Category Archives: Case studies

Case Study on Rational Emotive Therapy

Rational Emotive Therapy Case Study:

Rational emotive therapy is the trend in psychological therapy and psychological consulting suggested by Albert Ellis in 1955, which aimed at the change of the understanding of the cause of the psychological disorders in the specific way. According to rational emotive therapy the patient has a disorder not because he has gone through the certain problem in his life and not because of the serious negative life experience, but because of the irrational cognitive processes (ideas, belief, false understanding, fears, etc.).

The patient suffers from a disorder, his behaviour and emotions are altered, because he just believes that the behaviour of the regular type would be harmful for him. The purpose of rational emotive therapy is to destroy the irrationals beliefs of the patient and change his worldview and attitude towards the surrounding world. Continue reading

Case Study on School Leadership

School Leadership Case Study:

School leadership is the complex of actions which are applied for the appropriate organization of the educational institution, recruitment of the teaching staff, the improvement of the quality of education and supply of the school with the necessary equipment. School leadership is associated with the principal of the school who is supposed to maintain the improvement of the educational process, the right condition of the school building, etc.

The school leader is supposed to be aware about the problems of the educational system, he has to possess experience in the field of education and he should possess the knowledge of a psychologist in order to be able to communicate with people. The leader is expected to be sociable, he should manage the conflicts, evaluate the condition and the quality of education, he should know how to cope with difficult children and what schedule is the most appropriate for every group of students. Continue reading

Case Study on Social Security

Social Security Case Study:

Social security is the system of efforts, policies and strategies which are conducted by the government and various organizations aimed at the maintenance of life, activity and development of the human being. Social security is probably the most important function of the country, because the basic human need is the need of security, peace and guarantee of the stable and secure life.

The government of every country creates its own variants of solutions and decisions which would be useful for the facilitation of peace and security in the society. The system of social security is quite varied and one can define such spheres as: affordable healthcare, affordable education, social insurance, pension, the system of social services, charity, private aid, etc. Continue reading

Case Study on Personal Effectiveness

Personal Effectiveness Case Study:

Personal effectiveness is the complex of techniques which improve the self-help of everyone making him an effective employee. Nowadays every organization is supposed to have a manager who regulates the activity of employee, follows and facilitates their work and makes the quality of work higher. Of course, one must not rely simply on the facilitation of the manager and outer motivation, so one has to develop his own skills which can be effective in his occupation. First of all personal effectiveness is the model which helps to develop the positive approach towards work.

One should get rid of fears, nervousness and start to believe in the success and quality of his activity. Total positive attitude towards work is the core component of the successful transformations of the human behaviour and sober and constructive solutions. The employee is expected to start cooperating with the rest of the staff in order to get rid of the complexes related with the social activity and interpersonal relations. Continue reading

Case Study on Oil Industry

Oil Industry Case Study:

Oil industry is the branch of economics which is based on the extraction, production, transportation, storage and sale of oil and its products. Moreover, the industry includes such processes as the discovery of the areas rich in this resource, the complex of work related with drilling and extraction of oil in the safe and reasonable way. Oil is supposed to be one of the most important and valuable natural resources which has made the current image of the human civilization. Oil industry has made great impact of the development of the human society and quality of life. Due to the development of oil industry the humanity received the chance to build transportation system, heating and activate the development of other branches of industry.

Extraction of petroleum is a very difficult process, which is characterized with the drilling of wells, their repair, purification of oil from water, sulphur, paraffin, etc. Oil industry is the most profitable industry existing nowadays. The whole process of extraction and production of oil is conducted by the special companies which rent or purchase the territories where wells can be found and they organize the whole work scrupulously. Some corporations not only produce petroleum but also sell it. Continue reading

Case Study on Personality Disorders

Personality Disorders Case Study:

Personality disorders are the psychological disorders and conditions and behavioural types which have the tendency to stability and influence the individual’s lifestyle, behaviour and attitude towards himself and surrounding people. Some types of these conditions and disorders appear in the process of the human development in childhood and as a result of the outer factors of the environment. Moreover, such forms of behaviour appear in the process of the social development.

The normal condition of the human behaviour was described by psychologists years ago and it is possible to recognize the disorder and various alterations in the behaviour easily. Personality disorders are characterized with the change of the regular behavioural norms and are followed by the personal and social disintegration. Continue reading

Case Study on Office Etiquette

Office Etiquette Case Study:

Office etiquette is the set of the informal rules which have to be followed by every employee who works at an office and wants to reach to the success in his work. Office etiquette does not differ from the original general rules and principles of etiquette but still has its own original forms and aspects. The starting point of the appropriate behaviour at an office is characterized with the constant attention to the duties and respect to all the co-workers. The employee must not spend too much time chatting in Facebook, especially when there is a special meeting, conversation with the client and other employee.

This activity steals attention and shows disrespect towards the client. Then, one must not talk over the telephone at work and gossip about other people, because if the boss, co-workers or clients see a chattering employee, that will not treat him seriously and will probably try to apply to another clerk. Continue reading

Case Study on Personality Types

Personality Types Case Study:

Personality types are the different types of the human behaviour, self-consciousness, courage and other traits which divide people into the special groups and categories possessing the common features. It is obvious that everyone is a unique personality with the unique appearance and inner world, but is has been proved that there are certain definite types of personality with which everyone can associate himself.

It is obvious that personality types is quite a complicated and abstract topic, no wonder there are many theories which try to explain this issue in the appropriate way. The most common understanding of the types of personality is the division of people into the two main categories: introverts and extraverts. Introverts are the individuals who prefer hiding their emotions in their inner world, they communicate little but listen to a lot. Continue reading

Case Study on Radio Advertising

Radio Advertising Case Study:

Radio advertising is the process of promotion of goods, services and firms which produce them through the radio. Radio is the second after press means of mass media which appeared in the end of the 19th century and in the first part of the 20th century radio was popular all over the world.

First of all radio fulfilled the role of the news supplier and entertainer and very soon it began to fulfill the commercial role advertising goods and services maintaining the developing process of mass production and retail trade. Radio advertising exists for more than a century and the principle of advertising has not changed seriously. There have been lots of investigations on the matter of radio advertising which were based on the economic and psychological factors. With the rapid development of the capitalistic economy the number of firms increased constantly and as a result the necessity and popularity of the radio increased in the same tempo. Continue reading

Case Study on Panic Disorder

Panic Disorder Case Study:

Panic disorder is a psychological disorder which is characterized with the spontaneous panic attacks the frequency of which rates from several times per year to several times per day.

Moreover, the patient is waiting for these attacks because he feels that they occur soon. Every patient who suffers from panic disorder survives numerous episodes of intensive and strong anxiety – attacks of panic. Attacks of panic continue generally no more than 10 minutes, though there are cases when they last a minute or two and sometimes up to 30 minutes and the feeling of anxiety can last approximately one hour. The attacks can differ according to their symptoms and also they can include the stable set of symptoms: tachycardia, sweating, dizziness, shortness of breath, tremor, experience of the uncontrollable fear, etc. A great percent of patients suffers from the attacks every week and sometimes several times a week. Continue reading