Case Study on Career Development

Career Development Case Study:

Career development is the process which is characterized with the organization of the personal life, interests, education, self-improvement and motivation for the creation of his own career which would develop gradually during the whole his life. The majority of modern people of the developed countries are interested in the creation of their career in order to reach success in their life. Career is most often associated with prosperity, development of numerous positive traits of the human character, like discipline, patience, creativity, industriousness, etc.

Naturally, career development is a complicated process which requires time and efforts, as without hard work and ambitiousness it is impossible to reach to the top of the career ladder.

The most common start of the career development is the employment after graduation from a college or university at the approximate age of 25. Continue reading

Case Study on Psychological Barriers to Communication

Psychological Barriers to Communication Case Study:

Psychological barriers to communication are the obstacles which occur in the process of communication because of the personal emotional condition of both sides of the conversation.

Psychological barriers occur quite frequently during conversation because of numerous reasons, which most often depend on the current human psychological condition and the human temperament. Sometimes it happens that the human being is an introvert, so it is often difficult to persuade such a person to communicate a lot, because she simply does not need it.

Of course, there are more distinct barriers which are characterized with the human experience, for example, the individual has inner barriers which depend on his bringing up, education, stereotypes and prejudices. When the person has had experience in communication with the definite type of people, he will treat this type according to his first impression. Continue reading

Case Study on Family Owned Business

Family Owned Business Case Study:

Family owned business is the type of a firm which is owned by the members of the single family and all the decisions concerning the production and development of the company are made by them. It is very easy to recognize a family owned business, because all the highest positions and whole control over the processes of the company’s work are performed by the members of the single family. Moreover, the management is fulfilled by the members of a family who belong to different generations, so that they learn about the manner and approach towards management borrowing the experience form their parents and grandparents. A family business is supposed to be the oldest form of business, because centuries ago people who decided to start their own business, like trade, craft (carpenter, blacksmith, cooper, etc) opened at home (the family lived in one room and the other room was devoted to business) and involved all the members of the family into the work. Obviously, at the very beginning families could not afford employing other people to work on their business and the members of the family (grandparents, children) had to work for the family’s best. Continue reading

Case Study on Mall Management

Mall Management Case Study:

Mall management is the complex of actions aimed at the appropriate organization of the structure of a mall and its components. A mall is a big shopping centre which embraces several or one big building which include a great number of stores, restaurants, resting areas, cinema theatres and other objects which serve for the satisfaction of the client’s needs.

Obviously, nowadays malls can be called the most popular places which connect people who want to purchase something and spend time with pleasure. It is possible to buy the goods of all possible types in the one building and to have a snack and good rest, no wonder, the popularity of malls can not be overestimated. Of course, it is not easy to manage such a huge building without the special knowledge and experience in the sphere of marketing. Many people think that a mall is a random complex of stores, but the truth is the opposite one, because mall management is a complicated science which requires knowledge of social sciences, psychology and ethics. Continue reading

Case Study on Family Conflict

Family Conflict Case Study:

A family conflict is a conflict which occurs between the members of the single family and most often it is understood as the quarrel between the representatives of different generations. A family is the core of the human society and everyone belongs to the certain family where he was born and grew up. Obviously, a human being is an emotional creature which has her own point of view, desires and ambitions, so when the opinions of several people do not meet – conflicts appear. One of the most common types of conflicts is a family conflict, because the human being spends more than a half of her time with her relatives. It is natural that there are misunderstandings between parents, parents and children and between children.

Conflicts between children can be called a norm, because it is a part of the child’s life and it is useful for him face conflicts with his brother or sister in order to get prepared to the grownup life. Continue reading

Case Study on Global Financial Crisis

Global Financial Crisis Case Study:

Global financial crisis or the financial crisis of 2007–2008 is the economic crisis which can be called the strongest one since the times of the Great Depression. The active phase of the global economic crisis was in the middle of November, 2008 and then there was the reduction of the negative economic processes. The crisis was first noticed in September, 2008 when several US financial firms bankrupted or merged with other firms in order to avoid conservation or bankruptcy. Of course, the crisis was not a sudden one, because the whole year of 2007 was associated with the gradual fall of production and the reduction of the stability of the prominent American and European financial institutions. The crisis started with the bankruptcy of the big financial institutions of the USA which caused bankruptcy of several biggest banks in Europe. After that the crisis had the global influence causing harm to the economy of every country in the world reducing the cost of stocks, goods and services. Continue reading

Case Study on Business, Government and Society

Business, Government and Society Case Study:

Business, government and society are the three major components of the modern human civilization which is aimed at the constant and gradual development and self-improvement.

Naturally, form the first sight these three elements are not connected with one another, but the truth is actually completely different. Society is the main component of the civilization, because it embraces all the people, social groups and social classes who coexist in the single territory according to the norms which have been working for centuries. The government is the force which has the purpose of strict and fair control over the processes occurring in the society. The government creates laws and norms which everyone should obey in order to live in harmony and peace with the people around. Continue reading

Case Study on Conflict Management in Hotels

Conflict Management in Hotels Case Study:

Conflict management in hotels is the issue related with the resolution of conflicts in hotels which occur between clients and staff of the institution. Nowadays, with the rapid growth of the hotel business the problem of conflicts has become very urgent and there are several reasons for it. First of all, the number of hotels in the world has increased enormously and the competition in this sector has become quite tense and hotels have to improve the quality of their services constantly if they want to attract clients and satisfy their needs. The modern hotel visitors are able to compare the quality of services and the prices in different hotels and decide whether they want to stay at a hotel for such a price. Evidently, many clients demand better service of the money they pay and various conflicts with the administration occur. Continue reading

Case Study on Conflict Resolution and Critical Thinking

Conflict Resolution and Critical Thinking Case Study:

Conflict resolution and critical thinking are the two interconnected elements, because it is impossible to solve the problem successfully without the smart and independent approach towards it. A conflict is the integral part of the human everyday life, because all people are different and everyone has his own preferences, desires and points of view. When people are not able to accept the idea of the opponent, conflicts appear. It is easy to provoke a conflict, but it is very difficult to resolve it correctly, especially when both sides have offended one another several times. Obviously, the best way to resolve every conflict is to turn on one’s critical thinking skill, which helps one to look at the arguments and point of view of the opposite side soberly. Continue reading

Business Forecasting Case Study

Case Study on Business Forecasting:

Business forecasting is the process of predicting of the activity and development of business in the following year. Sometimes it is possible to confuse business forecasting with business planning but these processes are not the same, as the latter is a more serious one and requires deep investigation and analysis. Business forecasting is a flexible process which can be conducted in different parts of the year and its aim is to build the constructive plans for the future thinking about the details of production, the possible change or improvement of strategy, etc.

Business forecasting starts form the creation of the approximate plans for the future work of the company. The employer begins to predict the possible development of the firm, makes plans and decisions but he has to be always on the safe side taking into account possible risks and failures. Continue reading