economic integration is the decision to unite the economics of two different states or structures into the single unity for the benefit for both sides.

Economic integration is the result of the process of globalization, because if the country lives on its own, it sets prices of products, manufactures the products which it wants but if it decides to cooperate with other countries, it has to follow the special standards and requirements. There are several stages of economic integration which differ from one another with the closeness of economic relations. The beginning stage is the creation of the free trading area between two or more countries. Continue reading

Case Study on Effects of Global Warming

Effects of Global Warming Case Study:

Global warming is the process of the increase of the average temperature of Earth. The process is quite gradual and is caused by the natural and anthropogenic factors. In fact, the impact of the human activity is the leading one, because people have been devastating and polluting the planet heavily for the latest century. Global warming is mainly caused by the air pollution, because the high concentrations of carbon dioxide produced by the heavy industry accumulates heat and causes the so called greenhouse effect, which heats the atmosphere increasing the average temperature and contaminating the air. The smog which is produced by the industrial wastes does not let the sunlight reflect to the space back and the light remains in the atmospheres heating it.

For more than fifteen years the problem of global warming has been the most popular one, because the scientists all over the world noticed the gradual increase of the temperature and the effect of this warming up process. The most obvious effect of the global warming up process is the increase of the average temperature what influences the climate of the certain zones. Continue reading

Case Study on Friendship

Friendship Case Study:

Friendship is the relation between people, which is based on love, respect, trust, sincerity, common interests and hobbies. The most important characteristics of friendship are mutuality, trust and patience. It is obvious that friendship is probably the most valuable thing in the world, because if several people are connected with the common interests, respect, mutuality and trust, it can be more important than love.

Close friends are those who are ready to help in difficult situation, support and share the happy and sorrow moments. Friendship is a psychological phenomenon, which is based on the attitude towards other people. If people survive some complicated moments together, they become connected spiritually and they most often become friends. It is not so easy to become a good friend, because if one simply knows somebody and spends time with him, he is called a mate but not a friend. The latter term is deeper and has more varied meaning. Continue reading

Case Study on Cash Flow Statement

Cash Flow Statement Case Study:

Cash flow statement is the financial statement about the finance of the company and its use in the current period of time. This statement reflects the current financial condition of the company, the supply with the money or its loss. It is natural, that cash flow statement is a very important thing for the objective analysis of the financial capability of the company, because it illustrates all the financial processes, the quality of the company’s work, the productiveness of the results, long-term debts, etc.

Of course, cash flow statement presents the results of the chosen periods of the company’s activity, but not only the current period. This helps to compare the results with the statements which were conducted a year, season or month ago with the current results and on the basis of this comparison one can understand the strong and the weak sides of the financial work of the company, learn about the roots of the failure, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Facebook Marketing

Facebook Marketing Case Study:

Facebook is the most developed and popular social network which does not only connects people from all countries, but also becomes a powerful means of marketing for the modern business. The primary purpose of Facebook was communication and making friends, sharing of information, entertainment, etc but now every company has its page on the network and advertises its goods and services all over the world.

The Internet and social networks, especially Facebook, have opened completely new ways of marketing. First of all advertising is cheap and even free, companies can post their ads in the big quantities and if they are followed by someone, the potential customers would see the ads and probably read them what increases the chance of the company to sell something. The successful Facebook marketing depends on the knowledge about the structure of the social network and the principle of its use. If the businessman wants to create a page which would serve as the main source of advertising, he should be aware about the laws and principles of the organization of the network. Continue reading

Case Study on Educational Technology

Educational Technology Case Study:

Educational technology is the complicated system of the creation, management and application of the process of education based on the technical and human factors and their interrelation. In general, educational technology is the policy and system of methods which are aimed to make the process of education completely controlled and predictable.

The problem of the improvement of the quality of education has always existed in the society, because it is quite difficult to invent the ideal approach to every child and create the general standard system which would train student’s knowledge and develop his skills. Due to the hard work and innovations of the talented pedagogues it has become possible to systematize the experience in the field of education and define its direct aspects. Every educational system is supposed to be integrated, structured, functional, communicative, possess relations with history and traditions. Continue reading

Case Study on Effective Teamwork

Effective Teamwork Case Study:

Effective teamwork is the appropriate distribution of the labour force and intellectual tasks among the members of the single group for the quality fulfilment of the certain job. Naturally, the teamwork is the essential phenomenon of the human society which demonstrates that people are the social creatures. There is hardly a person who can exist without other people, because a human requires communication and all forms of the social relations.

Teamwork is the activity which is fulfilled by a group of people to reach the certain aim as it is easier and faster to work in a group than alone. Teamwork has always existed in the human society and probably the human civilization would never have been build without the ability of people to cooperate. Cooperation is important in all the fields of the human activity: business, education, politics, economics, science, etc. In fact, it is quite difficult to construct the natural and healthy effective teamwork, which would make the work easier, as there are cases that the disability to organize the group work ruins the whole job. Continue reading

How to Write a Case Study for a Research Paper

Tips on Writing a Case Study for a Research Paper:

When a case study is an integral part of a research paper, the student is supposed to take many efforts to succeed. It is not so easy to prepare a good case study possessing poor writing experience, so the case study writing guidelines below will play the important role in the quality writing of the assignment.

  1. Choose a Good TopicIf the student plans to succeed in the process of writing, he should compose the best paper which would be treated like the original one and a good unique topic will be helpful for it. The topic should be short but captive. The reader should recognize what the problem will be just looking at the title of the case study. The topic should be closely connected with the general topic of the research paper, because a case study is one of the major parts of the whole assignment making it informative and valid. Continue reading

Case Study on Dell Supply Chain Management

Dell Supply Chain Management Case Study:

Dell is the American corporation which is one of the leading manufacturers of computer technologies. The corporation occupies its 26th place among the most prosperous and successful companies in the world. The corporation was founded in 1984 and in 2003 became known as Dell, Inc. In 1987 Dell entered the European market in the mid-90-ies – the Asian market. The corporation was several times selected as the most favourite American company, no wonder, its profit was so high, that it covered the cost of production and made its owners rich. Today Dell is so famous and developed that it has conquered and purchased many smaller companies in order to remain one of the most influential computer manufacturers on the market.

The secret of the corporation’s success is its supply chain. Dell is known to be the company which is “close” to its customers and always follows their requirements and expectations. Continue reading

How to Write a Case Study on a Disease

Writing a Good Case Study on a Disease:

When there is the assignment connected with the case study writing, the student should remember that the paper is expected to have the strict order, valid arguments, wise solutions and professional methodology. Many students can find a case study on a disease difficult, but of one reads the case study writing tips below, he will manage to construct an adequate paper which would impress every professor.

  1. Study the Problem EfficientlyBefore starting writing it is important to understand the expectations of the professor about the case study. One should communicate to the teacher and ask everything about the case study and the process of its writing, including the content and format of the assignment. After that one should understand what he has to research and what the predicted results will be. Everything should be planned at the very beginning in order to move towards the analysis of the case of the disease gradually. Continue reading